Ebook Info
- Published: 1993
- Number of pages: 752 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 17.39 MB
- Authors: Jerrold E. Marsden
Balancing pure and applied mathematics with an emphasis on specific techniques important to classical analysis, Elementary Classical Analysis provides coverage of the math without vector calculus or complex analysis.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐This book has some give and take, but I think the value of this book cannot be ignored. My undergraduate class in Advanced Calculus I&II used this book, and I employed it extensively for my graduate course in Real Analysis (please note that I am a physicist). While this book is not ideal in its overall presentation, I think the text is one of the best that I have seen in terms of total content and thoroughness of the explanations. Furthermore, where I think many books fail to provide pivotal proofs in aiding one’s learning, Marsden’s text is far more satisfying in this respect. When learning the material presented in this book, I supplemented it with Walter Rudin’s “Real Analysis” and Bartle’s “Introduction to Real Analysis,” but I only used these intermittently to provide myself with an alternative presentation and to provide some variance in approach to the material.The thing I like about this book is that it is not just a great learning tool, it is also a great reference book. Also, there are some idiosyncracies in the text. I mention this for students who might be unfamiliar with the subject matter. Such idiosyncracies include terminology differences, exempli gratia, “accumulation points” instead of “limit points,” for example. Marsden uses the former.If you have any intention of studying topology, you will be glad you read this book. I really felt it was geared toward this end.
⭐This book is pretty clear for the most part. The authors present the material in a way that tempts readers to skip the proofs at the end of each chapter. For that, this book loses a star.
⭐This book is excellent. This level of mathematics is very difficult and abstract, but this text book does a great job of explaining ideas clearly. The author introduces ideas of n-dimensions using 2 and 3 dimensions. Even though it’s been a few years since this class, I still refer back to this text while working through my masters courses.
⭐I bought this because a student had it for a textbook. It seems to cover the basics just fine. No particular complaints.
⭐It takes a while to get through the explanations of the general topics, but they provide excellent examples in each section of the topics being discussed. The answers in the back of the book, however, are pretty bare boned and not entirely that useful for understanding what you did wrong.
⭐In my opinion there are trhee classics in classical analysis, Rudin, Barttle and of course Marsden. You will be right if consider this book like a reference or base bilbliogrphy for a firs course in analysis.
⭐nice condition book
⭐It’s the right book, but condition was subpar
⭐o livro está em ótimas condições. dei uma olhada rápida por todos os capítulos, e gostei muito.
⭐Trata los temas de manera intuitiva antes de ofrecer las demostraciones más formales de una manera ideal para no cargar demasiado la lectura y, a la vez, mantener el rigor. Los ejemplos son muy correctos y el temario es bastante extenso. He quedado muy contento y es un gran soporte para mis asignaturas de Cálculo diferencial y Cálculo integral.
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Elementary Classical Analysis, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition 1993 PDF Free Download
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