Caesar’s Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire 1st Edition by Josiah Osgood (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2006
  • Number of pages: 452 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 46.63 MB
  • Authors: Josiah Osgood


Caesar’s Legacy recounts the rise to power of Rome’s first emperor, Augustus, by focusing on how the bloody civil wars which he and his soldiers fought transformed the lives of men and women throughout the Mediterranean world and beyond. The volume demonstrates how, during this violent period, Romans came to accept a new form of government and found ways to celebrate it in their towns and cities. It also reveals how they mourned, in literary masterpieces and stories passed onto their children, the terrible losses that accompanied the long years of fighting.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review “…a fine achievement. A lesser scholar would have easily lost the way in the array of sources from which the author gleans and rearranges his material in a stunning montage. A vision of the triumviral period now exists where none existed before. In his first book, Mr. Osgood provides an admirable demonstration of original scholarship, and he is to be warmly congratulated.” J.A. Lobur, University of Mississippi, Bryn Mawr Classical Review”Osgood has woven togehter a great diversity of sources–much poetry as well as historical narratives, inscriptions, and some art–into a coherent story with the kind of broad scope of vision, scholarly range, and mature judgement that is rarely found in a first book.” – Robert Morstein-Marx, University of California, Santa Barbara Book Description Gripping new narrative account of the rise to power of Rome’s first emperor, Augustus. About the Author Josiah Osgood is Assistant Professor of Classics at Georgetown University, where he lectures on Roman history and Latin literature. He undertook his graduate studies at Yale University where his dissertation was awarded the John Addison Porter prize for outstanding academic writing. This is his first book. Read more

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This book is clearly the result of a lot of careful research and is beautifully written. Professor Osgood knows his topic and sheds a lot of new light on this time in history. You do not have to be an academic to enjoy this excellent foray into a very significant era.

⭐I found this book to be very interesting and it gave me a different cast on the end of the Republic. This history has been written many times and this book puts a new slant on it. I enjoyed it

⭐A history of the Empire from 44 BC to 30 BC charting, not Caesar’s Legacy, but the rise of Octavian to power. It is a very interesting book that makes extensive use of literary works of the period. I enjoyed the broad scope of topics covered as well as the neutrality and scholarship Osgood displayed in this work.After reading McCullough’s completely unreal and strongly biased fictional treatment of the same period in Antony and Cleopatra I was confused and wanted to have a better idea about what happened. This was a great reference to set me straight, though I thought the literary analysis was a little too intense for my preference.

⭐A truly outstanding book. Scholarship that draws upon an enormous range of sources and ties things together in a fresh and fascinating way. It should be on every classicist’s bookshelf.

⭐Un livre brillant sur l’agonie de la République romaine. César mort, l’ordre ancien ne revint pas comme par enchantement et les luttes pour le pouvoir devinrent encore plus âpres. Un nouveau monde était appelé à naître au milieu des convulsions politiques et sociales. Cet essai explicite ce processus avec brio. Indispensable.


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Caesar’s Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire 1st Edition PDF Free Download
Download Caesar’s Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire 1st Edition 2006 PDF Free
Caesar’s Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire 1st Edition 2006 PDF Free Download
Download Caesar’s Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire 1st Edition PDF
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