Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation by Harry Paul (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2004
  • Number of pages: 254 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 1.33 MB
  • Authors: Harry Paul


This textbook provides a physical understanding of what photons are and of their properties and applications. Special emphasis is made in the text to entangled photon pairs which exhibit quantum mechanical correlations over manifestly macroscopic distances. Such photon pairs make possible such exciting techniques as teleportation and quantum cryptography, as well as the physical realisation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type experiments. In addition, nonclassical properties of light, such as photon antibunching and squeezing, as well as quantum phase measurement and optical tomography are discussed. The author describes relevant experiments and elucidates the physical ideas behind them. This book will be of interest to undergraduates and graduate students studying optics, and to any physicist with an interest in the mysteries of the photon and exciting modern work in quantum cryptography and teleportation.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐A number of advanced texts on quantum optics have been published in recent years, such as Scully and Zubairy, Walls and Milburn, Mandel and Wolf, and Loudon, to name a few. These texts do a thorough and rigorous job in establishing the foundation and formalism of quantum optics and relating them to topical problems in research.In my opinion, Harry Paul’s monograph should accompany every single one of these texts. In this mostly descriptive treatment of the subject, Professor Paul has carefully and perceptively composed a clear and coherent exposition of the physical foundations of quantum optical phenomena, provided careful descriptions and insightful clarifications of the “paradoxes” that often yet surreptitiously befuddle the student, and, by reference to fundamental experimental techniques, bestowed real physical meaning to the standard analytic tools on which the current formalism is based. The English translation is both colloquially and technically excellent, and the pace of the exposition is at once leisurely and concise. In my opinion, Professor Paul deserves tremendous credit for recognizing the need for a text of this nature, and for so capably filling a niche in the current literature of the field.

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Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation PDF Free Download
Download Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation 2004 PDF Free
Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation 2004 PDF Free Download
Download Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation PDF
Free Download Ebook Introduction to Quantum Optics: From Light Quanta to Quantum Teleportation

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