Ebook Info
- Published: 2013
- Number of pages: 507 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 20.14 MB
- Authors: Umran S. Inan
Demonstrates how electromagnetic concepts are important to modern electrical engineering applications.Detailed examples, selected application examples, abundant illustrations, and numerous end-of-chapter problems emphasizing practical applications.For electrical engineers interested in electromagnetics.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: From the Back Cover Electromagnetic Waves continues the applied approach used in the authors’ successful Engineering Electromagnetics. The second book is appropriate for a second course in Electromagnetics that covers the topic of waves and the application of Maxwell’s equations to electromagnetic events.FEATURES/BENEFITSDemonstrates how electromagnetic concepts are important to modern electrical engineering applications.More examples and problems than competing booksAll include references to current literature or practical applications.Footnotes and biographies.An intuitive and progressive approachCovers topics in order of increasing complexity.Emphasis on physical understanding and clarityWithout sacrificing rigor and completeness.Detailed examples, selected application examples, abundant illustrations, and numerous end-of-chapter problems emphasizing practical applications.Historical notes, abbreviated biographies, and hundreds of footnotes. About the Author UMRAN S. INAN is Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, where he serves as Director of the Space, Telecommunications, and Radioscience (STAR) Laboratory. He has received the 1998 Stanford University Tau Beta Pi Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and actively conducts research in electromagnetic waves in plasmas, lightning discharges, ionospheric physics, and very low frequency remote sensing. Dr. Inan has served as the Ph.D. thesis advisor for 13 students and is a senior member of IEEE, a member of Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, the American Geophysical Union, the Electromagnetics Academy, and serves as Secretary of U.S. National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).AZIZ S. INAN is Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Portland, where he has also served as Department Chairman. A winner of the University’s faculty teaching award, he conducts research in electromagnetic wave propagation in conducting and inhomogeneous media. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi and IEEE. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Preface This book provides engineering students with a solid grasp of electromagnetic waves, by emphasizing physical understanding and practical applications. Starting with Maxwell’s equations, the text provides a comprehensive treatment of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in empty space or material media, their reflection and refraction at planar boundaries, their guiding within metallic or dielectric boundaries, their interaction with matter, and their generation by simple sources. Electromagnetic Waves is designed for senior and first-year graduate college and university engineering and physics students, for those who wish to learn the subject through self-study, and for practicing engineers who need an up-to-date reference text. The student using this text is assumed to have completed a typical (third- or fourth-year) undergraduate course in electromagnetic fundamentals. KEY FEATURES The key features of this textbook are Intuitive and progressive chapter organizationEmphasis on physical understanding and practical applicationsDetailed examples, selected application examples, and abundant illustrationsNumerous end-of-chapter problems, emphasizing selected practical applicationsHistorical notes and abbreviated biographies of the great scientist pioneersEmphasis on clarity without sacrificing rigor and completenessHundreds of footnotes providing physical insights and leads for further readingProgressive Chapter Organization We use a physical, intuitive, and progressive approach, covering electromagnetic wave phenomena in order of increasing complexity. Starting with Maxwell’s equations (Chapter 1) as the experimentally based fundamental laws, we first (Chapter 2) study their most profound implications: the propagation of electromagnetic waves through empty space or unbounded simple media. We then (Chapter 3) discuss the reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves from simple planar boundaries, followed by (Chapter 4) the guiding of electromagnetic waves within planar metallic or dielectric structures. Guiding of electromagnetic waves within cylindrical structures and electromagnetic resonators are discussed next (Chapter 5), followed by coverage of the interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter and their generation by simple sources (Chapter 6). Emphasis on Physical Understanding Future engineers and scientists need a clear understanding and a firm grasp of the basic principles so that they can understand, formulate, and interpret the results of complex practical problems. Engineers and scientists nowadays do not (and should