
Ebook Info
- Published: 2006
- Number of pages: 258 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 7.33 MB
- Authors: M. D. Verweij
The book provides a solid understanding of how the basic ingredients that make up the more sophisticated applications follow from Maxwell’s equations.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐Okay, accept my sincere apologies, my review is very subjective, since I’ve actually followed classes from the authors (especially Verweij, who’s a great person both as a professor and as a human being you can chat with).This book introduces you to, I’d say, a rather formal approach to electromagnetic waves and their equations. If you know your cross product and maxwell equations (watch the Walter Lewin Lectures on Physics if you don’t, esp. 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism), this is not an issue, but do realize that you need academic-grade math and physics to work your way through this (it was intended for students, after all).The book contains a fair amount of math, images when helpful and answers to all exercises. You may want to consider getting the Repetitive Guide too, which is a dense outline of formulas in this book. Yes, you read that correctly: you can actually write a book on just the formulas in this book.The reason I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is that the paperback edition I have is already showing signs of breakdown (the plastic cover film is letting loose at the bottom), which I would not expect from a book one could intend to keep for years to come.CONTENTSPreface1 Introduction1.1 Cartesian vectors and their properties1.2 Exercises and problems2 The Electromagnetic Field Equations2.1 Force exerted on an electric point charge2.2 Maxwell’s equations in vacuum2.3 Maxwell’s equations in matter2.4 The constitutive relations2.5 The system of field equations2.6 The boundary condition2.7 Frequency-domain representations2.8 Polarization state2.9 Poynting’s theorem2.10 Exercises and problems3 One-dimensional Electromagnetic Waves3.1 The planar electric-current sheet as emitter3.2 Steady-state analysis3.3 Transient emission into a lossless medium3.4 Reflection and transmission problem3.5 Shielding problem3.6 Parallel-plate waveguide3.7 Exercises and problems4 Two-dimensional Electromagnetic Waves4.1 Plane waves in a homogeneous medium4.2 interference of two plane waves4.3 Reflection of a plane wave by an electrically impenetrable half-space4.4 Reflection and transmission of a plane wave incident upon a plane interface4.5 Exercises and problems5 Electromagnetic Rays in a Two-dimensional Medium5.1 Homogeneous, lossless medium5.2 Parallel polarization5.3 Perpendicular polarization5.4 Ray trajectories5.5 Exercises and problems6 Transmission lines6.1 TEM-waves6.2 Parallel-plate waveguide6.3 Coaxial line6.4 Propagation properties6.5 Exercises and problems7 Electromagnetic Waveguides7.1 Parallel-plate waveguide7.2 Propagation properties of modes in a parallel-plate waveguide7.3 Dielectric slab waveguides7.4 Propagation properties of guided modes in a dielectric slab waveguide7.5 Exercises and problems8 Excitation of Two-dimensional Electromagnetic Waves8.1 The sheet emitter with a parallel electric current8.2 The sheet emitter with a perpendicular electric current8.3 Exercises and problemsAnswers to ExercisesBibliographyIndex
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