Ebook Info
- Published: 2000
- Number of pages: 476 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.24 MB
- Authors: David Harel
This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to Dynamic Logic.Among the many approaches to formal reasoning about programs, Dynamic Logic enjoys the singular advantage of being strongly related to classical logic. Its variants constitute natural generalizations and extensions of classical formalisms. For example, Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL) can be described as a blend of three complementary classical ingredients: propositional calculus, modal logic, and the algebra of regular events. In First-Order Dynamic Logic (DL), the propositional calculus is replaced by classical first-order predicate calculus. Dynamic Logic is a system of remarkable unity that is theoretically rich as well as of practical value. It can be used for formalizing correctness specifications and proving rigorously that those specifications are met by a particular program. Other uses include determining the equivalence of programs, comparing the expressive power of various programming constructs, and synthesizing programs from specifications.This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to Dynamic Logic. It is divided into three parts. The first part reviews the appropriate fundamental concepts of logic and computability theory and can stand alone as an introduction to these topics. The second part discusses PDL and its variants, and the third part discusses DL and its variants. Examples are provided throughout, and exercises and a short historical section are included at the end of each chapter.
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: About the Author Dexter Kozen is Joseph Newton Pew, Jr., Professor of Engineering in the Computing and Information Science Department at Cornell University.Jerzy Tiuryn is Professor in the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Warsaw.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐Background: M.S. in C.S. and A.I.Positive Points1. The MIT Press is putting out texts on formal logic2. Dynamic Logic has all the building blocks to reason formally about computer algorithms3. The book shows how extensions of logic (such as modal, or temporal) can be built on a foundation of formal logic.How shall I say this? I am still shocked within the circles ofsoftware engineering, to run into Masters degrees who don’t evenknow one complete notation system for formal logic. The abilityto produce formal proofs of validity, is a very basic abilityfor a programmer creating complex algorithms. The European Unionseems a little bit ahead of North American programmers, in thisrespect.And programmers who do not know any notations of formal logic,probably will never have studied computer algorithms forautomated reasoning. (And will probably be abysmally ignorantof the classes of intractable problems associated with automatedreasoning.)The situation among “hard” engineers (as opposed to softwareengineers) seems to be worse (which is why I laud MIT puttingout introductory books on logic). Almost every week I run intoengineers who cannot understand that formal logic and mathematicsare not the same thing. More precisely, that one can have acomplete, valid, consistent system of logic, without a numbersystem.I am happy that the big engineering schools are becomingconscious that an ignorance of formal logic is a serious flawin hard and soft engineers. The next difficulty follows logically:engineers discover the power of formal logic toreason about reality far beyond what can be accurately describedby analytic mathematical methods (currently). And they want toimmediately implement automated reasoning software, withoutknowing anything about the nature of THAT problem. We need morebooks on software algorithms, for extensions of formal logic.And that is NOT this book. This book is an appetizer.
⭐An amazing explanation about Dynamic Logic (not so condensed as by Goldblatt). Very good to understand the details of PDL.
⭐動的論理は、様相論理のひとつです。動的論理によって プログラムについての命題を表現できます。
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