Vintage Murakami by Haruki Murakami (EPUB)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2007
  • Number of pages: 194 pages
  • Format: EPUB
  • File Size: 0.17 MB
  • Authors: Haruki Murakami


Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the greatest modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions. “Murakami’s bold willingness to go straight over the top is a signal indication of his genius. . . . A world-class writer who has both eyes open and takes big risks.” —The Washington Post Book World Not since Yukio Mishima and Yasunari Kawabata has a Japanese writer won the international acclaim enjoyed by Haruki Murakami. His genre-busting novels, short stories and reportage, which have been translated into 35 languages, meld the surreal and the hard-boiled, deadpan comedy and delicate introspection. Vintage Murakami includes the opening chapter of the international bestseller Norwegian Wood; “Lieutenant Mamiya’s Long Story: Parts I and II” from his monumental novel The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle; “Shizuko Akashi” from Underground, his non-fiction book on the Toyko subway attack of 1995; and the short stories “Barn Burning,” “Honeypie.” Also included, for the first time in book form, the short story, “Ice Man.”

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Wonderful storytelling as usual. What else I can say? Though I do wonder about the Japanese culture and Murakami brings out the interesting and also supressed nature of his country.

⭐Affordable, shipping a little slow.And the book was damaged when I got it, almost split in the middle for a flimsy envelope.

⭐When I heard about this anthology, I thought that it must have been extremely difficult to pick up some chapters from his long adventurous stories. I think it was true. But this anthology reminds me that my favorite story in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle even can hold as an independent story. I thought that Nomonhan story told by Lieutenant Mamiya was the heart of the chronicle. But when I read it again in this anthology, I understand that it was splendid in terms of story telling and description and you could feel anything in that story, like fear, wind in the field in central Asia, and even flash in the cold, dark, and deep well. It is worth to read even only this story and afterward you cannot help reading the rest of the story, the chronicle.

⭐Amazon markets this book under the title of the book Pinball. While I realized the book was random chapters from various works by Murakami, I didn’t know that there isn’t a word of Pinball in the book. Amazon has either made a mistake or a misrepresentation. This book, although interesting, has nothing to do with the book Amazon says it is.

⭐If you have read all of Murakami’s work, there is nothing new here. Includes the very disturbing account of flaying alive from the WIndup bird chronicals.

⭐Honestly, if you buy this, you are wasting your time. In my opinion, the man is an absolute master; at the same time, clearly not for everybody. But why would you buy this sampler to find out? Go to the library and read some of his short stories – start with “The Elephant Vanishes.” Or just pick up one of his novels. The excerpt of “Wind-Up” here is only slightly representative of the text as a whole.If you buy this, you will either A) like his writing, buy some of his books, and never need this again, leaving it to mold on your shelf, or B) dislike his writing, and never need this again, leaving it to mold on your shelf.And the “rarity” can easily be found online.It gets two stars, instead of zero, because even a tiny amount of Murakami in your life is a good thing. But really – don’t spend your money here.

⭐What a waste of time! You can find all these selections in other Murakami books. On top of that, Vintage decided NOT to opt for the long awaited English releases of ‘Hear the Wind Sing’ and ‘Pinball, 1973’. Do not buy this if you are a Murakami virgin, go and buy ‘Elephant Vanishes’, or ‘Norwegian Wood’ or ‘Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman’. This collection could have been great had Vintage made an effort to collect some of Murakami’s unavailable work but what we have here is basically an exercise in regurgitation.

⭐If you’ve never read any Murakami then this book is a worthwhile introduction – containing a selection of exerpts from his other books, aswell as one new short story. Murakami is a superb writer, rooted in the ‘magical realist’ tradition – capable of very perceptive insights into human nature, leading one to strongly identify with his ‘everyman’ protagonist. All this presented with a uniquely Japanese twist, but in a very western style.For the reader unfamiliar with Murakami, this is a 5 * book.If you’re a Murakami fan then this book can be missed. I bought from Amazon on the strength of no description – in the hope that ‘vintage’ implied that this would contain some of his older previously untranslated work. I was disappointed. This is one of a series from ‘vintage’ the publisher – and contains a selection from the previously published Wind-up-bird, Norwegian Wood etc.

⭐My opinion wholeheartedly agrees with tarangere’s, so I guess my addition will only add weight to that.Vintage (implying the name of the US publisher) Murakami is essentially a short sampler of chapters or short stories from previously published works, plus one new short story.It is a pretty good selection for those new to Murakami, although I think there are some better examples that could have been included. Alternatively The Elephant Vanishes collection is a good way to dip in too.For the already fan, the only incentive is that if you haven’t re-read his books, then maybe this pointed out selection will be enough to re-familiarise why you enjoy him so much. As for the short story Ice Man, well that can be (as I bothered trying to find out later) legimiately found online (it’s the as printed here Richard L. Peterson translation you’ll be looking for). It will probably even appear in print form in a future official UK publication. The relative hard-to-findness of this book is due to it being US geared.It would’ve been nice, to support the title, if the book were a collection of lost rarities (maybe even combined with the current content). With a loyal readership such as Murakami’s this could have been a killer book for both newbies and oldies. But it’s not. Still, it’s not bad for a marketing exercise.

⭐楽しみと英語学習のためにペーパーバックを読んでいますが、素晴らしい作品でした。日本を代表する世界的な作家である著者の才能・力量が思う存分発揮されています。村上春樹は英語が堪能であるけれども自分の作品は専属の有能な翻訳者に任せていると聞きました。確かにその方々の只者ではない上手さも同様に感じられました。代表的な幾つかの作品が載っていますが中でも「The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle」は満州でのLieutenant Mamiyaの壮絶な体験に身の毛もよだちました。仲間が目の前で敵にナイフで全身の皮膚をそぎ落とされ自分も衣服をはがされ原野の深い井戸につき落とされるという絶望の淵に立ちながらもこのまま終わることはできないと微かな望み、信念を持ちながら何とか助け出されたこと、また日本に戻ってもその心の傷は癒える事なく幸せな人生を送れなかったことなど戦争の悲惨さや残酷さが痛いほどよく分りました。とにかくいい作品ばかりです、自信を持ってお勧めします。

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⭐村上春樹の代表作から、短編、中編、長編の一部といったように、エッセンスを集めた作品集です。日本では未だ『村上春樹傑作集』のような本は出ていないことから見ても、この作品集は著者が今までに歩んできた軌跡を知るのにも最適だと思います。村上春樹は言うまでもなく、現在、海外で最も高い評価を受けている日本人小説家の一人です。この本によって、海外の読者がさらに増えるのは間違いないでしょう。しかし私は日本の『村上春樹フリーク』にもこの本を薦めたいです。私自身、村上本の愛読者ですが、読了後、さらに著者のことが好きになりました。彼の文章は時として難解だと捉えられますが、英語で読んでみると、意外なほどすっと理解できることがあります。そのあと、再び原文(日本語)を読むと、著者の意図することが以前よりも深く心に沁みこんできます。著者の文章が英語的だから?小説を少し違う角度から眺められるから?本当の理由はわかりません。いずれにせよ『Norwegian Wood』『Honeypie』読んでみてください。心に深く突き刺さります。また当然のことながら、英語圏の友人に『日本人の作家で、誰か面白いやつはいないか?』と尋ねられたとき、間違いなく推薦できる1冊です。

⭐Not found.


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