Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, 5) by Sarah J. Maas (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 704 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.63 MB
  • Authors: Sarah J. Maas


The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves at odds with those who don’t.

With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side, and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, and dark forces become poised to claim her world, the only chance for salvation will lie in a desperate quest that may mark the end of everything Aelin holds dear.

In this breathtaking fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series, Aelin will have to choose what — and who — to sacrifice if she’s to keep the world of Erilea from breaking apart.

User’s Reviews

Review “Tightly plotted, delightful escapism.” – Kirkus Reviews”Fans devoted to the series (and there are many) will be eager for this installment’s cinematic action, twisty schemes, and intense revelations of secrets and legacies.” – Booklist”The best, most exciting installment yet. . . . Each page teems with fierce intensity, romantic tension and propulsive suspense as power, magic and evil surge in this high-stakes saga.” ―USA Today on QUEEN OF SHADOWS”Sizzles with action, deception and sexual tension, making it the best yet.” ―RT Book Reviews on QUEEN OF SHADOWS”Impossible to put down.” ―Kirkus Reviews on QUEEN OF SHADOWS”Celaena is as much an epic hero as Frodo or Jon Snow!” ―New York Times bestselling author Tamora Pierce on HEIR OF FIRE”Intriguing, beautiful, heartbreaking, romantic and exciting . . . . This story will consume your imagination and leave you drooling for more. . . . Epic fantasy gold.” ―USA Today on HEIR OF FIRE”Tension snowballs into devastating twists and an absolutely riveting ending. . . . Will leave readers ravenous for more.” ―Kirkus Reviews on HEIR OF FIRE”An epic fantasy readers will immerse themselves in and never want to leave.” ―starred review, Kirkus Reviews on CROWN OF MIDNIGHT”A thrill ride of epic fantasy proportions.” ―USA Today on CROWN OF MIDNIGHT”A thrilling read.” ―starred review, Publishers Weekly on THRONE OF GLASS”A must-read for lovers of epic fantasy and fairy tales.” ―USA Today on THRONE OF GLASS”Fans of Tamora Pierce and George R.R. Martin, pick up this book!” ―RT Book Reviews on THRONE OF GLASS”Simply dazzles. . . . Maas’ Throne of Glass series has been a smash hit [and] this new series is primed to follow in its footsteps.” ―starred review, Booklist on A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES”Maas delivers what may be her best work to date. . . . Enchanting, spellbinding, and imaginative. . . . The world-building is stellar, as only Maas can imagine it.” ―USA Today on A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES”A gorgeously written tale as lush and romantic as it is ferocious. Absolutely spellbinding.” ―New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Bracken on A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES

Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:

⭐ I have loved this entire Throne of Glass series, until Empire of Storms of ruined it for me.If I wanted to read explicit sex scenes, I would buy books for that purpose. They certainly do not belong here. Its as if an entire series, with a beautiful world and amazing characters was built, and in the the last book the author decided, id rather this be a porno. Not at all appropriate for young kids/teens. Sex and relationships is one thing. but do we need all that detail, and so much of it?? It does nothing to move the story forward. In fact just makes me want to skim through the smut and dread every future encounter between Aelin and Rowan. I hope court of thorns and roses doesnt follow this same path, as ive heard, as i really do like her books and style. But if so, i think i m done with this author. At least classify as adult/erotica in the future. SMH. In the end, if this series is going to go this route, stop marketing to children and young teens. Not at all appropriate. And some parents/grandparents buy these for thier kids assuming its free of such things.

⭐ I like reading YA novels because they usually skip the steamy bedroom scenes and are usually refrain from the use of crude language. I had thoroughly enjoyed the first 4 books of this series by Sarah Maas- but regret purchasing this installment and the books that complete this series. I have not completed Empire of Storms because of its inclusion of adult themes the book seems to be based on lust rather than adventure or simple romance. I regret having purchased the other books in this series and will not be reading them- and am unable to return them because once I realized where the author was going with the story the return time frame had expired. I think it is unfortunate when an author has to rely on smut as a means to compete in the marketplace and sell books.

⭐ My daughter was introduced to this series by a classmate. I usually read the book reviews and after ready the first three in the series I thought it would remain about the same as far as content. This book is NOT appropriate for young adults. Even my young daughter was disgusted by the gratuitous sex and bad language in this book. The author has steeped to the level of salacious adult romance novels. I am very disappointed. She lost her way as a serious writer. I really wish I had read ALL the reviews. PLEASE place a warning about this is the description.

