Energy for the Year 2000 (Ettore Majorana International Science Series, 6) by Richard Wilson (PDF)



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2011
    • Number of pages: 401 pages
    • Format: PDF
    • File Size: 13.71 MB
    • Authors: Richard Wilson


    The Third International School on Energetics was devoted to the subject of Energy for the Year 2000. By this title we hoped to avoid discussion of such matters as the role of OPEC in raising oil prices. In one sense, therefore, our task was made easier; we could merely look into our crystal balls. The choice of lecturers was made with the idea that no reason­ able source of energy can be overlooked. We omitted detailed lectures on oil and natural gas because we took it as a given fact that we would continue to use as much of these fuels as we can get at a reasonable price. To give us an overview we started the School by discussing U.S. energy policy and possible U.S. energy scenarios. As might be ex­ pected, there was some disagreement about the current energy program in the U.S., but little disagreement about the facts presented.

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    Energy for the Year 2000 (Ettore Majorana International Science Series, 6) 2011 PDF Free Download
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