The Good Samaritan by John Marrs (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2018
  • Number of pages: 399 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.56 MB
  • Authors: John Marrs


The people who call End of the Line need hope. They need reassurance that life is worth living. But some are unlucky enough to get through to Laura. Laura doesn’t want them to hope. She wants them to die.

Laura hasn’t had it easy: she’s survived sickness and a difficult marriage only to find herself heading for forty, unsettled and angry. She doesn’t love talking to people worse off than she is. She craves it.

But now someone’s on to her—Ryan, whose world falls apart when his pregnant wife ends her life, hand in hand with a stranger. Who was this man, and why did they choose to die together?

The sinister truth is within Ryan’s grasp, but he has no idea of the desperate lengths Laura will go to…

Because the best thing about being a Good Samaritan is that you can get away with murder.

Revised edition: This edition of The Good Samaritan includes editorial revisions.

User’s Reviews

Review “One of the most exciting, original thriller writers out there. I never miss one of his books.” —Simon Kernick

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ I really struggled with how to rate this book. I found it to be well written and organized, however, I thought it lacked believability. Laura, one of the sickest, cruelest characters I have ever encountered in a novel, apparently doesn’t work a paying job, yet she is estranged from her husband and children. How does she maintain her home? Why is it that every evil plot she hatches goes off just as she planned? The subject matter is disturbing as it largely focuses on suicide, murder and mental illness. I caution any reader considering buying this book as it is one of the darkest I’ve ever read.

⭐ I have to say I grabbed this from kindle first because I was awaiting some releases coming up and figured what the hell. Honestly I’m shocked I didn’t put this one away and say forget about it, glad I didn’t but really I probably should have.I feel like this would of been way easier to get through had the chapters for Laura & Ryan ran along side each other than waiting halfway through the book to see his side? I knew right away “Steven” was one of her victims relations so I feel like the better parts of the book, would of helped with the hopelessly dull repetitive beginning. This was one sick plot and not much of a thrill which is why most read a story. “Dark” it says in the synopsis but I would have used a more honest depiction. The Good Samaritan is downright horrifying, its DARKER than Dark.This is not a book for everyone that’s for sure it’s very depressing there is no happy ending for ANYONE in this book. It’s rather disturbing and quite honestly I’m disgusted with myself for not being able to put it down I just had to see how this ended. Honestly I was angry that everyone but the sociopathic mum was dying. She actually is a POISON to everyone including the reader.I’m completely baffled at how to even rate this book. Yes I couldn’t put it down but at the same time I didn’t really end up caring for it either. I guess in the end it’s a 3, even thought I didn’t care for it I couldn’t not finish it so….If you’re interested in reading this one just be prepared it’s a hell of a lot darker than you think.

⭐ Here’s the truth: this book deserves five stars for the plot and writing – both excellent. I would, however, give it zero stars for how much I enjoyed it. I felt compelled to finish it, even though I’ve reached an age where I no longer see it as a sign of weakness and laziness to give up on a book, so props to the author for that.Truthfully, though, I wish I hadn’t read it. I wish I’d never thought about the very real probability that there’s an online board, or boards, for people encouraging each other to commit suicide. I wish I’d never met characters like this. This book made me nervous and depressed although I’m usually pretty cheerful. Since Amazon’s rating system doesn’t work on a writing-to-unpleasantness scale, I’ll just have to go for two stars and hope that only people with very strong stomachs go with this one – because they will, I’m sure, truly enjoy it. Sensitive people probably won’t.

⭐ “I like being thought of as the maternal type. To them, I was helpful, inoffensive, and indispensible, and that suited me down to the ground. Because when you’re not considered to be a threat, you can get away with much, much more.” -LauraThe “heroine” in the book is a Dr. Kevorkian meets Black Dahlia psychopath/ stay at home mommy.The story told is very hard to read, it is not nice or easy reading, in fact it is dirty and nasty going. It feels wrong to have some kind of voyeuristic interest in others suffering. Laura seethes with resentment, anger and ill will as she grits her teeth and puts on the mask of care and concern for those who phone into the suicide prevention call center where she volunteers at.The only love she feels is for her institutionalized young son and a foster brother Olly (who himself is moments from death). Her estranged husband and daughters are self admittedly bit players in her life and reciprocate the can’t be bothered with faking it faces any longer. Fuzzy memories play a huge part in her familial relations.Hatred for anything/anyone less that physical perfection, self hatred, off handed anti-gay remarks. Blood stained underwear from implied child rape. The kitchen sink, nothing is taboo hereBut the juice of the story is the long game being set here. Without spoiling the plot for those reading this… is worth the time. A great twist and turn for those with a strong stomach. It is graphic, the topic is unrepentant and distasteful. Wonderfully written, a true page turner. A PERFECT PICK FOR KINDLE FIRST IF YOU DON’T HAVE DELICATE SENSIBILITIES.Probably my favorite passage from the book which sums up the workings of the inner mind of Laura: “Janine gave me another one of her withering glances, so I made my way back to my booth, willing a terminal illness upon her. Not a short one that developed quickly and snuffed her out within a couple of months, but a long, nasty one that ate the b*tch alive.”Yikes, that is some good stuff right there.