not) spend time on working out formulas and obtaining numerical results by substitution. As most of the number crunching and formula manipulations are left to computers and packaged application and design programs, a solid grasp of fundamentals is now more essential than ever before. We maintain a constant link with established as well as new and emerging applications throughout the text, so that the reader’s interest remains perked up, while at the same time emphasizing fundamental physical insight and solid understanding of basic principles. We strive to empower the reader with more than just a working knowledge of the manipulation of a dry set of vector relations and formulas. We supplement rigorous analyses with extensive discussions of the physical nature of the electromagnetic fields and waves involved, often from alternative points of view. In emphasizing physical understanding, we attempt to distill the essentials of physically based treatments available in physics texts, while presenting them in the context of traditional and emerging engineering applications. Detailed Examples and Abundant Illustrations We present the material in a clear and simple yet precise and accurate manner, with interesting examples illustrating each new concept. Many examples emphasize selected applications of electromagnetic waves. A total of 74 illustrative examples are detailed over six chapters, with two of the chapters having more than 20 examples. Each example is presented with an abbreviated topical title, a clear problem statement, and a detailed solution. Recognizing the importance of visualization in the reader’s understanding, especially in view of the three-dimensional nature of electromagnetic wave phenomena, over 180 diagrams, graphs, and illustrations appear throughout the book. Numerous End-of-Chapter Problems Each chapter concludes with a variety of practice problems to allow the students to test their understanding of the material covered in the chapter, with a total of over 230 exercise problems spread over five chapters. The topical content of each problem is clearly identified in an abbreviated title (e.g., “Infrared antireflection coating” or “GPS signal transmission through the ionosphere”). Many of the problems explore interesting applications, and many practical “real-life” problems are included in each chapter to motivate students. Historical Notes and Abbreviated Biographies The history of the development of electromagnetic waves is laden with outstanding examples of pioneering scientists and development of scientific thought. Throughout our text we maintain a constant link with the pioneering giants and their work in order to bring about a better appreciation of the complex physical concepts and how they were discovered, which helps to motivate readers to keep their interest. We provide abbreviated biographies of the pioneers, emphasizing their scientific work in electromagnetics as well as in other fields, such as optics, heat, chemistry, and astronomy. Emphasis on Clarity without Sacrificing Rigor and Completeness This textbook presents the material at a simple enough level to be readable by senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students, but it is also rigorous in providing references and footnotes for in-depth analyses of selected concepts and applications. We provide the students with a taste of the rigor and completeness of classical reference texts, combined with a level of physical insight that was exemplified so well in some very old texts, while still maintaining the necessary level of organization and presentation clarity required for a modern textbook. We also provide not just a superficial but a sufficiently rigorous and in-depth exposure to a diverse range of applications of electromagnetic waves, in the body of the text, in examples, and in end-of-chapter problems. Hundreds of Footnotes In view of its fundamental physical nature, and its wide-encompassing generality, electromagnetic s is a subject that lends itself particularly well to alternative ways of thinking about physical and engineering problems and is also particularly rich in terms of available scientific literature and many outstanding textbooks. Almost every new concept encountered can be thought of in different ways, and its implications can be explored further by the interested reader. We encourage such scholarly pursuit of enhanced knowledge and understanding by providing tens to hundreds of footnotes in each chapter, providing further comments, qualifications of statements made in the text, and references for in-depth analyses of selected concepts and applications. A total of over 360 footnotes are spread over six chapters. These footnotes do not interrupt the flow of ideas and the development of the main topics, but they provide an unprecedented degree of completeness for a textbook at this level, with interesting and sometimes thought-provoking content to make the subject more appealing. ELECTROMAGNETICS IN ENGINEERING The organization as well as the philosophy of this textbook is motivated by our view of the current status of electromagnetic fundamentals and waves in engineering curricula. Electromagnetic Waves is designed specifically for