Ebook Info
- Published: 2002
- Number of pages: 624 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 3.16 MB
- Authors: Stephen H. Friedberg
For courses in Advanced Linear Algebra.This top-selling, theorem-proof text presents a careful treatment of the principal topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: From the Back Cover This top-selling, theorem-proof book presents a careful treatment of the principle topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate. Chapter topics cover vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, elementary matrix operations and systems of linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner product spaces, and canonical forms. For statisticians and engineers. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. The language and concepts of matrix theory and, more generally, of linear algebra have come into widespread usage in the social and natural sciences, computer science, and statistics. In addition, linear algebra continues to be of great importance in modern treatments of geometry and analysis. The primary purpose of this fourth edition of Linear Algebra is to present a careful treatment of the principal topics of linear algebra and to illustrate the power of the subject through a variety of applications. Our major thrust emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices. However, where appropriate, theorems are stated in the more general infinite-dimensional case. For example, this theory is applied to finding solutions to a homogeneous linear differential equation and the best approximation by a trigonometric polynomial to a continuous function. Although the only formal prerequisite for this book is a one-year course in calculus, it requires the mathematical sophistication of typical junior and senior mathematics majors. This book is especially suited for a second course in linear algebra that emphasizes abstract vector spaces, although it can be used in a first course with a strong theoretical emphasis. The book is organized to permit a number of different courses (ranging from three to eight semester hours in length) to be taught from it. The core material (vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, systems of linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, and inner product spaces) is found in Chapters 1 through 5 and Sections 6.1 through 6.5. Chapters 6 and 7, on inner product spaces and canonical forms, are completely independent and may be studied in either order. In addition, throughout the book are applications to such areas as differential equations, economics, geometry, and physics. These applications are not central to the mathematical development, however, and may be excluded at the discretion of the instructor. We have attempted to make it possible for many of the important topics of linear algebra to be covered in a one-semester course. This goal has led us to develop the major topics with fewer preliminaries than in a traditional approach. (Our treatment of the Jordan canonical form, for instance, does not require any theory of polynomials.) The resulting economy permits us to cover the core material of the book (omitting many of the optional sections and a detailed discussion of determinants) in a one-semester four-hour course for students who have had some prior exposure to linear algebra. Chapter 1 of the book presents the basic theory of vector spaces: subspaces, linear combinations, linear dependence and independence, bases, and dimension. The chapter concludes with an optional section in which eve prove that every infinite-dimensional vector space has a basis. Linear transformations and their relationship to matrices are the subject of Chapter 2. We discuss the null space and range of a linear transformation, matrix representations of a linear transformation, isomorphisms, and change of coordinates. Optional sections on dual spaces and homogeneous linear differential equations end the chapter. The application of vector space theory and linear transformations to systems of linear equations is found in Chapter 3. We have chosen to defer this important subject so that it can be presented as a consequence of the preceding material. This approach allows the familiar topic of linear systems to illuminate the abstract theory and permits us to avoid messy matrix computations in the presentation of Chapters 1 and 2. There are occasional examples in these chapters, however, where we solve systems of linear equations. (Of course, these examples are not a part of the theoretical development.) The necessary background is contained in Section 1.4. Determinants, the subject of Chapter 4, are of much less importance than they once were. In a short course (less than one year), we prefer to treat determinants lightly so that more time may be devoted to the material in Chapters 5 through 7. Consequently we have presented two alternatives in Chapter 4—a complete development of the theory (Sections 4.1 through 4.3) and a summary of important facts that are needed for the remaining chapters (Section 4.4). Optional Section 4.5 presents an axiomatic development of the determinant. Chapter 5 discusses eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and diagonalization. One of the most important applications of this material occurs in computing matrix limits. We have therefore included an optional section on matrix limits and Markov chains in this chapter even though the most general statement of some of the results requires a knowledge of the Jordan canonical form. Section 5.4 contains material on invariant subspaces