Character Theory of Finite Groups by ISAACS (PDF)



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2012
    • Number of pages:
    • Format: PDF
    • File Size: 12.85 MB
    • Authors: ISAACS


    Please Read Notes: Brand New, International Softcover Edition, Printed in black and white pages, minor self wear on the cover or pages, Sale restriction may be printed on the book, but Book name, contents, and author are exactly same as Hardcover Edition. Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.

    User’s Reviews

    Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

    ⭐A very good book to read and own for Mathematical interested people especially the algebraist’s people.

    ⭐I wasn’t smart enough to understand the contents but my nephew was very happy to receive this as a gift.

    ⭐Though Robert Greiss (of the Monster group fame) has assured me that the proofs and theory in the book are all sound, a beginner would have a difficult time believing it. The proofs generally leave a great deal to be proved, and worse to not point out these short comings so that a reader could at least work them out on the side. I am sure that if one understands representation theory then this is a marvelous reference, but for beginners I prefer Curtis & Reiner’s Methods of Representation Theory Volume 1, or even the last section of Dummit and Foote’s Abstract Algebra which is the best explained intro to representation and character theory that I have found.

    ⭐This classic book offers one of the definite treatments of character theory of finite groups, written by one of the foremost experts in the field. The text assumes that the reader had been exposed to a one year sequence of graduate level algebra course (knowledge about the basics of the theory of finite groups is necessary to read this book; for example, the book “Groups and Representations” by Alperin and Bell provides the necessary background material).The book is densely written and contains an incredible amount of material. The author provides concise but very readable proofs. Each chapter contains a large number of exercises that help the reader to master the material.The enormous coverage of material makes this book one of the most useful references on (ordinary) characters of finite groups.

    ⭐Avendo appena iniziato lo studio approfondito delle rappresentazioni di gruppi finiti, mi sono reso conto di come questo libro sia una tappa obbligata nello studio della materia, sia perché citato molto spesso da altri testi più specializzati, sia perché la sua chiarezza nelle dimostrazioni e i numerosi esercizi lo rendono uno strumento utilissimo per apprendere le basi necessarie a ulteriori studi nel settore

    ⭐Kindle: I’m just at the beginning of the book and it is clear that this will be a very good read and an excellent textbook. I would give it 5 stars but the kindle format does not deserve a rating such an high rating: the formulas in the images are too small to be read easily, different symbols are used for the same item in a single demonstration, unnecessary spaces makes it difficult to read and understand the formulas .Correct it and I will give 5 stars .

    ⭐Ich habe schonmal angefangen eine Vorlesung zu Charakteren von Gruppen zu besuchen und bin auch ganz gut mitgekommen. Mit diesem Buch werde ich allerdings nicht so richtig warm. Ich finde die Notation etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und finde komme trotz meines (auch nicht übermäßig großen) Vorwissens nicht so richtig in den groove… Ich muss aber auch gestehen, dass ich bisher erst wenige Mathematikbücher auf Englisch gelesen habe, was es noch zusätzlich erschwert.Wer viel auf Englisch liest und eventuell mit dieser speziellen Notation vertrauter ist wird es vermutlich einfacher haben.Ich besitze die e-Version, da das Taschenbuch zur Zeit nicht erhältlich ist, und was mich dort stört ist dass manche Formeln beim Zoommen nicht mitskaliert werden. Vielleicht ist dies aber auch ein Problem meines Kindle…

    ⭐The book was exactly what I ordered. It came earlier than I was expecting for, but it depends on the fact I live in UK.


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