Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight 3rd Edition by Ulrich Walter | (PDF) Free Download



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2019
  • Number of pages: 1182 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 42.25 MB
  • Authors: Ulrich Walter


This introductory text covers all the key concepts, relationships, and ideas behind spaceflight and is the perfect companion for students pursuing courses on or related to astronautics. As a crew member of the STS-55 Space Shuttle mission and a full professor of astronautics at the Technical University of Munich, Ulrich Walter is an acknowledged expert in the field. This book is based on his extensive teaching and work with students, and the text is backed up by numerous examples drawn from his own experience. With its end-of-chapter examples and problems, this work is suitable for graduate level or even undergraduate courses in spaceflight, as well as for professionals working in the space industry. This third edition includes substantial revisions of several sections to extend their coverage. These include both theoretical extensions such as the study of relative motion in near-circular orbits, and more practical matters such as additional details about jet-engine and general rocket performance. New sections address regularized equations of orbital motion and their algebraic solutions and also state vector propagation; two new chapters are devoted to orbit geometry and orbit determination and to thermal radiation physics and modelling.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I like this book.

⭐Concise and exhaustive, and also written by someone who has actually gone on the shuttle.

⭐This is an amazing book!If you want to understand the first principles of rocket flight this is the best book so far. There were many small “discoveries” I’ve made while reading it, but the most important one was at the very start. Mr. Ulrich derives rocket thrust equation there. And it finally became clear to me how m-dot and pressure terms in the equation can be properly explained, and not just assumed as in many other books.This book is not for beginners but consider reading it if you care about good foundation in this field.

⭐On the upside, this book is one of only few that collect so many topics relevant to space engineering in a single volume. On the downside, the organization leaves much to be desired. First, the author has a habit of referring to material covered later in the book. For example, text in Chapter 2 may refer to equations and figures from Chapters 7 and 8. The book also uses some unnecessary abbreviations. (Why use “S/C” for “spacecraft” throughout the book when the word is not much longer than the abbreviation?) There are some unfortunate mistakes, such as saying that the typical delta V due to drag losses is 0.4 km/s (in section 6.4.7), which is up to an order of magnitude too large for typical rockets and launch trajectories (e.g., Saturn V had drag delta V of only 35 m/s, smaller rockets have ~100 m/s drag loss delta V). Finally, the book manages to make these exciting topics outright boring. Instead of providing the physical insights first and then drilling into mathematical details, the author hits the reader with differential equations and vector algebra right away and then discusses the conceptual insights later and even then, only sometimes.This book could have been so much better, especially in its third edition. For people new to this subject, a better choice is to get a couple of separate classic books on astrodynamics and propulsion instead of trudging through this one very thick volume.

⭐Excelente y completo texto de Astronáutica. Un perfecto manual para el estudioso e interesado en la tecnología aeroespacial. Muy exhaustivo y documentado.


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Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight 3rd Edition PDF Free Download
Download Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight 3rd Edition 2019 PDF Free
Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight 3rd Edition 2019 PDF Free Download
Download Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight 3rd Edition PDF
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