and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Inner product spaces are the subject of Chapter 6. The basic mathematical theory (inner products; the Gram-Schmidt process; orthogonal complements; the adjoint of an operator; normal, self-adjoint, orthogonal and unitary operators; orthogonal projections; and the spectral theorem) is contained in Sections 6.1 through 6.6. Sections 6.7 through 6.11 contain diverse applications of the rich inner product space structure. Canonical forms are treated in Chapter 7. Sections 7.1 and 7.2 develop the Jordan canonical form, Section 7.3 presents the minimal polynomial, and Section 7.4 discusses the rational canonical form. There are five appendices. The first four, which discuss sets, functions, fields, and complex numbers, respectively, are intended to review basic ideas used throughout the book. Appendix E on polynomials is used primarily in Chapters 5 and 7, especially in Section 7.4. We prefer to cite particular results from the appendices as needed rather than to discuss the appendices independently. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE THIRD AND FOURTH EDITIONS The principal content change of this fourth edition is the inclusion of a new section (Section 6.7) discussing the singular value decomposition and the pseudoinverse of a matrix or a linear transformation between finite-dimensional inner product spaces. Our approach is to treat this material as a generalization of our characterization of normal and self-adjoint operators. The organization of the text is essentially the same as in the third edition. Nevertheless, this edition contains many significant local changes that improve the book. Section 5.1 (Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors) has been streamlined, and some material previously in Section 5.1 has been moved to Section 2.5 (The Change of Coordinate Matrix). Further improvements include revised proofs of some theorems, additional examples, new exercises, and literally hundreds of minor editorial changes. We are especially indebted to Jane M. Day (San Jose State University) for her extensive and detailed comments on the fourth edition manuscript. Additional comments were provided by the following reviewers of the fourth edition manuscript: Thomas Banchoff (Brown University), Christopher Heil (Georgia Institute of Technology), and Thomas Shemanske (Dartmouth College).
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐I just took a course using this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed using this book. I’ve used other books in different Linear Algebra courses (and others still for personal pleasure), and this is probably my personal favourite of all the books I’ve used. The treatment of the Jordan Canonical Form/Basis material and the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization material was especially good.I think this book also does a good job with offering exercises that are challenging without being overly frustrating.If I have one complaint about the book, it’s that I felt the material on the Spectral Theorem was maybe a little under developed.I also feel like some of the proofs throughout the book were a little…. glossed over. But that’s more a case of me being nit-picky.I personally liked that the book wasn’t bogged down with a lot of material on, and examples of, applications. But if you’re looking for a linear algebra book that focuses more on the applications of linear algebra, I suggest SIAM’s “Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra” by Carl Meyer.As others have noted, be sure to get the actual 4th edition and NOT the international edition (free downloads of the international edition are easy to find online anyway, so I don’t know why people would buy it in the first place). I didn’t get the 4th edition until 3 or 4 weeks into the course (notez bien: do NOT order from “GlobalOnlineCo”), and I used the international edition until I finally got my copy of the 4th edition. I fell way behind in the course using the international edition. The international edition just doesn’t feel as rigourous/thorough (to me, at least).
⭐Pros:1. Great for self-study. If you work the problems in each section, you’ll have a much better grasp of the topic as a whole. There is no official answer key, but many of the problems that look tough are not. (Do not skip the quotient space problems!)2. Elegantly prepares its readers for upcoming topics to the point where important results begin to seem obvious. This book can make you feel smarter than you are, because there are no ugly surprises in the exercise sections and each new section builds from its predecessors.3. Errata provided online.4. Problems which provide results used later in the textbook are (usually) marked.Cons:1. Too expensive, especially considering I’ve had to use book glue in three places to keep it together. The paper isn’t as thick as it should have been — notes in pencil are obvious on the flipside of the page. At $80 retail, I would give this book its fifth star.2. The optional sections provide only a basic overview of their topic. They are the weakest part of the book. They are worth some effort, but without a more thorough treatment, the exercises become more difficult than they should have been.Con #1 can be said about many math textbooks, so while you shouldn’t take that point too harshly, be prepared to do maintenance on your copy. Similarly, con #2 is a minor issue, but it ought to be addressed in the 5th edition, given the price.Pros #1-2 are its main selling points. If I ever write math textbook, I hope that it’s of this caliber.
