Ebook Info
- Published: 2012
- Number of pages: 338 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.42 MB
- Authors: Marvin Chester
What does quantum mechanics tell us about the key model physical systems of nature? The author of this highly regarded text explores this question in a conceptual manner, fusing mathematical and philosophical elements to present physical imagery that closely parallels the mathematics.Beginning with an overview that discusses the premise and design for the study, the text proceeds with an examination of the classical quantum bead on a track: its states and representations; its measurement spectra as operator eigenvalues; the harmonic oscillator: bound bead in a symmetric force field; and the bead in a spherical shell. Other topics include spin, matrices, and the structure of quantum mechanics; the simplest atom; indistinguishable particles; and stationary-state perturbation theory.Geared toward upper-level undergraduate students in physics, this refreshing and instructive text requires the following background: a freshman-year survey course in physics, a first course in classical Newtonian mechanics, and a grasp of mathematics that encompasses integral calculus, vector analysis, differential equations, complex numbers, and Fourier analysis.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐Above all other books on quantum mechanics, this was certainly the most fun for me to read. I’m an engineer with a taste for mathematics that can be applied. The author does a fantastic job. He is right up there with Feynman for bringing the subject to life. His sense of humor appealed to me and I found his style refreshing. This book will travel with me on the next few vacations! I recommend it for all engineers.
⭐The author has an original way with words that makes for interesting reading. Many paragraph headings make memorable slogans, such as “WHAT YOU MEASURE IS WHAT YOU KNOW”.But in order to understand this book you must come to terms with the author’s own terminology; for instance he regularly uses the word “language” to mean a mathematical “basis”.Dirac notation is used liberally, and the Dirac bracket is explained in words in several different ways; but nowhere is it defined in mathematical terms, as the inner product (scalar product) of two vectors. This seems surprising in view of the author’s statment that “The entire business of practical quantum mechanics is devoted to obtaining transformation matrices!”. The elements of transformation matrices are Dirac brackets, but this book shows how in many cases they can be evaluated without knowing their mathematical definition.This book has a strongly practical approach, with emphasis on the physical apparatus used to make physical measurements.
⭐I asked the physicist Sean Carroll (CalTech) to recommend a book that was an intermediate between the popular science books and a full-out text book, and he told me to get this one, and it was most certainly worth the money. You do need to know calculus and imaginary numbers, like the book says, but I also think it would be useful to have a basic understanding of the mathematical computation that is used (which Dirac started in his book “Principles of Quantum Mechanics”).This book contains mathematical and verbal explanations, and at the end of each chapter is a set of problems for you to work through, making sure you understand the material.I highly recommend this book.
⭐I had to buy it for a class so cannot compare to other books on same subject.
⭐”Primer of Quantum Mechanics” by Marvin Chester allows the reader toorganize his thinking and basic knowledge of Quantum Mechanics. It doesassume a fair amount of mathematics: matrices, calculus and vectors. Italso focuses on the content and foundations of the science and so will beuseful to those just wanting an overview. It tends to be somewhat dated but as a basic guide it does not suffer.
⭐Excellent service! The book I received and what was described were as expected. Very happy with the purchase.
⭐This book takes you step by step into quantum mechanics concepts. You might need to buy another book to flesh out the details but this one really helps to get the basic concepts across.
⭐Jeez, can’t authors today concentrate more on practicality and real world uses and examples instead of just giving us one long book on math?MJL
⭐This a a complete standard course on Quantum Mechasnics which uses Dirac Notation throughout. It is a very useful supplement to other books on Quantum Mechnics and is particularly useful for anyone following the lectures of James Binney on i Tunes U.
⭐Perfect book to supplement third year quantum physics, usage of Dirac notation throughout is very useful.
⭐As I wish, a quick delivery and good product as requested. Well done job, always I will use and recommend this seller.
⭐Great!! Read and Enjoy!!
⭐最初から最後まで、一貫してディラックのブラケット記法で書かれた、量子力学の入門書です。“Dirac notation is a way of thinking”という立場から、ブラケット記法をどう読めばいいのかまで、かみくだいた言葉で丁寧に解説されています。多くの見出しが「○○は××だ」のようなステートメントになっているため、大切な部分を意識しながら読みやすいと思います。予備知識としては、線型代数や微積分、微分方程式、フーリエ解析、解析力学、電磁気学、量子力学の歴史的な導入あたりが仮定されていますが、全体にあまり難しい数学は使われていません。計算が複雑になるような箇所は省略されているので、定番の教科書は別に読むとして、副読本として良いのではないでしょうか。同様にブラケット記法で書かれた入門書で、清水明『量子論の基礎』がありますが、こちら(Marvin Chester)のほうは厳密さより直感的な理解を意識して書かれているように思います。米 Amazon.com では大評判なのですが、日本ではあまり知られていないようです。Dover 版で安く手に入りますし、もっと読まれて欲しい本です。[1] Readers’ Orientation: Premise, and Design for the Study[2] The Quantum Bead on a Track: Its States and Representations[3] The Bead On a Track: Its Measurement Spectra Are Operator Eigenvalues[4] The Harmonic Oscillator: Bound Bead in a Symmetric Force Field[5] The Bead in a Spherical Shell: Two Dimensions with Angular Momentum[6] Spin, Matrices, and the Structure of Quantum Mechanics[7] Time[8] The Simplest Atom: Two Particles Bound Together[9] Indistinguishable Particles: Identical Bosons, and Identical Fermions[10] Stationary-State Perturbation Theory[Epilogue] So What?
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Primer of Quantum Mechanics (Dover Books on Physics) PDF Free Download
Download Primer of Quantum Mechanics (Dover Books on Physics) 2012 PDF Free
Primer of Quantum Mechanics (Dover Books on Physics) 2012 PDF Free Download
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