From Classical to Quantum Fields 1st Edition by Laurent Baulieu | (PDF) Free Download



    Ebook Info

    • Published: 2017
    • Number of pages: 992 pages
    • Format: PDF
    • File Size: 5.54 MB
    • Authors: Laurent Baulieu


    Quantum Field Theory has become the universal language of most modern theoretical physics. This introductory textbook shows how this beautiful theory offers the correct mathematical framework to describe and understand the fundamental interactions of elementary particles. The book begins with a brief reminder of basic classical field theories, electrodynamics and general relativity, as well as their symmetry properties, and proceeds with the principles ofquantisation following Feynman’s path integral approach. Special care is used at every step to illustrate the correct mathematical formulation of the underlying assumptions. Gauge theories and the problems encountered in their quantisation are discussed in detail. The last chapters contain a full description ofthe Standard Model of particle physics and the attempts to go beyond it, such as grand unified theories and supersymmetry. Written for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in physics and mathematics, the book could also serve as a reference for active researchers in the field.

    User’s Reviews

    Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:


    ⭐This text is a mixed offering: “mixed” because there are aspects of this text which I like and aspects which I do not like. I will try to concentrate on positive attributes along with items that puzzle me. I acquired this text after reading a favorable book review in Physics Today (Vol. 71, No. 2). It is difficult to ignore a book that claims to be “aimed at undergraduates” (prologue). Within its 915 pages, the course from which this book originates covered “the first third of it” (prologue). That “third” of it provides a summary of general relativity (pages 73-100), additionally, 240 pages takes you from rotation group to electrodynamics, then Poincare group, finally to relativistic wave equations and quantum fields. Now, within those 240 pages, an exposition is presented of functional integration (pages 162-257). Thus, functional integrals and general relativity consume 40% of the first-third of the course from which the entire book springs ! Take note: three appendices surveys tensors, differential forms, groups (35 pages; entirely inadequate, so learn those three topics elsewhere). Take note: supersymmetry concludes the text (78 pages), a topic best left under a separate cover (Weinberg leaves it for his third volume). Grand unified theories advertised: “as we already noted, baryon and lepton number violation is a general feature of all grand unified theories” (page 758). That is another topic best left for separate cover ! Also, there are more advanced sections on topological field theories (pages 833-848). Here is something I like:(1) Chapter twenty-five: fundamental interactions. Especially commendable, the authors show you how to “construct a realistic gauge theory.” (page 655). Read: “we choose to go directly to the Standard Model in its final form…we will follow step-by-step the program we set up.” There is a graph to admire comparing experiment to theory: “the evolution of the QCD- effective coupling constant” (page 687). Read: “we must adopt different strategies according to the energy scale we want to probe.” (page 692).Here is another thing I like…(2) Chapter fourteen: geometry and quantum dynamics. You will revisit electrodynamics (chapter three). Non-Abelian (non-commutative) gauge symmetry is introduced. Then, an exposition of BRST-Symmetry. Where Paul Dirac worked from Hamiltonian formalism, Faddeev and Popov proceeded from a functional integral formalism. Read here: “both methods are formally equivalent.” (page 372). Hatfield (chapter 15), Peskin and Schroeder and Weinberg are other accounts of Faddeev-Popov procedure. I also like this…(3) Read: “All throughout this book we have emphasized the deep connection between the sophisticated mathematical description of the fundamental laws of nature and the detailed experimental results.” (page 580). Let us take a look into some “sophistication.” Spinors: you get them early (page 14), and that topic is elaborated in chapter two, but I am dissatisfied with the material as it is here presented. Recalling the book is “aimed at undergraduates.” Now, Measure theory: Weiner and Gaussian (pages 220- 224). This material is good, but needs to be embellished in a mathematics text ! Borel summability, that is located in chapter 24, and read: “the reader who is not interested in these mathematical aspects can skip them.”As this chapter is interesting, try not to skip it !(4) There is only one index, it encompassing both proper names and subjects. I prefer the approach which separates the indexes as locating material is easier with two separate indexes distinguishing topics from personalities. Note: Pages 24 and 30 mention Schur’s Lemma (study Ballentine’s Quantum Mechanics for Schur). Cluster decomposition mentioned: “when two systems at points x and y become separated by a large spacelike distance, then the interaction falls off to zero.”(page 269). However, study volume one of Steven Weinberg for more and better (his chapter four). Footnotes (on pages 463 and 478) remind us that chapter 17, first glance at renormalization, is indebted to 1971 lectures of Sidney Coleman– reprinted in: Aspects of Symmetry (1985). Pay attention to the footnotes because there is no bibliography.(5) Problems, student exercises, are interesting. Hints for their solution are provided. Sometimes you get the answer (example: SU(5) on page 418). Here is a problem from chapter two (page 36): “The purpose of this exercise is to study the automorphisms of SL(2,C).” Problem 5.1, generalizing spin, is also interesting (page 118). Many exercises are multi-step. Problem 12.1 asks for calculation of Casimir effect (page 318). Unfortunately, there are too few exercises for a textbook of this size (contrast with Peskin and Schroeder).(6) This review could continue, as there is much more material to discover. The text is a mixed bag. It does some things very well, touches briefly on other things, includes ancillary historical notes (page 393-395) and includes a potpourri of experimental graphs. Typos remain: equation 13.150 or 10.91 (third equation, out of four). Ultimately, as is my preference, a multi-volume approach to quantum field theory works best (three volumes: Steven Weinberg). That is not to say this is not an interesting, readable, book. However, if really “aimed at undergraduates,” then those are brilliant undergraduates who are able to assimilate the material as it is here presented. The book is best utilized at graduate-level or a reference for researchers. Caveat: My hardcover edition suffers in binding-quality (glued pages and poor quality print, my hardcover binding has completely separated from the pages).

    ⭐I was searching for book(s) written by the Great Professor John Iliopoulos (about his work I first learned when I was in the summer school of N.R.C.”Demokritos in 1972) and I found this book which I consider it an excellent book, because of its very good mathematical precision and because it is a book which contains in one volume the Physics’ Fields Theory which most used in the Theoretical Physics in C.E.R.N..I think a copy of this book must be given as a gift to every Physicist which graduate with Excellent degree ,because it is an Excellent book for introducing to the new horizons of mathematical theoretical physics…From: Joseph-Christos Kondylakis,Thursday-10-August-2017


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