Ebook Info
- Published: 2013
- Number of pages: 63 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.47 MB
- Authors: Kathy Reichs
Dr Temperance Brennan is in unfamiliar territory as she races to learn the truth from the bones – before it’s too late. A new, exclusive straight-to-digital short story from Kathy Reichs, world leading forensic anthropologist and No.1 bestselling author of Deja Dead, Bones Are Forever and Bones of the Lost.
Dr. Tempe Brennan has seen it all. Human bones. Animal bones. Old bones. Young bones. Male bones. Female bones. What she hasn’t seen is all of them mixed together in the same case.
Until now.
The foothills of North Carolina aren’t the only unfamiliar territory Tempe faces as she races to learn the meaning of the Bones in Her Pocket.
Multi-million copy, international bestselling thriller writer Kathy Reichs is an expert in forensic science, giving her fiction an authenticity other crime writers would kill for.
Bones In Her Pocket also gives readers the first chance to read the opening chapters of Kathy’s new thriller, Bones of the Lost, out in August.
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⭐ Reich’s is her usual professional self ,laying out two lines of inquiry that may or may not interrelated. The victims and red herring characters are fully drawn and it is all tied up.nicely. The lack of higher stars comes from.the less than stellar abrupt end of the book. I actually went back to see if I missed something the ending was so unfinished feeling. And maybe my prejudice against shorter form in the mystery genre colors my opinion.
⭐ Kudos to Kathy Reich for bringing to light the horror of puppy mills! I was listening to “Bones in her Pocket” (I listen to books while I work) and almost jumped up from my loom to cheer! She wrote such a vivid, and, sadly, accurate depiction of these horror-houses!It’s hard to explain to most people how terrible this is. I was also dismayed to learn that some of the worst offenders in this matter are Amish! I’ve been working with animal-rescue for some time now and it breaks you heart several times a day!I enjoyed the novelette itself immensely, but, stumbling over the part about the puppy-mill kind of made my day!The story is well-crafted, as usual, and I really enjoy the insights into the procedures and difficulties of Ms Reich’s field.I hope Ms Reich can “sneak in” some more such “reality checks.”
⭐ I like the Temperance Brennan novels by Kathy Reichs, and I enjoy the Bones television show, though both are very different in execution. The books are more about Tempe and focus on the crime and her involvement with tracking down suspects and the killer.I also enjoy the ebook shorts that authors are doing these days. This one takes about 40 minutes to an hour to read and is well paced, pulling the reader through the pages. There is a taste of the detective Tempe sometimes works with, a flurry of police involvement, and enough suspects and agendas introduced to provide the diversion of a mystery. The story is set against a wilderness background and an art colony that I wish we’d seen more of. The brief slivers we’re given here intrigued me.The mystery gets sorted out well, with a few “red” herrings, but the motivation was there without being too elaborate and I felt that was rushed overall. Still, this is a long short story so more elaboration would have upped the page count.This is an excellent read for those short periods where you don’t have time to read a whole novel but still want the feel of a deep and intricate story. And if you haven’t read Kathy Reichs before, Bones In Her Pocket is a pretty good introduction to the series.
⭐ This is a very short story about our favorite forensic anthropologist. Temperance Brennan.Even though it was short, it still kept up the usual pace and drama of a full length novel. I liked it.Tempe is called out to an artist colony to recover what she thinks are the rest of the bones of an old skeleton. What she finds instead are the remains of a body stuffed into a bag and thrown into the lake.The remains are that of a missing college student, Edith Blankenship.Their main subject is a known environmentalist, Herman Blount, who likes to target the local power plant adjacent to the artist colony. He is found hiding out in a bunker on the colony property.It’s soon discovered that Edith spends many hours volunteering at a local raptor center. She loves the owls. Blount has also spent time with Edith at the center.I liked the story, it was a very quick read. Exciting and fast paced. I finished it in about an hour.As with many of Kathy Reichs books, there is a “teaching point” at the end of the book. I don’t always care for these, but sometimes the point needs to be made. This one did.
⭐ This short story/novella was basically written as an e-book appetiser for Kathy Reich’s next book, “Bones for the Lost”. Tempe Brennan fans will no doubt enjoy another small dose of bones ahead of the larger dose in the next book.Kathy Reich’s long time character forensic anthropologist Temperance (Tempe) Brennan is called to identify a couple of bones found in Mountain Island Lake in a remote area of Carolina. When she gets to the part of the lake where the bones were found she spots an oversize canvas bag in the water covered with flies. Of course as Tempe is involved, the bag contains a decomposing body and she sets out to find who it is and who put it in the lake.The immediate suspect is a local environmental activist and nutcase, Herman Blount, who Tempe finds “charismatic in a Charles Manson type of way”. Tempe takes on her normal super sleuth role to identify the body and the killer.Many authors write a short story/novella as a teaser for a forthcoming full-length book. Sometimes the teaser is better than the book and vice-versa. My jury is out on this one as I felt that this time Reichs had probably tried to put too many bones in a small bag.
⭐ This novel was only available as a Kindle ebook. But since I have liked most of Kathy Reichs’ books, I didn’t want to miss one. It began, as most do, with some bones. These were discovered near a lake. The story develops along usual lines, with characters coming in from various directions, depositing more questions along with tidbits of evidence. Tempe tries to make sense of them all as they accumulate. In the end, Tempe stumbles upon the solution, finds herself endangered, and is rescued by an unlikely person.The story is a little light, in my opinion, because we see less of Tempe’s personal life than in other recent novels, and because this novel was written to advocate something specific. The ebook format may have been chosen with this in mind.Still, for $0.99, it was a good read and I am glad that I didn’t miss it.
⭐ One of the many great books she has written. I never tire of anything that she writes. Always a different scenario but with the same results!! Getting the bad guys.
⭐ A shorter book than normal, but still just as exciting and edge of your seat suspense! I am an audio book junkie and LOVE to have books read to me while I pursue other hobbies and have the reader create the wonderful pictures in my head. What I find so wonderful and interesting about these books is the detail of the real work that is done in autopsies and the work with just bones and being able to work backward from that place and get results or find a killer. AMAZING and so fascinating ~ would love to sit down and just talk with Kathy Reichs and learn new things.
⭐ Kathy Reichs is an author that takes you out of your life and puts you right therebeside Tempe Brennan. I was sorry that the book was so short but as withall of Kathy Reichs books I learned something from it. This story also broughtus a vivid view of puppy mills and the cold hearted people that run them. (This wasa very short part of the story) Anyone that likes to follow the clues and figure outwho the killer was and how it happened will enjoy this book.Kathy Reichs is a A1 author – Pamela
⭐ Bones in her Pocket, more a novella than a novel, is written in short choppy sentences interspersed with short choppy non-sentences. The story, though short, is good, but I was so disconcerted by the writing style that I got down from my shelves a Kathy Reichs novel to check the writing style. I found it quite different and more in tune with the way I enjoy reading books. That being said, the story deals with a body found in the water, a missing girl, nature nuts and an evil villain. Aside from the writing style, I enjoyed the book.
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