Ebook Info
- Published: 2008
- Number of pages: 639 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 6.00 MB
- Authors: George C. Hsiao
This book is devoted to the mathematical foundation of boundary integral equations. The combination of ?nite element analysis on the boundary with these equations has led to very e?cient computational tools, the boundary element methods (see e.g., the authors [139] and Schanz and Steinbach (eds.) [267]). Although we do not deal with the boundary element discretizations in this book, the material presented here gives the mathematical foundation of these methods. In order to avoid over generalization we have con?ned ourselves to the treatment of elliptic boundary value problems. The central idea of eliminating the ?eld equations in the domain and – ducing boundary value problems to equivalent equations only on the bou- ary requires the knowledge of corresponding fundamental solutions, and this idea has a long history dating back to the work of Green [107] and Gauss [95, 96]. Today the resulting boundary integral equations still serve as a major tool for the analysis and construction of solutions to boundary value problems.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: Review From the reviews:”The main goal of this book is to explain the mathematical foundation of the boundary element methods (BEMs) … . The BEM is well developed and widely used by engineers and scientists in applied mathematical computations for 40 years. … The book will be helpful not only for mathematicians who want to become familiar with the BIE but also for users of BEMs who want to understand mathematical background of the computational method.” (Vladimir Sládek, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1157, 2009)”This book has been in preparation for many years: the care in its composition is evident. … The development of … analytical framework occupies the major part of this impressive book. … There are 10 chapters and a bibliography of 325 items. … In summary, this is an important scholarly work on the modern mathematical theory of boundary integral equations.” (Paul Andrew Martin, Mathematical Reviews, Issue 2009 i) From the Back Cover This book is devoted to the basic mathematical properties of solutions to boundary integral equations and presents a systematic approach to the variational methods for the boundary integral equations arising in elasticity, fluid mechanics, and acoustic scattering theory. It may also serve as the mathematical foundation of the boundary element methods. The latter have recently become extremely popular and efficient computational tools in applications. The authors are well known for their fundamental work on boundary integral equations and related topics. This book is a major scholarly contribution to the modern theory of boundary integral equations and should be accessible and useful to a large community of mathematical analysts, applied mathematicians, engineers and scientists.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐That the quality of paper, printing and binding was substandard.
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