Electricity and Magnetism 3rd Edition by Edward M. Purcell (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2013
  • Number of pages: 853 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 13.71 MB
  • Authors: Edward M. Purcell


For 50 years, Edward M. Purcell’s classic textbook has introduced students to the world of electricity and magnetism. The third edition has been brought up to date and is now in SI units. It features hundreds of new examples, problems, and figures, and contains discussions of real-life applications. The textbook covers all the standard introductory topics, such as electrostatics, magnetism, circuits, electromagnetic waves, and electric and magnetic fields in matter. Taking a nontraditional approach, magnetism is derived as a relativistic effect. Mathematical concepts are introduced in parallel with the physics topics at hand, making the motivations clear. Macroscopic phenomena are derived rigorously from the underlying microscopic physics. With worked examples, hundreds of illustrations, and nearly 600 end-of-chapter problems and exercises, this textbook is ideal for electricity and magnetism courses. Solutions to the exercises are available for instructors at www.cambridge.org/Purcell-Morin.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I would say this would make a great adjunct to Griffiths canonical textbook for undergraduate studies, rather than the main book. The reason is well documented elsewhere-but essentially this book assumes a working knowedge of vector calculus (product laws for instance) whereas Griffiths devotes a chapter to it.Along with the Classical Mechanics book by the same author, this should be on the bookshelf of any college level physics student.

⭐I studyed it in my years of university, subsidiarly to Halliday (the main text) and liked very much of Purcell’s book. It’s more hard that Halliday’s and i don’t liked of CGS system. But the explanations are good and the problems were interestings, and many times challenging. Now appear a new version, aperfectaly, corrected, MKS system, and with many problens solved and others proposed. The level is from intermedieted to advanced, in betwin Halliday and Reitz (or Griffts), more near Reitz. It is time of review my forty years old knwoledge of eletromagnetism and it will be with Purcell’s.

⭐This is the best freshman E&M text of all time — provided that the class consists of students ready to handle the material at this level. Although the necessary tools of vector calculus are introduced from scratch, I doubt that most students would be able to get up to speed unless they had already had vector calculus or were at least taking it concurrently.The best known innovation of this book was the presentation of magnetism as a consequence of relativity. The book assumes you’ve already learned special relativity. (There is an appendix on SR in the 3rd edition, but realistically that wouldn’t be sufficient.)I ordered a copy of the 3rd edition ($76), and compared it side by side with my disintegrating but much-loved copy of the 1965 1st edition. The price is amazingly reasonable compared to the kind of exploitative prices you see these days for textbooks.One thing I’d never noticed before is that the 1st edition has a notice on its copyright page saying that it’s available for royalty-free use after 1970. (It was an NSF-sponsored project.) So theoretically it’s legal to scan it and put it on the web for free. However, what I find when I look around on the web is people illegally making the 2nd edition available through sleazy file-sharing sites.The most important change is the switch from cgs to SI units. Three cheers. Without this change the book would have stayed in the ghetto forever.The 3rd edition is almost twice the bulk of the 1st. This is mostly because there are far more problems, and many of them have complete solutions in the back of the book. This is a great new feature.There is also an applications section at the end of every chapter.For the most part, though, it’s exactly the same text with only a very few minor changes here and there. The line art is mostly the same. The graphic design isn’t as nice as in the 1st edition, which often used gray backgrounds on the figures, with a full bleed. In the 3rd edition, the figures often aren’t sufficiently clearly divided from the text, and the effect is extremely ugly.

⭐Such a great book, even after so many years of learning and practicing Engineering, it still taught me a lot!

⭐I would say only this:Provided you have some basis on Special Relativity, this is the best first textbook on Electricity and Magnetism.Surely, after it you will need some other text with a stronger emphasis on mathematics.But the physical knowledge/intuition is build here better than in any other book, thanks to the wonderful/delightful explanations of Edward Purcell.At the undergraduate level is possibly one of the best written books in physics.

⭐This book is very rigorous. The author demonstrates outstanding writing skills; the explanations are very clear and precise. Do your homework on vector calculus. There is hardly no review on the subject. The book jumps head first into vector calc., so if you’re rusty on the subject I strongly recommend you review it, or have a calc. textbook at the ready. Sit back and enjoy the ride; this book is amazing.

⭐A classic for a reason. This is beautiful book. It is still the best introduction to the subject for anyone who truly wants to understand it. I treasure my copy.

⭐I bought this book to review Emag in order to learn more advanced physics concepts. I am impressed with the writing. It gives a very intuitive description of everything. Definitely very lively as far as textbooks are concerned. I would definitely recommend it for self-study.

⭐Sure, electrodynamics is a huge and very high-tech field and this book probably isn’t going to get you a PhD but this is hardly a beginner’s book.You are going to need some serious math and physics to actually absorb the material.It’s the kind of book where super-important concepts are given in one line… As opposed to telling you why this is so critical to understanding the next 600 pages and throwing you a bone because you aren’t a student with no job, who has 6 hours of math a week.The style of this book has its merit for specialists but if you are some dude who doesn’t know anything specific about electrodynamics and you figure you want to learn “what electrons do?” in a serious way – this book is way off for you!