⭐ I want you to stop for a moment and think about all the characters within the Throne of Glass series, how you perceived them, what they look like, what they sound like, and the decisions they are known to make. Now, throw all of what you know into a blender. Close the lid. Press down on the go button and turn the nozzle all the way up to its highest level. What you are left with is a nourishing and new delightful new dish that our minds weren’t ready for. Sarah J Maas turns everything upside down in Empire of Storms, her 5th installment in the series, which has us all scrambling for more immediately.Maas brilliantly makes each of her characters into something they weren’t before. They all develop organically into new people, but these new developments make perfect sense. For example, Aelin begins the book heading North of Terrasen in order to help build herself an army. She finds that the people are not so inclined to back her up, considering she’s been gone for over 10 years, but was actually always present with her sworn enemy, the late King of Adarlan, playing as his puppet assassin as Cealena Sardothien. Many don’t take too kindly to her history, and many of those that she encounters find more reasons to not back her up, than to do so.Based on the Aelin we’ve grown to know, we would think she would blow up into a vengeful tirade, spewing her new found power of fire, stopping close but short of a tyrant. However, that Aelin is not there. She’s become ever more calculating, less hot-headed, and deathly more focused on saving her people and land. She not only fights two wars against both the Dark King Erawan and her Aunt Meave, Queen of the Fae, she does more than crosses blades in these wars. She uses her mind as well as her muscle in order to produce an end result she wants. From page one until the very end result, Aelin orchestrated EVERYTHING. It’s that type of sleight of hand intellectual reflex that has me blown away with her character growth.Prince Rowan, once sworn to Queen Mauve, now sworn to Aelin, serves his Queen in every way possible. When we first met him in Heir of Fire he was disassocitive, broody, and not the most likeable character. Aelin has helped to transform him into something more vulnerable, to the point where he will freely show some PDA with Aelin in front of others. While some of his old cadre (old Fae friends/associates sworn to Mauve) would see this as a weakness, this is in fact far from the truth. Prince Rowan will stop at nothing to protect Aelin, even if it means protecting her from herself. He’s still a fierce fighter, but now, he has a worthy cause to fight for—a future with his Queen.Aedion goes through some pretty hefty transformations that mainly deal with things that come out from the plot itself. I won’t discuss everything, but Aedion grows to accept who his parents are and what that means. He’s every bit as fierce as Aelin can be, and he becomes one of her most loyal soldiers. He also finds a budding romance with a shapeshifter by name of Lysandra. Their relationship was very sensitive, on account of Lysandra’s history. She has been defiled by many men, and Aedion is very cautious with her at first, as he should be. Lysandra was a very refreshing character to read about. Her ability to transform into almost anything was pretty epic. Lysandra’s fight sequences were some of the best of the series, and she reminded me of a mini Aelin. She’s also completely devoted to Aelin, almost to a fault. It’s a magical experience to see such a fierce and brutal character, rife with molestation, loss of power, and a dehumanizing childhood, turn into a character that is able to finally allow love to blossom.King Dorian has the biggest transformation in the entire series. A fair warning to those about to read Empire of Storms, this will not be the same character you grew to love. His innocence is gone. His power is his own. The killing of his father by his own hand, seeing the love of his life Sorscha murdered because of his father, and the months of being held hostage inside his body by a Valg Prince has changed Dorian forever. He is darker, less talkative, and more of a man of action. He has become sadistic and this leads him to a very surprising romance (although I approve) with Manon of Blackbeak. He’s become as cold as the ice he wields, and he has now become a force to be reckoned with along side Aelin. He is after all, the King of Andarlan. King Dorian begins to realize the position he is now in, and you see him push his weight around when you least expect it. However, he’s very quiet during heightened situations, especially when it comes to plotting along side the other characters. You knew when he decided to speak, his words would change the dynamic. I’m not sure if I personally love his more sadistic side, what I do love is that he recognizes his power. I look forward to seeing how he’ll wield it in the future.Lorcan, another Fae male that’s apart of the cadre. Also, the same person who Aelin and Rowan tricked at the end of Queen of Shadows into thinking he took one of the wyrdkeys from them for his Queen. He’s known as the Fae male who trained Rowan into what he is now. He’s a character filled with vengeful hate, and it becomes amplified 100 fold when he realizes that he was tricked. However, a long his journey he meets Elide who is also on the run. Manon helped her escape her uncle and the tower she was held captive in, and now Lorcan and Elide travel together. To be brief, Elide melts away the ice around his heart, and helps to provide him with a worthier reason to fight. Their romance was the one that had me the most excited, because it really did feel like it was straight out of Beauty and the Beast.Manon of Blackbeak has the most intense storyline out of them all. I fell in love with her since she was first introduce, and this new installment has just solidified that. Monon, still ever fierce, but we see some major things happen to her. I don’t want to give anything away, however I will say that Manon has always known that something wasn’t “right” with how her people were living. Some secrets are revealed, some major ties are cut, and we find Manon no longer in a position of power. Until…that is…when she crosses paths with Aelin again.They’re plenty of other characters I can discuss but these are the ones that had the most affect on me. Empire of Storms exceeded my expectations with every aspect of the book. It had the perfect dialogue, right amount of plot twists, and pages upon pages of cinematic fights. The ending will leave you in pieces, as I’m still trying to find all of the pieces of myself. Consider this book a rollercoaster, which has a long death drop and it keeps on dropping even as you turn to the last page. I still haven’t reach the bottom yet. And yet, I know I won’t until the next book comes out. Sarah J Maas has just written the best in her series, possibly even the best book of her career. Do check it out!Happy Reading!

