The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Recreational Math by Jennifer Beineke (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2015
  • Number of pages: 273 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 16.03 MB
  • Authors: Jennifer Beineke


The history of mathematics is filled with major breakthroughs resulting from solutions to recreational problems. Problems of interest to gamblers led to the modern theory of probability, for example, and surreal numbers were inspired by the game of Go. Yet even with such groundbreaking findings and a wealth of popular-level books exploring puzzles and brainteasers, research in recreational mathematics has often been neglected. The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects brings together authors from a variety of specialties to present fascinating problems and solutions in recreational mathematics.Contributors to the book show how sophisticated mathematics can help construct mazes that look like famous people, how the analysis of crossword puzzles has much in common with understanding epidemics, and how the theory of electrical circuits is useful in understanding the classic Towers of Hanoi puzzle. The card game SET is related to the theory of error-correcting codes, and simple tic-tac-toe takes on a new life when played on an affine plane. Inspirations for the book’s wealth of problems include board games, card tricks, fake coins, flexagons, pencil puzzles, poker, and so much more.Looking at a plethora of eclectic games and puzzles, The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects is sure to entertain, challenge, and inspire academic mathematicians and avid math enthusiasts alike.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Recreational mathematics as defined by Wikipedia is a term for mathematics carried out for recreation (entertainment) rather than as a strictly research and application-based professional activity, although it is not necessarily limited to being an endeavor for amateurs. It often involves mathematical puzzles and games.Perhaps the greatest proponent of recreational mathematics was Martin Gardner, with his Mathematical Games column than ran in Scientific American from 1956 to 1986. The entire collection of Gardner’s columns is available on CD-ROM.In The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Recreational Math, editors Jennifer Beineke & Jason Rosenhouse have gathered 17 chapters on various entertaining subjects.The use of recreational math here is meant for those with a very strong math background. While chapters such as Minimalist Approaches to Figurative Maze Design, Solving the Tower of Hanoi with Random Moves and Groups Associated to Tetraflexagons (folded flexagons) will challenge most readers. Advanced chapters such as From the Outside In: Solving Generalizations of the Slothouber-Graatsma-Conway Puzzle, An Introduction to Gilbreath Numbers and Representing Numbers Using Fibonacci Variants requires the reader to have a strong background in academic mathematics.While not directly an information security title, The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects will stimulate and entertain those looking for a highly rigorous book of recreational mathematics to challenge their mind.

⭐This is the kind of book you will love if as you are reading, you like to pause and try what is being spoken about, but be warned: if you enjoy mathematics, you may have a hard time getting back to the book to continue on! This gives you a chance to discover and learn at the same time while you expand your math knowledge and skills. You will need some ability at math, better than high school.It tackles things with such depth, even things that you are familiar with and have read about before, but expanded the horizon past the edge will leave you thinking what else is still to be discovered.I am not sure about the other post left here by Ben Rothke, stating the definition about ‘recreational mathematics is carried out for recreation.’ Whereas this may be true, it doesn’t just stop there, I mean, some of the best discoveries happen because of fooling around with a matter that may start as recreational, but results with solutions that enlarge our understanding purely by accident.If you enjoy mathematics and can’t resist a good puzzle without giving it a try, this is the book for you.

⭐really good variety – an excellent selection and a good read…..

⭐La matematica ricreativa è dannatamente seria. Magari non ci credete, ma è così: il suo punto di partenza è ovviamente diverso da quello per esempio della fisica matematica, ma una volta impostato il problema la sua risuluzione può essere semplice o complicata, o magari impossibile, esattamente allo stesso modo. Questo testo raccoglie svariati contributi, dall’analisi dei giochi di carte ai giochi da tastiera, ma anche sui problemi matematici classici, tutti però studiati matematicamente. Non si usano tecniche troppo avanzate, anche se confesso di avere saltato a piè pari alcune pagine di conti noiosi su giochi che a me non interessavano. Ma alcune tecniche, come quella di Peter Winkler sulle dimostrazioni combinatoriche semplificate, o quella di Gary Gordon ed Elizabeth MacMahon che prende il gioco di carte Set e mostra le sue connessioni con i codici a correzione di errore, danno delle ottime idee su come vedere i giochi in un modo diverso.Il mio dispiacere è che un libro come questo è troppo costoso. Sono riuscito a trovarlo in offerta a poco più di 50 euro, contro i 75 dollari del prezzo pieno; è vero che è rilegato, a colori e su carta pesante, ma se avessi voluto prendere la versione elettronica avrei comunque pagato 51 euro. Questo significa che solo i pazzi come me lo acquisteranno, e i proventi saranno inferiori di quello che si potrebbe avere se fosse venduto alla metà del prezzo. Una situazione lose-lose, insomma.


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