⭐An amazing book that treats the subject matter in an intuitive way, always providing graphic illustrations. It Is a lower-division EM book and that is the only drawback, according to me. It is also very helpful for learning Electromagnetism at a higher level in cases where the reader needs some intuition on the basics and for some visualization of the various electromagnetic phenomena. Moreover, Dr. Morin has took an already great book and made it even better by adding many more problems (with a huge amount of them also having solutions), but even these problems, not matter how difficult they get (and they can get really difficult at some points), they are still not very mathematically sophisticated (not even at the level of Griffiths’ on most occasions).This is an excellent treatment of Electromagnetism and it might possibly be the best introduction to Electromagnetism as a level just one step lower than that of Griffiths’. But, as building intuition goes, this even beats Griffiths’ textbook, which says a lot!

⭐A very good and informative book that takes a well structured approach to the subject matter. A very useful addition to any supplied course material for physics students.

⭐Questa è un’introduzione classica all’elettromagnetismo originariamente scritta da un premio Nobel per la fisica come secondo volume del Corso di Fisica di Berkeley (per il quale Zanichelli pubblica in lingua italiana i cinque volumi nella prima edizione).La terza edizione, uscita dopo la morte dell’autore (Purcell) è stata adattata senza tradirne lo spirito e i contenuti convertendo le unità in quelle del SI – addio al sistema gaussiano come forma prediletta – ed ampliando la parte di problemi e relative soluzioni.Si tratta di un testo a sè stante, con una vita propria indipendente da quella degli altri quattro volumi del corso di fisica di Berkeley (volumi che varrebbe comunque la pena di leggere). L’edizione appena uscita è rilegata (copertina rigida) e ottimamente realizzata. E’ stato conservato lo spazio laterale su ogni pagina, comodo per le annotazioni, che caratterizzava le precedenti edizioni.Il riferimento alle equazioni nel sistema gaussiano è tuttora presente come compendio a quelle date nelle unità del sistema internazionale (mks razionalizzato), e non rappresenta più una distrazione per chi preferisce un testo SI. Tutt’altro, in questa forma rappresenta un ausilio per familiarizzare con il sistema cgs e i vantaggi che offre in certe circostanze.La mole di problemi risolti aggiunta è impressionante: un quarto del testo (circa 200 pagine) è dedicato alle soluzioni svolte nel dettaglio.Nel complesso il Purcell si conferma come uno dei migliori testi introduttivi all’elettromagnetismo, ora senza la ‘scomodità’ del sistema gaussiano e con il bonus di un eserciziario integrato.E’ un ottimo punto di partenza per avvicinarsi all’elettromagnetismo seguendone l’evoluzione pseudostorica e prediligendo l’interpretazione fisica dei fenomeni, qualità condivisa con il resto dei volumi del Corso di Fisica di Berkeley.A differenza di altri testi introduttivi all’elettromagnetismo, però, il Purcell non adotta un approccio fenomenologico per il magnetismo, che viene introdotto direttamente come conseguenza delle trasformazioni relativistiche del campo elettrico. Per poter comprendere appieno il testo è pertanto necessario avere un’infarinatura di relatività ristretta.L’ideale sarebbe accompagnare questo testo a una trattazione top-down che parta dalle equazioni di Maxwell e deduca le varie leggi di elettrostatica, magnetostatica, induzione ecc come casi speciali, per poter consolidare le conoscenze in un contesto definitivo (un ottimo riferimento per questo è il conciso testo di Dugdale, “Essentials of Electromagnetism”) e a un testo più tecnico che prediliga le coniugazioni pratiche dell’elettromagnetismo (come è ad esempio il Nayfeh Brussel, “Electricity and Magnetism”, del quale sarebbe attesa la seconda edizione, mentre Dover ristamplerà la prima a basso costo nel marzo 2015). Digeriti questi, si può passare a testi più ‘pesanti’ come la seconda edizione del Panofski Phillips “Classical Electricity and Magnetism” (di cui esiste un’economica edizione Dover) o il famigerato e rispettato Jackson.Scritto dal premio Nobel Edward M. Purcell, un classico da molti anni: spesso snobbato in quanto faceva uso (nelle precedenti edizioni) del sistema gaussiano… che peraltro — in ambiti come questo (a mio giudizio) — è/era invece una scelta spesso azzeccata! Molto chiaro, tratta argomenti anche difficili spiegandoli in modo preciso e conciso!La revisione di David J. Morin lo ha “portato” in SI, senza però eliminare il sistema gaussiano che è sempre presente come compendio (e va benissimo per non perdere di vista che è comunque un sistema comodo in svariati frangenti), ed ha aggiunto una mole notevole di problemi (con soluzione)!Edizione con rilegatura rigida, a costo ragionevole e di ottima fattura!! Forma un po’ “particolare”, ma estremamente comoda per le annotazioni a margine del testo!


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