⭐ I got drawn into this series by my sister who convinced me to read it. Thought the other books were entertaining and fast reads. This book was fine until it seemed the author decided she needed to get as many raunchy sex scenes in as possible. Not sure why. All they they did was detract from the story and felt more like they were shoved in for shock affect then as a solid part of the narrative. Sometimes less is more. Hope the next one the author gets back to just creating a solid story since the series seems to be winding down.

⭐ The beginning of this book finds Aelin and her court traveling North to finally reclaim her throne in Terrasen. But a meeting with several Lords of Terrasen changes her plans when she finds out that they refuse to recognize her as their queen. So instead of heading to Orynth, she heads out to raise hell and raise an army for Terrasen in the war against Erawan and his darkness.What I liked:When we first met Manon and the rest of her Thirteen in Heir of Fire, I was so annoyed. I thought that her point of view was pointless. I didn’t like her or any of the witches. I thought that they were unnecessarily cruel to everyone. But Manon has grown on me SO much! She is probably my favorite character in this series. And I thought that the turn her storyline took in this book was SO interesting! When we first see her she is getting ready to sack Rifthold. She kills one of another coven’s sentinels to save Dorian and as punishment, her second is to die. But she has other plans for her Thirteen than what is laid out before them.I love how much Manon cares about her Thirteen, despite it generally seeming like witches don’t care about anything except getting back to the Wastes and killing Crochans. I love Manon’s relationship with her flower-sniffing wyvern. I love how they can communicate and how they care about each other and it’s just so cute. Even though cute doesn’t seem like the kind of word Manon would appreciate being used to describe her.I liked all the action in this book. I don’t feel like things really ever felt slow in this book, I think they did feel a little bit repetitive after awhile, but something was always happening and it was EXCITING.I love all the strong, wonderful ladies in this book. They’re all such fighters. I love how they keep the boys on their toes.I think the other character I felt the least blah about was Aedion because he’s so caring and loyal and he actually seemed to have real feelings beyond lust, being pissed off about something, or just generally being kind of cold.And I LOVE how things from other books that you wouldn’t even think of connecting come up in this book. How things have been coming together for this ENTIRE series and you get to really see some of that in this book and it honestly kind of astounded me and made me really regret not rereading anything before reading this because I bet I would have noticed even MORE! But before I read the last one, I will definitely reread all of the books. I’m excited to see what new things I’ll pick up!What I felt ‘meh’ about:Aelin. As usual she is incredibly badass. Which I always have and always will love about her. She’s so strong and she cares so much about her people, even if not all of them obviously feel the same way about her. She just gets stronger and stronger and more and more clever as this series goes on.But.I just feel like the descriptions of her power were so over the top. The parts where she is digging deep into her power to obliterate some enemy just felt really overwritten to me. And there were several scenes in this book like this, where either Aelin or Rowan are diving into the depths of their power and they’re all written the same!Another thing that bugged me about Aelin was how she was constantly scheming and hardly ever involved anyone else in her schemes. I mean, I can kind of see why, but at the same time, they are there to help her bear the burden of what they’re doing. She can lean on them. It was just almost obnoxious how every step of the way something that Aelin schemed up seemed to just happen and everyone is like, “Whaaaaaat?”Granted, the big scheme at the end did rather impress me.Honestly, most of the characters were kind of ‘meh’ for me. I truly do like all of them to some extent, but I just didn’t love most of them in this book. Rowan because he’s not Chaol and I just don’t love him.Lysandra… I like her. I think she’s brave and strong and can definitely pull her own. But I don’t know, she was always there, but it was always just talked about how she’s in some various animal form and I wanted more of her interacting with people.Dorian just felt so different to me. And I can understand why. He went through hell in Queen of Shadows, but he just feels so much darker and colder in this book and I don’t know