Ebook Info
- Published: 2008
- Number of pages: 370 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 1.24 MB
- Authors: David McMahon
Learn quantum field theory relatively easilyTrying to comprehend quantum field theory but don’t have infinite time or the IQ of Einstein? No problem! This easy-to-follow guide helps you understand this complex subject matter without spending a lot of energy. Quantum Field Theory Demystified covers essential principles such as particle physics and special relativity. You’ll learn about Lagrangian field theory, group theory, and electroweak theory. The book also explains continuous and discrete symmetries, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and supersymmetry. With thorough coverage of the mathematics of quantum field theory and featuring end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam to test your knowledge, this book will teach you the fundamentals of this theoretical framework in no time at all. This fast and easy guide offers:Numerous figures to illustrate key conceptsSample equations with worked solutionsCoverage of quantum numbersDetails on the Dirac equation, the Feynman rules, and the Higgs mechanismA time-saving approach to performing better on an exam or at workSimple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Quantum Field Theory Demystified is your shortcut to understanding this fascinating area of physics.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐This book has been reviewed for content by several others. In that regard I agree with those who say that despite its warts (various typos and lapses in explanation) it is a good investment and valuable for those seeking to make sense of the usual scattered and disconnected treatments of QFT at the introductory level.But I mean this review to be primarily about the Kindle version as the content has been reviewed by others. I strongly suggest you do not buy the Kindle version. The conversion from the book to the Kindle format was obviously made without ever looking at the result! It shows complete lack of editorial control (or self-respect) that this book would be offered for the Kindle.As might be expected of a book on QFT, this book is filled with equations. Those equations that appeared “set off” from the text, that is between sections of text, were apparently converted to images and hence can be read, albeit in many cases the resulting symbols are incredibly small and cannot be enlarged by the Kindle. However, the approximately 25% of the equations that are “in-line” with the text cannot be read at all – any greek letters, mathematical symbols, etc. appear as boxed question marks. If you know your QM and QFT pretty well, you can read around and imagine what should be there, but its not pleasant and woe to the beginner.Unfortunately this experience will make me leery of purchasing any Kindle book on a mathematical topic.
⭐Quantum Field Theory Demystified is a great supporting reference to anyone who has watched theStanford University video lectures on Quantum Field Theory, by Leonard Susskind, on iTunes U and YouTube;New Revolutions in Particle Physics:1. Basic Concepts2. The Standard ModelI have both the paperback and Kindle editions of this book, and despite the many typos, would highly recommend this bookand the above video lectures, to anyone interested in learning more about Quantum Field Theory.David McMahon does a great job presenting such a complex subject in a clear and understandable manner.Other introduction books to QFT, loose you on the first chapter.
⭐This is a nice overview and intro to core concepts in QFT. Take time for the exercises or skim to get a broader look at concepts.
⭐Best QFT book for beginners.
⭐This book kicked my ass in a great way the first time I read it. Like after I read it I was like wow, I’m ready to be a field theorist now. LIES. Not even a mention of Group Representation theory as it relates to Lorentz group and SU(2). Forget it!But, on the other hand, this book is about as gentle as you get in terms of leading you from basic Lagrangian field theory into gauge theory, going pretty well into the calculations of the Weak Force and Higgs mechanism, which is admirable because few books do this. So in that sense, it can be inspiring to help you learn the Standard Model, but no doubt you will need much more difficult books. As Einstein said, I assure you, my mathematical difficulties are much more. You will need Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, full exposure at the level of a mathematician, as well as some differential geometry of fiber bundles if you want to go far.Be careful with this book, a lot is missing and it’s really just to show you the easy parts of it. There are some genuinely insightful points about the gauge theory. I don’t recommend his book on GR, it’s not like this one. It’s much more ugly and filled with unnecessary details and confusion. It’s clear to me he understands the essence of QFT much more than GR. His GR book reads too much like a Spark Notes for a modern Graduate level course in GR. This reads more like an undergrad’s notes fpr QFT and the Standard Model. No Quarks here, big disappointment.
⭐Quantum Field Theory DemystifiedFIRST SENTENCE IN PREFACE:”Quantum field theory is the union of Einstein’s special relativity and quantum mechanics.”PENULTIMATE PARAGRAPH OF PREFACE:”Unfortunately, learning quantum field theory entails some background in physics and math. The bottom line is, I assume you have it. The background I am expecting includes quantum mechanics, some basic special relativity, some exposure to electromagnetics and Maxwell’s equations, calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. If you lack this background do some studying in these subjects and then give this book a try.”MY TAKE ON THE BOOK:Alan Martin has a four video lecture course on particle physics at YouTube made in Africa before the Higg’s boson was allegedly discovered. Check it out. David McMahon’s book, ‘Quantum Field Theory Demystified’ is fine the way it is. There is not much wrong with it if you have all the necessary prerequisites as he suggests in the beginning of the book (paragraph I included above) in order to understand his interpretation of teaching QFT.I bought the book at a yard sale in 2014 for a dollar and only recently say a month ago decided to read it. I have not had any problem at all getting the gist of this complex subject. Moreover I am breezing through the book, since all the prerequisites, which I have, make this potentiality possible. One realistic fact in education everyone should keep first & foremost in mind when studying a book on a complex subject like QFT is individual learning capabilities are not all the same. People learn at different rates for different reasons. Robert D. Klauber’s book is not all that revolutionary even for an absolute beginner. Remember computerized simulators you design or someone else can do a lot of the tedious mathematical calculations for you. (Example: Wolfram Alpha)Finally errors in the book are no different than errors found in any other book. And most books have errors in them. So one should expect this, for this is reality. Furthermore it depends on what you expect to gain from the book. Otherwise Mr. McMahon’s book is no less effective than any other on the subject when it comes to the market place on education….
⭐Like many other below I found this helpful and frustrating in equal measure. Given the typos and sometimes skating over (yes I know he’s trying hard to simplify a very complex matter) one cannot always be sure that what one is reading is actually correct especially the equations which are in many cases a mess.With patience one can learn a lot from this book but with a bit better production (It’s McGraw Hill for goodness sake) and editing it could be a lot better. One could say that it is a good start provided one is wary!To be fair it is simpler than more rigorous texts. If you are worried about cost Zee which is tough going is only a few pounds dearer and Griffiths can be had 2nd hand for £14 at Abe but is also hard going. So on balance a helpful start to learning about QFT.
⭐Don’t get the kindle addition. The equations are a total mess.
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Quantum Field Theory Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide 1st Edition 2008 PDF Free Download
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