Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics by Elmar Langetepe (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2006
  • Number of pages: 350 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 126.84 MB
  • Authors: Elmar Langetepe


Data structures and tools from computational geometry help to solve problems in computer graphics; these methods have been widely adopted by the computer graphics community yielding elegant and efficient algorithms. This book focuses on algorithms and data structures that have proven to be versatile, efficient, fundamental, and easy to implement. The book familiarizes students, as well as practitioners in the field of computer graphics, with a wide range of data structures. The authors describe each data structure in detail, highlight fundamental properties, and present algorithms based on the data structure. A number of recent representative and useful algorithms from computer graphics are described in detail, illuminating the utilization of the data structure in a creative way.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review ” “”Langetepe (Univ. of Bonn, Germany) and Zachmann (computer graphics and multimedia, Technical University Clausthal, Germany) offer an elegant and excellent book on the fundamental data structures and algorithms used in computer graphics. Users will learn how to solve problems in computer graphics, recognize geometric problems, and select the most suitable data structure for developing computer graphics algorithms.”” -C. Tappert, CHOICE Magazine, November 2006 data structures are an indispensable tool in computer graphics. They help to make complex tasks easy, and lead to considerable speed-up. Authored by two experts in Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics, this book explains the latest techniques, along with established classics. A unique reference for cutting-edge software design! “” -Prof. Rolf Klein, University of Bonn, Germany, October 2006 “”This book is an excellent and readable introduction to Computational Geometry that makes pretty accessible to the non-specialist the quite esoteric topics of specialized data structures for geometric modeling … attractive and easy to read.”” -Alberto Paoluzzi, Science Direct, October 2007 “”A work of expert and experienced scholarship . . . very strongly recommended to advanced students of computer and graphic sciences . . . .”” -Library Bookwatch, May 2006 “”The book keeps a refreshing balance between classical geometric data structures and direct application to computer graphics problems.”” -Mathematiacl Reviews, January 2007″ About the Author Langetepe, Elmar; Zachmann, Gabriel

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This book is a useful complement to “Computational Geometry” by de Berg. Both books overlap in key algorithms. The different expositions of this commonality might be useful if you encounter difficulty with the presentation in one text.The book has an excellent discussion of Voronoi diagrams. Perhaps if you are in solid state physics or crystallography, you have met these ideas before. Anyhow, methods are discussed for find diagrams in two and three dimensions. Roughly but essentially, there are strong similarities between these ideas and the finding of convex hulls in those dimensions.The level of maths treatment in the book is akin to a good undergraduate text on classical analysis in Euclidean n-space. Like Jerrold Marden’s book, for instance.The authors have also thoughtfully provided several pretty colour plates that show graphics applications of ideas in the book. Good motivation for the reader.

⭐Das Buch ist ziemlich neu mit einem niedrigen Preis


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Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics 2006 PDF Free Download
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