how I feel about it yet.Elide and Lorcan… I will probably eat my words like I did with Manon in Heir of Fire, but I just didn’t see how most of their points of view were necessary to this book. I don’t see how so much of their journey to find Aelin was important. I think Elide is kind of badass as well, but just don’t see why I needed to see so much of her travels.I don’t know, I just wanted MORE from the characters.What I disliked:I think that this might partially be because I’m forever butthurt about Chaol not being the object of Aelin’s affections, but I just didn’t like the romance in this book. Like, generally I feel like Rowan is growing on me. I don’t HATE him anymore, but I don’t like him with Aelin.But that’s not really what I want to talk about pertaining to the romance. Usually I am all about sex scenes in books. When I figured that there would probably be some sexytimes I was kinda pumped. But I quickly went from pumped to UGH because I was SO sick of the constant cuddling, kissing, nibbling, pressing, whatever that was going on with Rowan and Aelin. I feel like there were more mentions of pointy Fae canine teeth and what they were nibbling on than there were mentions of dear old Chaol.Seriously EVERYONE in this book was like a horny teenager! And I quickly found it getting so old! Every step of the way Aelin and Rowan were kissing and scratching and biting…I can’t believe I’m saying I just wanted them to keep it in their pants.I feel like a good chunk of this book could have been cut out and it wouldn’t have been any different. I’m one who finds repetitiveness incredibly obnoxious to read and I noticed a lot of it in this book. I no longer want to read the words baldly, incarnate, or any form of the word limn ever again.Overall:I really did enjoy this. Despite the repetitiveness, obnoxious horniness, and overwritten parts, it was an awesome book full of strong and amazing ladies and wonderful relationships. That ending kind of HURTS and I just need the last book in my hands yesterday.

⭐ I have loved this series, and gone through some books like there’s not tomorrow. She is a wonderful writer that brings you into the world and characters.With that said…. this book disappoints me and I haven’t even finished it yet. I’m about 3/4ths of the way through, and became unimpressed and some times unsure if I want to continue reading.My mother LOVES romance novels… I do not. Nor are they appropriate for certain age groups. The first few novels were written perfectly. Just the right amount of allure but the rest left to your imagination. There was almost an entire chapter (at least 3-5 pages) dedicated to describing an adult interaction in detail.. I am not a prude. However I read to escape to another world not a pornography site. I tried to read through thinking it’s just going to be a paragraph or two… and the book became a romance novel describing everything in detail I finally skipped ahead to the next chapter… and then still had to skip a page or two… I’m only a few chapters past and while it’s gotten back to the original storyline there are many moments when sex becomes the predominant focus I understand that it’s a human nature but if I want to read a full on romance novel I’d pick that series….If you’re looking for a romance novel… about 3/4th the way through you’ll find it. Very disappointed in this writer at the moment. I will finish the book. But will have to consider if the next book is worth purchasing or not.

⭐ I can’t believe I’m writing this, but…….this book just did not work for me. Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows were such masterpieces that Empire of Storms was just a let down. I think it’s partly my fault because I read the ACOTAR series, then I read the whole Throne of Glass saga again through Queen of Shadows before I read Empire of Storms. Maybe I am just Sarah J. Maas’d out. For me this book was filled with trite phrases, predictable plot devices and the characters lost their shine. Aelin became an arrogant, reckless, fanciful brat and the others faded into two dimensions for me. The sex was unnecessary, and just take Feyre and Rhysand’s scenes, add magic and you’ve got the same scene with Aelin and Rowan. Maybe they are pushing Ms. Maas to hard to write quickly. There was so much duplication and redundant prose between ACOTAR and Empire of Storms. Sometimes I wondered which series I was actually in where only the character names made it different. The work was careless and disappointing. I will let Empire of Storms sit for a bit and lay off Sarah J. Maas for a while (maybe the rest of the year) and move on to other things. I can’t say I won’t buy the next book because I know I will. I love her that much. But I hope she gets a handle on her creative process before it totally breaks down.

