Ebook Info
- Published: 2001
- Number of pages: 390 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 6.35 MB
- Authors: Silvio Salinas
This textbook covers the basic principles of statistical physics and thermodynamics. The text is pitched at the level equivalent to first-year graduate studies or advanced undergraduate studies. It presents the subject in a straightforward and lively manner. After reviewing the basic probability theory of classical thermodynamics, the author addresses the standard topics of statistical physics. The text demonstrates their relevance in other scientific fields using clear and explicit examples. Later chapters introduce phase transitions, critical phenomena and non-equilibrium phenomena.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐An accessible textbook for a one-semester course at the junior undergraduate level. First read the appendices to decide if the mathematical level of the text fits your background: Stirling approximation, Gaussian integrals, saddle-point methods, Dirac-delta function, derivation of the formula for the volume of hyperspheres. This book deserves to be widely read, as the gamut of applications is accomplished with lucidity and brevity (classical gas, ideal quantum gas, Bose-Einstein condensation, phonons, magnons, Ising model. Initial chapters are in the nature of review: random walk, phase space , thermodynamics (brilliantly elucidated, an homage to Callen’s approach). From chapter four to chapter 14, all of the standard topics covered : canonical and grand canonical ensembles, simple physical applications of equilibrium statistical mechanics, clean mathematical derivations, qualitative discussions. The author’s approach was influenced by Reif’s textbook. I highlight chapter 14, Scaling Theories and Renormalization Group: it has a pedagogic flavor uncommon for textbooks at this elementary level. An honorable mention goes to the concluding two chapters (15 and 16) which give excellent accounts of non-equilibrium phenomena: kinetics and Boltzmann equations, then stochastics, Langevin, and master equation. Problems are accessible (end-of-chapter). The author maintains a web solutions manual. The debt due to Reif and Callen is apparent throughout the discourse. Two minor complaints: the reference list neglects to include Shang-Keng Ma (Statistical Mechanics, 1985) and the subject index is deficient.Reif makes an excellent complementary text and Shang-Keng Ma’s text should be your next step !Otherwise, a highly recommended, useful, undergraduate textbook.
⭐This book in this Physicists opinion is not as well written or as well organized as other similar texts such as Pathria’s. I found the organization of the chapters and sections to be the worst part, as they don’t correspond well to standard syllabi.
⭐Book was excellent. I will keep as a reference. Chapter 2 could use more explanation, but overall it covered material adequately.
⭐This was my undergraduate textbook at Univ. Fed. do Ceara,Brazil, though the version used was the portuguese one by adifferent publisher (I have compared both and they seem tobe pretty much the same). Salinas is an influential andrespected professional at Univ. Sao Paulo and is currentlyone of the leading physicits in Brazil. His book was heavilyinfluenced by classic treatments such as Reif, Callen and Huang,as he himself recognizes. However, apart from dedicatingsix chapters on modern topics ranging from phonons and magnonsto nonequilibrium methods, its clear-cut structure, concisenessand selected examples makes it unique and I strongly recommendit to any serious undergraduate or graduate course. It should benoted that it has a very pragmatic perspective, adopting usuallyvery simple and economic derivations before going straight toexamples and applications. For those that prefer a morediscursive approach I would advise to have Reif’s book nearbyin order to clarify some passages. Another important feature Ifound in this book was the well balanced selection of exercices,allowing one to solve all of them on the basis of the theoriespresented alone. In summary, I think it was a gift from Springerto us in publishing Salina’s original text and only hope othercolleagues can appreciate it.
⭐excellent for a short course(less than a semester) great excs. and discussion of thermo limit not found in other books.
⭐It is a print on demand of the original book. For those who know the quality of these books you are already familiar with the terrible quality. However, in this case they even forgot to print half of the pages!!!
⭐its good book for elementary statmech .
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Introduction to Statistical Physics (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics) 2001st Edition 2001 PDF Free Download
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