A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field by James Clerk Maxwell (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2020
  • Number of pages: 133 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 3.45 MB
  • Authors: James Clerk Maxwell


In 1865 James Clerk Maxwell (1831 – 1879) published this work, “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” demonstrating that electric and magnetic fields travel through space as waves moving at the speed of light. He proposed that light is an undulation in the same medium that is the cause of electric and magnetic phenomena. The unification of light and electrical phenomena led him to predict the existence of radio waves. Maxwell is also regarded as the founding scientist of the modern field of electrical engineering.His discoveries helped usher in the era of modern physics, laying the foundation for such fields as special relativity and quantum mechanics. Many physicists regard Maxwell as the 19th-century scientist having the greatest influence on 20th-century physics. His contributions to physics are considered by many to be of the same magnitude as the ones of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.In this original treatise Maxwell introduces the best of his mind in seven parts, to include:PART I.—INTRODUCTORY.PART II. – ON ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION.PART III. – GENERAL EQUATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD.PART IV.— MECHANICAL ACTIONS IN THE FIELD.PART V. — THEORY OF CONDENSERS.PART VI. — ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT.PART VII. — CALCULATION OF THE COEFFICIENTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This is James Clerk Maxwell’s seminal publication. It defines the structure and behavior of electromagnetic fields, explaining how both light and radio waves can pass through a vacuum. As a physicist, I had to add this book to my collection. Also, I consider it to be a historic milestone and one of the three most important publications to mankind. (The other two are: Newton’s Principia(“, and Albert Einstein’s “The Special Theory of Relativity.” No educated individual should be without these on his/her bookshelf or Kindle. Fortunately, for anyone interested in actual scienc, Amazon has made Newton and Maxwell available in Kindle format for pennies. I strongly recommend these to any reader withing to know real science, and not simply what another person has written about it. I am anticipating or hoping that Amazon will also publish Einstein’s original papers on Special and General relativity (hopefully in both German and English.) for the Kindle.

⭐This book came as quite an eye-opener to me. The mysterious A field is describedby three extra partial differential equations. But even more surprising is Maxwell’scitation of Michael Farady’s empirical results to justify the inclusion of the Afield in his equations for electromagnetism. In addition, these original forms forMaxwell’s equations allow for the existence of magnetic monopoles. Modernadvances in physics have justified both these. This gives an eerily prescientlook and feel to Maxwell’s earliest exposition to electromagnetic fields.

⭐Don’t buy the kindle edition. The symbols and the equations are unreadable

⭐This should come with a warning that it is written in some type of old English that makes it difficult to read.

⭐Item arrived quickly, undamaged, and is a useful tool to understaning Electromagnetic Field equations – Thanks !

⭐Not only does it provide Maxwell’s original work, it also includes the 1954 translation of Albert Einsteins 1931 Appreciation to Maxwell, written to celebrate 100 years since the birth of Maxwell in 1831–this one of at least three major translations of Einstien’s In Appreciation of Maxwell Essay.

⭐Print off page, a wide left margin and off the page on right, not worth the time to return item, no checking at all was done when book was printed,

⭐I originally purchased this book to start learning about EM theory. However, it is not meant as an easy read. While many other who probably understand the theory well would enjoy reading its origins this book does nothing to explain it to someone in the venacular. I would not recommend this book to anyone who is newly interested in studying electricity. This is the only reason I give it 3 stars. If you know the material this book will meet your expectations.

⭐This short book should be a must on the shelf of any physicist. Personally, I’m only sorry it’s taken me so long to become acquainted with it. I suppose it’s main drawback for many will be its inclusion of ideas associated with an aether but, if it’s read with a truly open mind, it can reveal many ideas which could be of use to mankind. All, however, would depend on the reintroduction of an aether but often these days this doesn’t seem to be a problem when you consider how often use of the vacuum is merely a different way of referring to the aether of yesteryear. It is particularly interesting in that it’s talk of gravitation (pages 34-35) recalls many of the notions attributed to Tesla re so-called ‘free energy’ and, in truth, offers support for those ideas – ideas which are presently returning into the public domain, albeit in a slightly different guise. A short read of only 54 pages but well worth the effort to truly understand rather than read superficially.

⭐The content of this work of Clerk Maxwell certainly meets my expectations but goes well beyond my understanding. Attempting to critique the writings of the man who made Einstein’s theories possible would be like a schoolboy reviewing a Mozart symphony. The mystery is why Maxwell ‘s name remains relatively unknown even in his native country and certainly deserves recognition as the man who invented the 20th and 21st centuries.

⭐Electrical theory in it’s raw state. A very tough read but a necessary step towards the new world. Our current understanding of electricity is flawed we need to understand everything before Heaviside then move forward. Seek Bedini, Dolland then discover the future.

⭐I would not recommend this book for reading on a Kindle. There are many occasions where it says “Let …… be” where ….. should be a letter or symbol but it is blank!

⭐Arrived as stated


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