Ebook Info
- Published: 2012
- Number of pages: 998 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 10.04 MB
- Authors: Andrew Zangwill
An engaging writing style and a strong focus on the physics make this comprehensive, graduate-level textbook unique among existing classical electromagnetism textbooks. Charged particles in vacuum and the electrodynamics of continuous media are given equal attention in discussions of electrostatics, magnetostatics, quasistatics, conservation laws, wave propagation, radiation, scattering, special relativity and field theory. Extensive use of qualitative arguments similar to those used by working physicists makes Modern Electrodynamics a must-have for every student of this subject. In 24 chapters, the textbook covers many more topics than can be presented in a typical two-semester course, making it easy for instructors to tailor courses to their specific needs. Close to 120 worked examples and 80 applications boxes help the reader build physical intuition and develop technical skill. Nearly 600 end-of-chapter homework problems encourage students to engage actively with the material. A solutions manual is available for instructors at www.cambridge.org/Zangwill.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
So long Jackson. Any university physics program that doesnt hop on board this text within the mext 5 years has failed their students!Ive spent quite a bit of time cover to cover and i am thoroughly impressed.Jackson, of course, is as solid as they come but woe to those hoping for a modern understanding of ED.Zangwill accomplishes a much needed update.This book has something for everyone!Pursuing theoretical physics? CheckPursuing space physics? CheckPursuing materials science? CheckPursuing biophysics? CheckPursuing nano/quantum/macro optics? CheckYou will find applications and examples worked out for myriad fields and speciaties! The chapter exercises are challenging and apt. The author is not afraid of getting his hands dirty with details but not so much it becomes pedantic.My only criticism is that some of the sections can be muddy and confusing and id prefer 2 foot long margins.Im envious of all those who get to use zangwill for a graduate ED course as a main or supporting text.. Absolutely impressed. Worth every penny.
I have been working in the field of applied electromagnetics at NASA for 15 years. I own over 20 textbooks on the subject, and recently added Professor Zangwill’s book to my collection. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite resources. For those looking for an update to the classic Jackson text, or looking for a general resource that covers a wide range of fundamental topics, this book is an ideal choice.
After a first read-through, I really enjoyed Prof. Zangwill’s book. Chapter 8 “Poisson’s Equation” was the biggest “lightbulb event” for me: the presentation of “The Green Function Method” is clear and well-motivated. The Physics is much more in the forefront of the mathematical tools in all the chapters.Problem 8.22 “Green Function for a Dented Beer Can” made me laugh in the context of this season (2019). “ZZZZZZZZ! STING ‘EM!!”, “GO, JACKETS!!”The Sources, References and Additional Reading at the end of each chapter are extensive and thought-provoking. Mastering any topic requires study of multiple perspectives: Jackson’s “Classical Electrodynamics” and Zangwill’s “Modern Electrodynamics” complement each other well.The historical inserts give compelling reminders that Physics is a human endeavor. I love that stuff.
After years and years of being force-fed Jackson, graduate students finally have another option to learn electrodynamics from. For a graduate electrodynamics text, the exposition is about as clear as it could ever get. The intricacies of each equation are explained thoroughly with enthusiasm, and, as a bonus, historical facts are included that give some context to the development of the subject. Plenty of examples are spread throughout each chapter, and they often involve real applications of the concepts at hand (cylindrically symmetric potentials act as electron lenses?). The one downside of the book is that, in spite of being quite thorough, the unique way Zangwill approaches the subject involved organizing topics in a way that makes learning from the book difficult for courses centered around Jackson’s text. This is not a fault of the book however – more so the graduate courses that still cling to the tradition of using Jackson as first-year hazing. It seems that more and more universities are switching to Zangwill though, which is a good sign.
Reading through Zangwill, you get the impression that the author actually wrote this book with the purpose of teaching people about electromagnetism. Topics are presented clearly. A large number of examples are given. Chapters and sections are not so terse that you start to question who the book was written for, if not graduate students attempting to learn graduate level E&M. Zangwill is a pleasure to read and a must have for every physics graduate student.
Zangwill’s textbook is without doubt the very best textbook for the standard graduate school level course in Classical Electrodynamics or Classical Electromagnetism normally required of beginning graduate students in physics. Students will learn far more of what they need to know from Zangwill’s book than from the old J.D. Jackson textbook. Enough said.
I used this book in a graduate electromagnetics class and it is great. It is readable and interesting, but at a slightly higher level than a book like Griffiths. There are lot of interesting applications and examples. I actually read along with Feynman’s Lectures on Physics, Vol. 2 (now available publicly online) while going through this book, and they complement each other well. This book teaches a lot of the same concepts as Feynman’s Lectures, Vol. 2, Chapters 1-29, but with much more mathematical rigor and complex applications.
As the resident “knows something about physics” person in my research lab, this book came with the shock of fresh insight that rivals what an charged particle might feel along a Cherenkov wavefront. Yes, with this book, you too might be able to make your own physics-sounding analogies. In the past, having well exhausted Feynman’s lectures and moved past introductory texts like Griffiths, you might suddenly find yourself stranded in an intellectual desert with none but the cold, formidable Jackson as a companion. No longer. This book provides the much needed intermediate resource with full language and excitement of modern electromagnetics. I admit, I sometimes relax by flipping through the book, watching the many subtle issues, both fundamental and sometimes self-inflicted, being brought out to clarity.There is the minor point that the figures are occasionally subpar. It’s certainly nothing that will impede understanding, but anyone with basic training in Illustrator might cringe at what is most probably the publisher’s neglect.
Truly modern in its treatment, this textbook is what every grad student and advanced undergrad needs.It contains a lot of modern topics that cannot be found easily in other textbooks. A very nice example of this is that of magnetic helicity, which is a central concept in modern topological field theories.The writing is also very pedagogical. This can be seen from the section of the covariant formulation of electrodynamics where the author clearly explains what each term in the Lagrangian represents.In comparison with Jackson’s famous textbook on EM, this is much better written and, expectedly, much more up-to-date.This will surely be my first choice of an EM textbook, but I must say that it must be supplementwed by Jackson, as there are some sections in Zangwill’s textbook that aren’t as high level as the corresponding sections in Jackson’s textbook.A must-have for any serious graduate student and ambitious undergraduate student.
The book is a little daunting to start. There is a lot of material. A lot. It’s got all the basic stuff you’ll find in Griffiths but it’s also go the advanced topics in Jackson’s too. All ideas are flushed out well and the example problems are very instructive. The questions range quite considerably in difficulty as well which builds up your confidence before tackling the complicated stuff.Zangwil clearly cares a lot of about subject and I can envision this becoming the number one textbook prescribed to graduate students in the future. If Jackson’s is prescribed at your uni, get this book. It’s going to help.
This book has been a very good alternative for the Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson. The book has a huge number of problems. These problems are chosen from a vast number of references on Electromagnetics. The solution manual is also available for instructors. The level of this book is in between the Griffiths and Jackson. A must read for someone who wants to dwell further into research and developing expertise in the area of electromagnetics.
Explica muito melhor que Griffiths.Não é tão complicado como Jackson.Bought this at reduced price ~₹2500. Turned out it’s a copy. Not the original. Extremely disappointed
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