⭐ This was my first review of 2017, and believe me, this was a complex review to type back then and worst now since I read it a second time in 2021. I’m enjoying the Throne of Glass series, and I’m sad to know I will finally finish reading this series. I’ve held off on finishing this series because I don’t want it to end, but I know it does end. If you haven’t started this series and love the Young Adult genre with fantasy elements, I recommend starting this series.Storyline/My Thoughts: I love strong, kick-butt female characters, and Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is definitely one of those characters. Empire of Storms starts with the characters ending up in Aelin’s homeland, but unfortunately, they are not very welcoming. They believe she is not the ruler they want due to her taking so long to get back. They want to prove she can be Queen of Terrasen. They also are scared of Aelin’s power. Aelin is determined to win back Terrasen. Unfortunately, she’s going to go through so many tribulations in this book. She finds out the truth of what needs to happen to send back Erawan. She also finds out the price of what happens.Let me just say in this story, and I love Rowan even more. He has been my favorite male character in this story due to who he has become since the third book. He is very protective of Aelin for a particular reason that will be unveiled in this book.I do not want to go into the story much because I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t read this book or series. There are many action-packed and dramatic scenes in Empire of Storms and a lot of romance too. Not the too steamy kind like you will find in Adult Romance books, but it’s there.Be prepared to be on the edge of your seat at the very end of the book. I was not prepared for how the book was going to end. I thought Erawan was the biggest issue that Aelin had to deal with, but unfortunately, she will face someone far worse.Standalone or Part of series: It’s part of the Throne of Glass series.Cliffhanger: Yes.Would I recommend this book? Yes. I highly recommend this book to readers that need to be distracted for a while and placed in a world of powerful Fae, evil demons, and an all-powering, loving group of characters that will follow the main character Aelin anywhere. This series has prevented me from getting into a reading slump this year, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I don’t want to finish the series. I have to because it’s been sitting on my bookshelves for so long. I held off for so long. I hope I don’t have my heart broken, but I know Sarah J. Maas will give me an epic end to this series.

⭐ “ , .” —Sara J MaasAelin’s path to the throne is only just beginning. But war is on her doorstep, and she needs allies. When Mave’s powerful fae forces from the east appear on the cost, everything is sent spiraling out of control. There may be no coming back from the sacrifices Aelin must make to save those she loves.Immersive doesn’t even begin to explain it. This story broke me. Exhausted me emotionally. I walked away in a daze. That ending. Wow. How does someone come back from something like that? And the relationship between Aelin and Rowan? Goals! It was the characters and the relationships that stood out most to me in this installment. I am blown away by how well SJM weaves her characters together and how well she distinguishes them from one another. I loved getting to dive into each, though I missed Chaol in this one. But he has a whole book dedicated to him coming up—so he can wait his turn.The story itself was intense. SO DAMN INTENSE. I couldn’t stop turning pages. It’s a huge book and I read it in a weekend. I just couldn’t put it down. Immersed for two days in a world not my own. I couldn’t stop thinking about it while trying to sleep at night. Every element held suspense. There were NOT any calm moments, though there were sweet moments that snuck between the action-packed ones. But, I found myself wishing there were more times of calm. It was just…intense. But I suppose that’s how you keep someone reading. And that ending. OMG. I was NOT prepared for that ending. It wrecked me.Aelin’s character continues to captivate me. Her cunning is ever-present. And her strength. I love that about her. That she doesn’t need the males in her life to make her decisions for her—a true queen. I love hat she’s bold, and puts on a brave face even when she’s terrified. And that she does things on her own terms. Even if it makes everyone in her court angry at being left out of certain secrets.All in all, I can’t stop thinking about the story. This book has utterly stolen me from the world. I’m so invested in the plot, the characters, the world building. I cannot wait to dive into the next one. Once again, SJM blows me away! : /



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