Ebook Info
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- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.21 MB
- Authors: Joseph Polchinski
String Theory, first published in 1998, comprises two volumes which provide a comprehensive and pedagogic account of the subject. Volume 2 begins with an introduction to supersymmetric string theories and presents the important advances of recent years. The first three chapters introduce the type I, type II, and heterototic superstring theories and their interactions. The next two chapters present important recent discoveries about strongly coupled strings, beginning with a detailed treatment of D-branes and their dynamics, and covering string duality, M-theory, and black hole entropy. The final chapters are concerned with four-dimensional string theories, showing how some of the simplest string models connect with previous ideas for unifying the Standard Model. They collect many important results on world-sheet and spacetime symmetries. An appendix summarizes the necessary background on fermions and supersymmetry. An essential text and reference for graduate students and researchers interested in superstring theory.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐Much of the text is a rehash of what could be found in GSW Superstrings. It shines though in showing at least in outline form how the consistent superstring theories can be transformed into each other using T-duality and this equivalence points to a single theory, Witten’s idea of the 11 dimensional M-theory. The transformations used in this duality are topological constructs obviously more involved than its classical cousin-the duality in Maxwell’s equations where magnetic charge is assumed to exist not in the dipole form and magnetic charge conservation is assumed with its analogous equation. This enlarged equation set can be reduced back to Maxwell by requiring magnetic charge to occur only as dipoles. We get an analogous magnetic case by requiring electric charge to only occur as dipoles. Anyway carrying on the analogy the enlarged equation set would correspond to M-theory. M-theory in superstrings has proven to be an elusive beast. Superstrings has gone on the back burner at least to find some applications in condensed matter physics. The real winner is modern mathematics as these efforts to find a consistent and unique theory have lead to mathematical invention-T-duality and the related mirror symmetry. This invention did not occur in vacuum as you probably gather so when you work with topology and say gluings for example you’re dealing with the nuts and bolts of these inventions. Strominger has continued developing this mathematics and looks to have abandoned his string theory vocation. I’m sure many of these inventions will survive and be part of the final theory. It won’t hurt to brush up on topology in the meantime, I guess.
⭐I purchased this book for my son who is senior Physics major at UCSD, and this was not his first course in String theory–I was worried due to the negative reviews but my son loves the book and will keep it! It is not a book for beginners —
⭐This review is not for the content of this book, as we all know, there’s no question reguarding Polchinski’s great book.This review is for the quality of this paper back edition. This edition is called “On-demand digital printing edition”. Right after you place the order, the publisher will print one exact copy of this book by their laser printer, and bind it and then ship it to you. The quality is just like cheap Indian edition, The cover looks especially cheap, and will be broken into two pieces miniutes after you first open the book. The cut is not even aligned. It is worth no more than $20.
⭐A very good book covering all the topics and details. It is full of equations and logical elaborations. Delicious. Absolutely not for the general public, though.
⭐Very nice product. Paper back, easy to read.
⭐Very Good!
⭐This is not a book for beginners, I had to struggle through this. I did finally make it through. It is useful, and adds to the field. I liked heterotic and perturbative strings. The discussion of branes was useful. The whole book is useful. I enjoyed it, even if I did have to struggle through it. A graduate level physics student would no doubt find it easier.
⭐I bought these book(s) to try to understand Strings. but it will probably take a lifetime to understand them. Mathematicians only?!
⭐Tutto ok
⭐Not found.
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String Theory: Volume 2, Superstring Theory and Beyond 1st Edition PDF Free Download
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