Nuclear Models 1996th Edition by Walter Greiner | (PDF) Free Download



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1996
  • Number of pages: 392 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 10.80 MB
  • Authors: Walter Greiner


Theoretical physics has become a many-faceted science. For the young student it is difficult enough to cope with the overwhelming amount of new scientific material that has to be learned, let alone to obtain an overview of the entire field, which ranges from mechanics through electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, field theory, nuclear and heavy-ion science, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and solid­ state theory to elementary-particle physics. And this knowledge should be acquired in just 8-10 semesters during which, in addition, a Diploma or Master’s thesis has to be worked on or examinations prepared for. All this can be achieved only if the university teachers help to introduce the student to the new disciplines as early on as possible, in order to create interest and excitement that in turn set free essential new energy. Naturally, all inessential material must simply be eliminated. At the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt we therefore confront the student with theoretical physics immediately in the first semester. Theoretical Mechanics I and II, Electrodynamics, and Quantum Mechanics I – an Introduction are the basic courses during the first two years. These lectures are supplemented with many mathematical explanations and much support material. After the fourth semester of studies, graduate work begins and Quantum Mechanics II – Symme­ tries, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics, the Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions, and Quantum Chromodynamics are obligatory.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Yes, the nucleus is organized and structured just like the atom itself is. This book offers all the physics and mathematics. It’s not a book to read, but for study or reference. Very in-depth and it says it all. I didn’t rate it 5-stars though, because I really miss schema’s, drawings, pictures etc. to present graphically what is now only presented through formula. A picture says more than a thousand words.

⭐A good reading and very useful. It wil be very useful in my Phd tesis. I want to buy the other books of Greiner collection.

⭐The book it’s much bigger than all the rest of the books from the series. This print on demand forgets about the minimum quality properties of the series. It has happened with another series also from the Springer Series.


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