Ebook Info
- Published: 2003
- Number of pages: 304 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 29.04 MB
- Authors: Karl Sabbagh
In 1859 Bernhard Riemann, a shy German mathematician, wrote an eight-page article, suggesting an answer to a problem that had long puzzled mathematicians. For the next 150 years, the world’s mathematicians have longed to confirm the Riemann hypothesis. So great is the interest in its solution that in 2001, an American foundation offered a million-dollar prize to the first person to demonstrate that the hypothesis is correct. Karl Sabbagh’s book paints vivid portraits of the mathematicians who spend their days and nights on the race to solve the problem.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐A not-easy-to-understand subject well explained, along with why it’s important. I particularly liked the historical background. The six mathematical toolkits provided as an appendix will be really helpful to those who need to revise mathematical terminology, symbols and methods. An economical hardback published in 2002 which is very readable and thought-provoking at the same time..
⭐Worthwhile reading that I slightly preferred to Marcus deSautoy’s book (Music of the Primes), but nowhere near a good as John Derbyshire’s “Prime Obsession”.Fascinating to see the extraordinary Ramanujan partition formula but only a few pages later on p.69 Sabbagh exhibits an exponential equation in x that he quotes G.H. Hardy as saying has a solution between 63 &67, which is easily seen to be completely wrong !It is hard to imagine Hardy making such an error so I assume Sabbagh has mis-transcribed something, but I haven’t been able to trace the origin of the equation to check it elsewhere.[The actual solution to the equation as it is printed is x=0.100524 to 6 decimal places.]
⭐another book with good historical perspective
⭐On the cover of the book Ian Stewart writes: ‘a pleasurable and painless read for anyone intrigued by numbers’, this is indeed true. It means it is well written, the author has done his homework and his writing style is quite enjoyable. But don’t expect how to calculate yourself the zeros of the zeta function neither to get the necessary background in higher maths (the appendices are mostly elementary maths except De Brange’s “proof”). The author modestly admits himself his knowledge of maths is not sufficient.Is this a bad book? Not at all, I think you can compare it with “The music of the primes” by Marcus du Sautoy and I prefer the style of Karl Sabbagh rather than the pompous “I’m so clever” Marcus du Sautoy-style.To conclude: a nice appetizer but don’t expect the real mealp.s.There are also some minor errors e.g. on page 20 line 6, the author mentions 99 sums but he means 99 products, there is also a weird repetition of text on p.78.
⭐This an excellent book for an introduction to the Riemann Hypothesis and the individuals working to solve it.BUT BE ADVISED: This is the same book as the authors recently released: The Riemann Hypothesis. If you already have a copy of The Riemann Hypthsis by Karl Sabbagh, don’t buy this book!!!!
⭐This is a really good overview of a difficult subject for the non-specialist mathematician. The author does well choosing when to skip over problematic detail and when to delve deeper.
⭐本書は、現代数学の最大の未解決問題である「リーマン予想」に魅せられた二十数名の著名な数学者へのインタビューをもとに、問題解決への各研究者の取り組みとその数学感を探ろうとする意欲作である。サイモン シンの「Fermat’s Enigma」は、フェルマー予想解決への軌跡を明確に示した定評ある「一般読者向け」の解説書であるが、フェルマー予想の後に残された最大の大物であるリーマン予想の「一般読者向け」の解説書を書くことは、そう簡単には行かないのだろう。フェルマー予想の場合には、著者のシンはその解決への軌跡を追えば良かったのに対し、リーマン予想は現在でも未解決の超難問であるから、どれが正しいアプローチか判明していない状況で、題材を取捨選択する難しさはシンの本の比でないからである。このストーリーに一貫性に乏しい盛り沢山の話題が、数学愛好家以外の読者が、本書を読み切ることを難しくしている最大のネックであるように思う。一方、リーマン予想に興味をもつ読者(特に、数学愛好家)には、本書で扱われている多くの話題(例えば、ζの零点をエルミート作用素の固有値として捉えようとする試み、オドリツコによる零点探索の話題、ある非可換空間でセルバーグ跡公式が成立することがリーマン予想と同値である事を示したコンヌの業績への言及、など)や著名な数学者の知られざる多くのエピソードは面白いし、興味深いものであると思う。一般の読者を対象とした「リーマン予想」の解説書を書くという試みがそれ程うまく成功していないこと、また本書の末尾にあるToolkitと名付けられた数学用語の解説が有用とは思えないこと、の2点から星を2つ減じた。いずれにしても、一読する価値がある「話題作」であることは確かであろう。
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