what normally is the second fields and waves course in most schools, the first one being a course in electromagnetic fundamemals. This book is the second of a sequence of two books by the same authors, the first one, Engineering Electromagnetics, having been designed specifically for the one-semester first course. Understanding electromagnetics and appreciating its applications require a generally higher level of abstraction than most other topics encountered by electrical engineering students. The first course in electromagnetics, which most students take after having had vector calculus, aims at the development and understanding of Maxwell’s equations, which requires the utilization of the full three-dimensional vector form of the fields and their relationships. It is this very step that makes the subject of electromagnetics appear insurmountable to many students and turns off their interest, especially when coupled with a lack of presentation and discussion of important and stimulating applications and the physical (and experimental) bases of the fundamental laws of physics. In our first book, we attempt to overcome this difficulty by (i) using a modern chapter organization, starting with an initial exposure to transmission lines and transients on high-speed distributed circuits, to bridge electrical circuits and electromagnetics, and (ii) emphasizing a combination of physical understanding; practical applications; historical notes and biographies; clarity without sacrificing rigor; and abundant examples, illustrations, and end-of-chapter problems. A first course based on Engineering Electromagnetics provides the students with a working knowledge of transmission lines as well as a solid, physically based background and a firm understanding of Maxwell’s equations and their experimental bases. At that point, the student is ready to study in detail the most important manifestation of Maxwell’s equations: electromagnetic waves, which is the subject of the present book. Since electromagnetics is a mature basic science, and the topics covered in introductory texts are well established, the various texts differ primarily in their organization as well as range and depth of coverage. In formulating our approach, we were cognizant of the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in teaching electromagnetic waves. Challenges include (i) the need to return to fundamentals (rather than rely on derived concepts), especially in view of the many emerging new applications that exploit unusual properties of materials and that rely on unconventional device concepts, and (ii) the need to maintain student interest, in spite of the reputation of electromagnetic s as a difficult and abstract subject. Opportunities are abundant, especially as the engineers working in electronics and computer science are now finding that as devices get smaller and faster, circuit theory is insufficient in describing system performance or facilitating design. The need for a basic understanding of electromagnetic waves and their guided propagation is underscored by the explosive expansion of the use of optical fibers and consideration of extremely high data rates (ranging to 10 Gb-s-1 ) and the emerging use of highperformance, high-density cables for communication within systems that will soon be required to carry digital signals at Gb-s-1 rates over distances of a few meters. The rapidly increasing demand for personal wireless communication systems similarly requires a thorough understanding of the electromagnetic propagation channel, varying from simple line of sight to one that is severely obstructed by buildings and foliage. In addition, issues of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) are beginning to limit the performance of system-, board-, and chiplevel designs, and electrostatic discharge phenomena significantly impact the design and performance of integrated circuits. 1.3 RECOMMENDED COURSE CONTENT This book is specifically designed for a one-term course in electromagnetic waves, nowadays typically the second (required or optional) fields and waves course in most electrical engineering curricula. The recommended course content for a regular three-unit one-semester course (42 contact hours) is provided in Table 1. The sections under “Cover” are recommended for complete coverage, including illustrative examples, while those marked “Skim” are recommended to be covered lightly, although the material provided is complete in case individual students want to go into more detail. The sections marked with a superscript asterisk are intended to provide flexibility to the individual instructor. For example, depending on the desired emphasis, one may want to choose between covering oblique reflection from lossy interfaces (Sec. 3.8), wave propagation in plasmas (Sec. 6.2), or ferrites (Sec. 6.4). Table 1 also shows a recommended course content for a three-unit one-quarter course (27 contact hours) identical to the “Electromagnetic Waves” course (entry course for the fields and waves specialization for the BSEE degree) that one of us taught at Stanford for the past seven years. This topical coverage provides the students with a solid, physically based background