⭐My son is an 8th Grader who takes classes at college and he had found the proof-based linear algebra course somewhat heavy going. He is able to navigate this book reasonably well, a testament to how well-written it is. Whenever he gets stuck, I am able to follow the topics well enough to explain it to him – I actually find the patient exposition of new ideas to be much easier to follow than the books I had to wade through more than 30 years ago. I especially like the true/false section in each exercise that serves as a warm-up. My only criticism is that the problems seem to be somewhat routine – few really “hard” problems. I believe the version I got came from England and was not as sturdy as other books on my shelf, but it has lasted the whole semester and I guess that’s all that counts, especially as it was well-priced.
⭐This book is a great Text…for math majors.The only problem is with hard copy version, which is printed on thin news print, which is identical to the paperback book published for the India Market. It it the exact same paper, very light weight newsprint paper, printed with ink which smears. Only the hardcover binding, with exactly two leaves of proper paper (one in the front and one in the back of the book) are proper hardcover quality. Someone has gone, and stuck a hard cover binding to encase the Indian printed paperback. One can easily see the monkeying around if one examines the spine of the book from the top or bottom where you can even see different glue.People buy hardcover books for keepsakes. Either amazon or Wiley have tried to defraud people. I bought an international edition as well, and if I compare the two it is identical.We are being robbed by someone, I advise anyone against buying the hardcover copy from amazon. I am also going to refer the matter to Wiley, Amazon, and Secretary of state of Texas to look into this issue.Amazon has been engaging in this practice for a while, where they print out hard copies from electronic media, bind it in paperback book and present them as new at extra cost. These are some of the books they claim to be available in few days or weeks.I did not complain before this because, they had the shame to at least print it on probably a laser printer with proper weight paper. So one can live with it. However, I should have complained before, since by mu not speaking up they have been emboldened and are now selling total junk for such a hefty profit.Shame on Amazon, Wiley, and others who have stooped as low as a guy who sells fakes Rolex watches on the street.Shame on Amazon for not being able to check the stuff they sell.
⭐Another marvelous book ruined by Pearson , why? , Cause Pearson removed the final chapter ( Canonical forms) , seriously why remove? Just make the price more but at least give full contents ,Note : please buy the Prentice Hall (PHI) version it doesn’t skip any chapters
⭐This book is beautiful with lots of exercises, solutions manual is also available, precise and clear mathematical concepts with Applications are given, but fault lies in publisher. Earlier Some books were published by PHI and Pearson int, now a days same books are published by Pearson with news prints and new covers like this one, Algebra M Artin, Topology James Munkres, A First Course In abstract algebra J b Fraleigh, A First Course In in probability Sheldon Ross, Mathematical statistics Allen T Craig, Hog etc. Saddest part is they deleted at least one chapter from all books. Jordan canonical form have been deleted by Pearson in this new print and there is no contents index(see attachment), besides ugly paper/print quality in these new Indian editions. I’ve uploaded contents of both new and old print.
⭐Linear Algebra
⭐It is a very good book for linear algebra. Everything is clearly described. The most attractive thing is its exercises, its very very well for mathematics students. Exercises are step by step, I mean it is sequentially from easy to hard problems, those you will really enjoy.Linear algebra is a prt of B.Sc. as well as a part of M.Sc. in most of the universities. Matrices, vector spaces, matrix operations, polynomials, linear transformations and many other topics are very very well. I recommend this book highly…
⭐La mayoría de ediciones internacionales o indias son una copia de las edciones normales (US edition).a un precio mucho más accesible como es este caso. Es una edición en pasta blanda que no se le puede pedir más. El único pero es que en este caso no viene el capítulo de formas canónicas. Por lo demás es una calca de la 4 edición normal.Really helpful to learn the subject. Equally helpful for UG and PG course on linear algebra. This book is must read before going to higher analysis and abstract algebra. Another nice book is of R. D. SHARMA Linear Algebra.
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