⭐ I am a huge fan of this author. I was never an avid reader in my youth, but ever since Stieg Lars and all the Scandinavian crime writers, I’ve been reading a good amount of books since. I stumbled upon John Marrs book The One, because someone put it on the street (people do this in my neighborhood all the time). And ever since, I’ve been hooked. I’ve put other people onto him and now he has even more fans. LOL Nevertheless, this author has a very nice approach to telling stories. He does not get ridiculously naggy and slow about details, or if he does, it is always intriguing in some way that keeps you hooked. So it is the language, but also the layout. For example, he goes back and forth to different characters, and he does it intentionally abrupt. As you get to know those people, it can be like….wait, what….but as you go along, it all makes sense and becomes one big intertwined mess aka life.This book specifically appealed to me because of the taboo subject. It was definitely not a safe subject, hence, some mixed reviews here and there. But his writing as usual panned out, and I inhaled the book in a few days. So far there hasn’t been a book of his that I didn’t like, but I will keep reading and I might find one of no interest to me. Happy hunting…..

⭐ The book started off on a high note, then began a slow descension into absurdity and chaos. The book is deeply disturbing and as it gets closer to the end it becomes depressing and unrewarding.

⭐ John Marrs, author of “The Good Samaritan,” is a freelance English novelist and journalist. This is his fourth novel and a great example of the ability to conjure up an intriguing story that displays remarkable writing ability.Laura has a soft voice and persuasive insights that serve her well on a telephone counseling hot line. The focus is usually on persuading callers to take another look at their suicidal tendencies with the aim of changing their minds and bringing them back to a happy and fruitful existence. That’s not Laura’s intent. She is obsessed with talking her callers into taking that final step and to be allowed to listen in to their last desperate gasps. Her willingness to go further than that brings big trouble.After persuading two young callers who don’t know each other to take a suicidal leap together off a high seaside cliff, her life begins to take sinister turns. The husband of the pregnant girl leaper and the brother of her tortured young man companion, though not acquainted, go about trying to uncover the mystery of the deaths, eventually leading them both to Laura. Retribution becomes the story and the unraveling of both Laura’s methods and her mind become the focus of Mann’s tale. But make no mistake about it; Laura is no pushover and has some ideas of her own for survival.I found Mann’s story remarkably rendered. The intricate minds of suicidal people are beautifully bound together with those who want to help and those who have ulterior motives. The personalities of both the caregivers and the disturbed are graphically displayed with appropriate situational and grammatical clarity. Laura is carefully detailed as a thoughtful and clever counselor with wrong-headed objectivity. Her victims are depicted as wounded outsiders with no place to turn. The justice seekers are both rightfully infuriated and viciously vindictive.This book had me intrigued from the beginning. Marrs has conjured up a clever and different look at death and its continuous effect on the survivors.Schuyler T WallaceAuthor of TIN LIZARD TALES

⭐ JUNE 2020 : 4 STARS. The people who call “End of the Line” need hope; they need reassurance that life is worth living. But some are unlucky enough to get through to Laura. Laura doesn’t want them to hope; she wants them to die.TRIGGER ALERT – Suicide. First let me say I love John Marrs’ books. The Passengers, The One & What Lies Between Us were all 5-Star reads for me. I was a little leery of this book’s subject matter. I was lucky enough to get this book on sale for $.99 but definitely would have paid full price. At 30% I was glad this book took a detour to the widowed husband left behind and revenge on Laura. OMG shocker at 55%. Surprises continued to the very end. I would have loved to get this book a 5 like all Mr. Marrs’ others, but I had to go with 4 stars. Laura just got away with too much and I wanted a book 2 to see if Laura would get what was coming to her. Sorry to say since this book is 3 years old, I don’t think that is happening.

⭐ Wow. This is one black, twisted mother of a book. The writing though is just so good. This isn’t really descriptive, but it is dark and disturbing. Not normally the kind of book that I read, but I can’t stop thinking about it.This is about a mom who appears by everyone else’s standards as a “perfect” mom. She serves her community, bakes, and raises three kids. However, the reality—she serves her community to pleasure in the death of others, she buys baked goods from the store and tweaks them so that it looks like she bakes, and her kids can’t stand her. Deep down she’s dark and scary. This is a story to remind you that you don’t really know people unless you’re around them at home. This is quite the ride!!Content: Somewhat violent and disturbing, but not super descriptiveLanuage: Lots of F bombs, so be preparedReligion: NopeI don’t know that I’ll read this again, but the writing is impressive!!! This is just one torrentially depressing book. I hope I never meet a woman like this is real life. She’s positively evil. Cruella de Vil times ten.Happy reading!!

⭐ I’ve never read a book by John Marrs before, and I chose this one as a Kindle Plus advanced publication selection. I believe it is quite possibly the best book I have read this year thus far, and I read about one novel a week, mainly thrillers. This is a very creepy, psychological thriller that ranks up there, in my opinion, with Gone Girl.It has everything. Great characters. An interesting back-and-forth first person narrative. Unexpected twists and turns. I imagine we all know someone who is a little “off” in terms of their social interactions and behavior. I have a sociopath in my family, but that person has never gone beyond merely manipulating people to his monetary advantage. However, the sociopath in The Good Samaritan turns psychopathic in an extremely scary way, going out of the way to damage and even destroy people who stand in the way of this person’s frighteningly distorted perception of reality. It is a freaky and all too realistic glimpse into the psyche of an unhinged individual. There are children involved, and the sick protagonist will go to any length, including the destruction of the children’s lives, to achieve this person’s delusional goals. The lives of several innocent persons are destroyed in the process. This is also a novel about mental illness, though that aspect is downplayed at the expense of shocking behavior and degeneracy.What disturbs me most about this novel is that I believe it could actually happen somewhere, sometime.Extremely clever writing, with an opening for a sequel in the future…


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