Elementary Particle Physics: Quantum Field Theory and Particles V1 1st Edition by Yorikiyo Nagashima (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2010
  • Number of pages: 964 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 4.88 MB
  • Authors: Yorikiyo Nagashima


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLESMeeting the need for a coherently written and comprehensive compendium combining field theory and particle physics for advanced students and researchers, this volume directly links the theory to the experiments. It is clearly divided into two sections covering approaches to field theory and the Standard Model, and rounded off with numerous useful appendices. A timely work for high energy and theoretical physicists, as well as astronomers, graduate students and lecturers in physics. From the contents: Particles and FieldsLorentz InvarianceDirac Equation Field QuantizationScattering MatrixQED: Quantum ElectrodynamicsRadiative Corrections and Tests of Qed SymmetriesPath Integral : Basics Path Integral Approach to Field Theory Accelerator and Detector Technology Spectroscopy The Quark Model Weak Interaction Neutral Kaons and CP ViolationHadron Structure Gauge Theories AppendicesVolume 2 (2013, ISBN 3-527-40966-1) will concentrate on the main aspects of the Standard Model by addressing its recent developments and future prospects. Furthermore, it will give some thought to intriguing ideas beyond the Standard Model, including the Higgs boson, the neutrino, the concepts of the Grand Unified Theory and supersymmetry, axions, and cosmological developments.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review “A timely volume for high energy and theoretical physicists, as well as astronomers, graduate students and lecturers in physics.” (PR-Inside.com, 15 February 2011) From the Back Cover Meeting the need for a coherently written and comprehensive compendium combining field theory and particle physics for advanced students and researchers, this volume directly links the theory to the experiments. It is clearly divided into two sections covering approaches to field theory and the Standard Model, and rounded off with numerous useful appendices. A timely work for high energy and theoretical physicists, as well as astronomers, graduate students and lecturers in physics.From the contents: Particles and FieldsLorentz InvarianceDirac Equation Field QuantizationScattering MatrixQED: Quantum ElectrodynamicsRadiative Corrections and Tests of Qed SymmetriesPath Integral : Basics Path Integral Approach to Field Theory Accelerator and Detector Technology Spectroscopy The Quark Model Weak Interaction Neutral Kaons and CP ViolationHadron Structure Gauge Theories AppendicesVolume 2 (2013, ISBN 3-527-40966-1) will concentrate on the main aspects of the Standard Model by addressing its recent developments and future prospects. Furthermore, it will give some thought to intriguing ideas beyond the Standard Model, including the Higgs boson, the neutrino, the concepts of the Grand Unified Theory and supersymmetry, axions, and cosmological developments. About the Author Yorikiyo Nagashima is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics of Osaka University, Japan. An organizer of international conferences, he is also a member of the most important collaboration groups in his field of expertise, including those related to neutrino research. Professor Nagashima was the spokesman of the VENUS group, one of the major detectors of the Japanese first collider accelerator TORISTAN, where he served the first and second term at the start of the project. Professor Nagashima has authored or co-authored 296 papers, some of them cited up to 250 times. Read more

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I’ve had this book checked out from my school library for the past 3 years straight; I guess no one else has looked to check it out themselves. I just bought a copy here to support the author (hopefully) and get another copy on hand so my roommate can learn from it more easily in tandem with me.This book is a behemoth. It’s some 900+ pages with 400 references and a full set of very helpful appendices, indexing, and table of contents. Indispensable for my research. I also love that there is both a thorough theoretical treatment but also an attempt at quantifying experimental setups and efforts (and a lot of the statistics analysis that comes with the territory!).As you read this book, you can tell the author has been living and breathing this material their whole life, and that he’s a great explicator as well. Some typos and jumping from derivations to historical comments cause some “whiplash”, but in my experience I just need to slow down and re-read when that happens. The information density can vary wildly, but the approaches are always at least good, if not great. I loved Chapter 18 in particular. Very eye-opening stuff!If you’re thinking of getting this book, just be aware that it is graduate level, and I’d recommend readers to have a solid grasp of covariant electromagnetism and nonrelativistic quantum mechanics before beginning. A course in classical mechanics would probably also be helpful for the parts that deal with functional derivatives, integration, derivation of Noether’s Theorem, etc. Even so, I suspect an ambitious undergrad could get a lot out of this book still. I also recommend that first-timers to QFT read this alongside “Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory” by Robert D. Klauber. Good luck and enjoy!

⭐Libro ineccepibile, un po troppo costoso.

⭐Not found.

⭐Graduate student level. For experimentalists and theoriticians. Everything in one book. Mixes historical developments with a didactical line (which is not good), but subjects can be studied in separate chapters. Would be good to have paper book and E-version. Book is too heavy to carry around, but more convenient for study.


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Elementary Particle Physics: Quantum Field Theory and Particles V1 1st Edition 2010 PDF Free Download
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