Ebook Info
- Published: 2017
- Number of pages: 208 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 9.57 MB
- Authors: Paul R. Halmos
A fine example of a great mathematician’s intellect and mathematical style, this classic on linear algebra is widely cited in the literature. The treatment is an ideal supplement to many traditional linear algebra texts and is accessible to undergraduates with some background in algebra. “This is a classic but still useful introduction to modern linear algebra. It is primarily about linear transformations … It’s also extremely well-written and logical, with short and elegant proofs. … The exercises are very good, and are a mixture of proof questions and concrete examples. The book ends with a few applications to analysis … and a brief summary of what is needed to extend this theory to Hilbert spaces.” — Allen Stenger, MAA Reviews, maa.org, May, 2016.”The theory is systematically developed by the axiomatic method that has, since von Neumann, dominated the general approach to linear functional analysis and that achieves here a high degree of lucidity and clarity. The presentation is never awkward or dry, as it sometimes is in other ‘modern’ textbooks; it is as unconventional as one has come to expect from the author. The book contains about 350 well-placed and instructive problems, which cover a considerable part of the subject. All in all this is an excellent work, of equally high value for both student and teacher.” — Zentralblatt für Mathematik.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐I’ve been struggling in my Linear Algebra course, but this book has certainly tied it together for me in a clear way, and helped it finally ‘click’ for me. The topic order isn’t parallel to a standard linear algebra course, showing duals and quotient space before defining rank and null, but in a way it presents these fundamental ideas rigorously, yet not dry at all. The arguments are clear and precise, but follow an intuitive direction that motivates the reader to follow along and understand the why, not just endless ways to prove things abstractly without a clue as to how it relates to the present situation.Halmos is a great mathematician and instructor, and this book is nothing less than a friendly and comfortable introduction to dip your toes into the higher mathematics you need to know from top to bottom to do math professionally.The book also came in good condition, pages have good quality and I definitely recommend it for anybody who wants to learn linear algebra for themselves, or any student that is struggling to see how the topics tie together in a clear way without getting lost in the proofs.
⭐Very good, while dense & intense.Good idea to have a firm familiarity w/ Elementary Linear Algebra (LA).Recommend “An Introduction to LA & Tensors”, Dover, Akivis & Goldberg, translated by R.A. Silverman. Short & sweet.This book by P.R. Halmos is excellent compliment to any LA book, including Silverman’s.Highly recommended!!!
⭐Although there are many modern books on linear algebra on the market today, but this classic book is still a useful reference to any serious mathematics and science student.
⭐Halmos escreve de uma maneira marcante. Muito claro e preciso nas definições e teoremas. Outra característica importante na sua escrita é a exposição da teoria: os objetivos e os caminhos são muito bem delineados e os resultados são muito bem esclarecidos quanto a sua relevância.Esse livro em particular tem como objetivo introduzir álgebra linear num ambiente livre de coordenadas. A razão para isso é clara quando se vê que as propriedades mais importantes dos objetos lineares são aquelas invariantes por isomorfismos (independentes do sist de coord).O livro é dividido em muitas seções pequenas e na maior parte dela há diversos exercícios.Informações a respeito do sumário podem ser encontradas aqui mesmo na amostra grátis da página.Nível alto que pelo valor que a Dover pede é quase que comprar ouro com troco de balinha, é um livro pra se aprofundar e entender a Álgebra Linear como poucos, quase nenhum, livros permitem!Trata-se de uma obra obrigatória em qualquer biblioteca de estudante de matemática e física. Um clássico, sem sombra de dúvidas.Explicações claras.Beautiful reprint by Dover Publications of the Van Nostrand 1958 edition. A prime example of Halmos’s unsurpassed wit and style of writing.
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