Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies, Second Canadian Edition (2nd Edition) by John Woods (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2003
  • Number of pages: 448 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 19.55 MB
  • Authors: John Woods


This text is designed for the Critical Thinking and Logic courses found in philosophy and general education departments at both universities and colleges.The most unique feature of the text is its solid foundation in logic. The discussion of fallacies is integrated with logic in a way not seen in other texts. This treatment provides students with tools to evaluate their own and other peoples thinking logically as well as analyze and assess an argument.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Same book my daughter is using so I can read along with her.

⭐Please keep in mind that I am an honor roll student when you read my review.The textbook is unnecessarily and overly convoluted. There are minimal examples throughout. The format of the textbook has been “condensed” so as to not offer thorough explanations. The examples offered are written inside a paragraph instead of in a separate indent. There are errors throughout it, which my professor has given the corrections, but if you don’t have these, you will get very confused as to why your answers do not match the textbook responses.Another issue I have is when they try to explain a concept only to further confuse the reader with inverses of their point by later putting their point in the correct order. They do that with “to explain this in yet another way” or “one further way to characterize” or “in other words” or “it is easy to see that” (when it is clearly not because it didn’t explain it in simpler terms). <-- All that within one page.In reading a chapter, it takes me HOURS to get through a section because of how overly convoluted it is. Too many "mind-reading" inferences, wherein you are expected to know what the writer implies.My tutor loaned me her critical thinking textbook and in ONE reading, I completely understood what was being explained. That textbook is "The Power of Critical Thinking, third Canadian Edition" by Lewis Vaughn and Chris MacDonald.Very disappointed by this textbook. I do not think it should be used in universities unless there is a pre-requisite for the course (prior knowledge of philosophy is a must). If your professor recommends it, request the faculty to reevaluate their textbook choice.


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Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies, Second Canadian Edition (2nd Edition) PDF Free Download
Download Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies, Second Canadian Edition (2nd Edition) 2003 PDF Free
Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies, Second Canadian Edition (2nd Edition) 2003 PDF Free Download
Download Argument: Critical Thinking, Logic, and the Fallacies, Second Canadian Edition (2nd Edition) PDF
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