and a working knowledge of electromagnetic wave phenomena and their applications. TABLE 1: Suggested course content Quarter course(27 hours) Semester course(42 hours) Chapter Cover Skim Skip Cover Skim Skip 1 All All 2 2.1-2.6 2.7 2.4.4 All 3 3.1-3.7 3.1.1 3.8 3.1-3.7, 3.8* 4 All All 5 5.1,, 5.3.3 5.2.3 5.1, 5.25.3 5.2.3* 6 6.1, 6.2.1 6.5.1, 6.5.2 6.2.2,, 6.5.3 6.1, 6.2*, 6.3*6.4*, 6.5* INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL As educators with a good deal of experience, we firmly believe that practice is the key to learning and that homework and exams are all instruments of teaching—although they may not be regarded as such by the students at the time. In our own courses, we take pride in providing the students with detailed solutions of homework and exam problems, rather than cryptic and abbreviated answers. To aid the instructors who choose to use this text, we have thus taken it upon ourselves to prepare a well-laidout solutions manual, describing the solution of every end-of-chapter problem, in the same step-by-step detailed manner as our illustrative examples within the chapters. The solution for each end-of-chapter problem has been typeset by the authors themselves, with special attention to pedagogical detail. This instructor’s manual is available to instructors upon request from Prentice Hall. As authors of this book, we are looking forward to interacting with its users, both students and instructors, to collect and respond to their comments, questions, and corrections. We can most easily be reached by electronic mail at inan@nova.stanford.edu (URL: http://nova.stanford.edu/~vlf/) and at ainan@egr.up.edu. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge those who have made significant contributions to the successful completion of this text. We thank Professor J. W. Goodman of Stanford for his generous support of textbook writing by faculty throughout his term as department chair. We thank many students at both Stanford and the University of Portland who have identified errors and suggested clarifications. We owe special thanks to our reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions, including J. Bredow of the University of Texas—Arlington, S. Castillo of New Mexico State University, R. J. Coleman of the University of North Carolina—Charlotte, A. Dimes of the University of California—Davis, J. Dunn of the University of Colorado, D. S. Elliott of Purdue University, R. A. Kinney of Louisiana State University, L. Rosenthal of Farleigh Dickinson University, E. Schamiloglu of the University of New Mexico, T. Shumpert of Auburn University, D. Stephenson of Iowa State University, E. Thomson of the University of Florida, J. Volakis of the University of Michigan, and A. Weisshaar of Oregon State University. We greatly acknowledge the efforts of the Addison Wesley Longman staff, including Patti Myers, Anna Eberhard Friedlander, Kamila Storr, Kevin Berry, and our original editor Paul Becker, as well as our current Prentice Hall editor Tom Robbins, whose dedication and support were crucially important in completing this project. We also thank Kris Engberg and other staff of Publication Services, who did an outstanding job with the layout and production of this textbook. We dedicate this book to our parents, Mustafa and Hayriye Inan, for their dedication to our education; to our wives Elif and Belgin, for their persistent support and understanding as this project expanded well beyond our initial expectations and consumed literally all of our available time for too many years; and to our children, Ayse, Ali, Baris, and Cem, for the joy they bring to our lives. —Umran S. Inan —Aziz S. Inan Read more
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐This class and the book sucked balls. I barely passed the class as the material was thought by ex North Korean refuge who could not speak any English and the book was very confusing. Waist of money and too expensive for door stopper
⭐This is one of my favorite books this year.
⭐I took Inan’s class, and first saw this book as a collection of course notes. It was an excellent course, and an excellent set of notes. I purchased the text as soon as it became available. This is my primary reference for Waveguide theory. It does an excellent job treating the fundamentals of waves in a practical format. The text is easy to read, and has many examples. It is a good text to have as a reference and has enough examples to teach (or reteach) yourself.
⭐Like his other book, Engineering Electromagnetics, this one provides a thorough, pretty rigorous treatment of EM waves. It does well with building on concepts, especially in the first half of the book. There are a lot of problems, and most of them have real-world application in mind. I only wish the slab waveguides sections treated the more general asymmetric case, as opposed to only the symmetric one.
⭐The book is not bad, but I wonder why the authors had to publish a separate text, instead of incorporating it into their other one (“Engineering Electromagnetics”). There is a lot of overlap between Chapter 8 of Engineering Electromagnetics and Chapters 2 and 3 in Electromagnetic Waves.
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