Ebook Info
- Published: 2004
- Number of pages: 155 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.09 MB
- Authors: Roald Dahl
But only five lucky children will be allowed inside. And the winners are: Augustus Gloop, an enormously fat boy whose hobby is eating; Veruca Salt, a spoiled-rotten brat whose parents are wrapped around her little finger; Violet Beauregarde, a dim-witted gum-chewer with the fastest jaws around; Mike Teavee, a toy pistol-toting gangster-in-training who is obsessed with television; and Charlie Bucket, Our Hero, a boy who is honest and kind, brave and true, and good and ready for the wildest time of his life!
User’s Reviews
Review “Rich in humor, acutely observant, Dahl lets his imagination rip in fairyland.” —The New York Times
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ I’ve been chomping at the bit to get my kids interested in reading books that aren’t carried by the illustrations, and CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY was the book that finally got us over that hurdle! My 4-year-old stayed engaged and followed the story, even brought it up and talked about the characters at times that we were not reading. Even my son (almost 3) generally paid attention, but mostly because he follows his sister’s lead. Other books we’ve tried recently were too long-winded or slow to keep my daughter’s attention, but Roald Dahl’s masterpiece was a hit. I think the vividness of the exaggerated, one-dimensional characters helps young readers/listeners cement the characters into their minds, providing strong anchors to help keep focused on the story. This is particularly true if you can give each of the characters their own recognizable voice when reading this one out loud!My kids’ favorite part of the book was when the squirrels threw Veruca Salt (and her parents!) down the garbage shoot. I bring that up when the kids start whining about something, reminding them that it was the parents’ spoiling of Veruca that made her into such an insufferable brat! The Oompa-Loompas and their long, complex songs were not as funny as I remembered, and I could tell the kids were pretty much waiting for them to be over so the story could resume. This surprised me since I seemed to remember them being my favorite part. Maybe I just didn’t do them justice in my attempts to sing like an Oompa-Loompa!The lessons conveyed by CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY are simple but important. Behave with respect, dignity, and politeness and try not to be like Augustus, Veruca, Violet, of Mike, each of whom personify excess, disrespect, selfishness and unhealthy habits. I can’t recommend this book highly enough if you’re looking for an easy-to-follow, short book to read out loud to children! It has simple black-and-white illustrations every few pages, something to look at but not stare at continually, so it is a good book for transitioning from picture books to chapter books.
⭐ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a story I’ve known for many years from the two movie versions, particularly the Gene Wilder movie I first saw as a child. It’s such a joy to finally read the original book as an adult. Dahl had a sardonic sense of humor and could be quite cruel to some of his child characters. But the book is full of whimsy and imagination. Though we don’t get Leslie Bricusse’s songs, we do get some very funny ones from the Oompa Loompas themselves. And Dahl’s amusingly primitive illustrations are perfect at capturing how he imagined the characters to look as opposed to the Hollywood versions that are so familiar to us by now. A true treasure with some biting satire, pointing the finger at some familiar targets that still ring true today, ranging from binge watching TV to overeating to selfishness, greed and ostentatious displays of wealth. Dahl has fun with each of them, but keeps the story entertaining rather than preachy. And just the names of the characters like Willy Wonka, Veruca Salt, Augustus Bloop and Mike Teevee are amusing in themselves. A short read, but a fun one.
⭐ I bought this book for my daughter, she had a book report on this. At first, we watched both the old movie and the remake. After discussing what we watched in the movies we didn’t care for either of them and felt that both movies had hidden messages that expressed current worldly views about what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s fair. So we decided on buying the book. Because movie writers tend to take creative licences and change things to fit their own way of thinking as well as to push a particular idea. For example, in the old movie, the grandfather told Charlie to disobey and drink the soda. Even though they were told not to do so by Mr Wonker. Then the Grandfather also got upset at Mr Wonker for not giving Charly the prise because he had disobeyed. Do you see anything wrong with that way of thinking??? This book, however, was not only properly written, but it also was perfect in the lessons that it teaches about behaviour and being thankful. If you want your children to have really GODLY Values and morals, this book is a good way to start. She has since read it more than once and also scored a 100 on her book report.
⭐ I didn’t read this book as a child, so now that I have children of my own, we really loved reading this book together. It is written in a way that young and old can enjoy it.It’s about a young boy’s journey to winning a tour through the chocolate factory in his town. There are plenty of times where we laughed out loud at the ridiculous imagination of Roald Dahl. We are going to order the next one in the series so we can see what else happens!
⭐ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a story to be read again and again. It captures Dahl’s excellence in making a hero out of the least popular child around. This is a great tale to reinforce that wealth does not trump poverty and that good guys can finish first. Reading this book in secondary school helps students grasp the deeper meanings of themes, symbols and motifs that can be missed at first glance.– Elizabeth Chapin-Pinotti
⭐ I’ve seen both versions of the Chocolate Factory movies but I don’t think I’ve read the book since I was a little girl, so I decided to buy and re-read. This version of Wonka is absolutely zany and unpredictable, I found myself gawking and laughing at his behavior at times, but he also seemed sincerely concerned about each of the rotten kids that go to the factory. Charlie is sweet and likable, Grandpa Joe was hilarious and childlike. Everything that happens is imaginative and stunning! You’ve got to read it to believe it!
⭐ Been searching for this book for a long time to give to my greatgrandchildren. This one is paperback but still really nice. I don’t remember the color looking like this but the content is original. The book is really well constructed. The story is timeless and a great book to read to your youngsters. It is even fun for an adult to read so it makes story time with your children much easier (if you get what I mean). As a nanny over the years, this story became my go to for the children for whom I cared. I bought this for my greatgrandchildren so my grandchildren can read this to their little ones. This is a great find.
⭐ Right before the holiday I was talking with a coworker about Charley and the Chocolate Factory. Although she loved the original movie she had never seen the newer version. I highly recommended that she view it. One point of my recommendation was that it was suppose to be closer to the book.Only I had never read the book. It has been on my list of books to read forever. However, it never worked out to read it. Until now.I was delighted to see three works by Roald Dahl on the 100 BBC Books list. Matilda was one of my favorite books as a child! To make it even better Amazon offered a Kindle deal after Christmas discounting both Charley and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda. I was excited to finally read this book.Charley and the Chocolate Factory is written for a younger audience. The children are all around the age of nine.I hate to write a book review based upon the movie. However, it is rare that I have actually seen the movie before reading the book. I think this will tend to be the case for most everyone.The book is different from both movies. It is simpler. This is not surprising when you consider the reading level of a nine year old. This is not to say that the book does not give you more then the movie. For one it gives you a way to picture the children and parents in which ever way you see fit. I also enjoy Willey Wonka in the book. He is not as over the top as Johnny Depp, but his is a bit more eccentric then in the original movie.If you have not read Charley and the Chocolate Factory you should. Better yet, you should pick up the book and read it with (or to) a child.
⭐ We are reviewing something old today, originally published in 1964!It starts with Charlie Bucket, his family, and their ordinary life. Charlie is a poor boy, living with four grandparents and his parents. He has very little to eat, he doesn’t have new toys or clothes. He is kind, simple, humble, and respectful. He is the type of character who thinks of others before himself.Charlie luckily wins one out of five rare golden tickets. These allow the winners inside Willy Wonka’s famous factory. Mike, Veruca, Violet, and Augustus are the other winners. They can be described as greedy, rude, spoiled, disrespectful, and demanding. Charlie is not as rich but he is a very nice person. The only reason they all end up together is because of Willy Wonka’s contest.Most of the chapters are about the adventures of the five winners while inside the factory. The visit is out of the ordinary! Many unexpected things happen. Many unexpected words are said. My favorite parts are when the Oompa Loompas sing. The lyrics of their songs are funny!I really enjoyed the characters. They are so different from one another. Charlie stands out because of his kindness and because he is well behaved. I did not enjoy the character of Augustus because I found him to be greedy.I enjoyed the ending and I would like to read the sequel. The theme is about getting what one deserves. You can see it with each of the children, especially Charlie.Kids 8 -12 will enjoy this book.I would recommend this to readers who liked other Roald Dahl books and to anyone who enjoys comedy and karma.I rate this book 5 stars ★★★★★.This is funny and entertaining. I had a great time reading this book!Review by LY, age 8Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryBy Roald Dahl#mgbooks #mgreads #thebookobookclub #kindle #amazon #goodreads#bookstagram #roalddahl #charlieandthechocolatefactory #classic
⭐ The story is a little strange and the language is not always appropriate for little children. We read it because it is a children’s classic but it turned me off from reading Dahl’s other books. My kids had mixed feelings about it.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Puffin Modern Classics) 2004 Epub Free Download
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