Ho Chi Minh: A Life by William J Duiker (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 704 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 18.59 MB
  • Authors: William J Duiker


To grasp the complicated causes and consequences of the Vietnam War, one must understand the extraordinary life of Ho Chi Minh, the man generally recognized as the father of modern Vietnam. Duiker provides startling insights into Ho’s true motivation, as well as into the Soviet and Chinese roles in the Vietnam War.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I have a basic gripe that applies to most biographies and certainly applies here — the author spent far too much time on the minute details of Ho Chi Minh’s early life. The basic story line is important, but I don’t need to know how often Ho had rice for breakfast.Gripe aside, this was otherwise an excellent biography. My focus here wasn’t to become better acquainted with the modern history of French Indo-China. My focus was to understand something of what motivated Ho and his colleagues in their efforts leading up to and through America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. If this topic is of interest, then this book is a must read.The one inescapable conclusion from this book is that, one way or another, eventually, the north would prevail in reuniting north and south Vietnam. It didn’t matter how long it took. It didn’t matter whether China sent in its own troops or not. The north was well-motivated and politically united, and the north had time. No matter what success the U.S. enjoyed military, the north would adapt, would wait if necessary, attack if possible, and eventually the U.S. would quit. Ho and his colleagues always understood it was only a matter of time.

⭐The author is a genius in putting together this book based on his in depth study of Uncle Ho. It’s A long read, but persevere, the read is worth the distance!

⭐Ho Chi Minh is one of those figures who lend support to the “great man” theory of history. “Not only was Ho the founder of his party and later the president of the country, but he was its chief strategist and its most inspiring symbol. * * * Ho Chi Minh was half Lenin and half Gandhi.” He is a man of myth and legend, and therefore a good subject for a responsible biography that demystifies him.Only in part, however, is HO CHI MINH: A LIFE a biography of Ho Chi Minh — a/k/a, among others, Nguyen Sinh Cong, Nguyen Tat Thanh, and Nguyen Ai Quoc. The book also is a history of Vietnam over HCM’s lifetime (1890-1969). Furthermore, it includes extensive accounts of the internal politics and machinations of various Communist parties (Vietnamese, Indochinese, French, Chinese, and Comintern) — the necessity of which I question, at least in such mind-numbing detail. As glad as I am that I read this full-blown biography-plus, I would have preferred a shorter biography of Ho Chi Minh aimed simply at providing the generalist reader with a responsible picture of the man. And while it goes quite a ways towards demystifying HCM, I’m not sure it succeeds altogether. Perhaps that’s not possible.The overriding question concerning HCM is whether he was a Vietnamese patriot and nationalist or, instead, a communist/socialist revolutionary. Duiker’s HCM is not exclusively either. According to Duiker, HCM certainly was a patriot and nationalist. Beyond that, he was implacably opposed to imperialism and colonialism, not just in Indochina but around the world. That mindset predisposed him against capitalism, as practiced worldwide, and, derivatively, against democracy and republican government. The alternative was socialism/communism, and he provided much evidence of subscribing to the teachings of Lenin. It does not appear, however, that HCM was a “true believer” (or, a fellow traveler).Even Stalin and Mao at times were skeptical of HCM’s bona fides as a Communist. There is an anecdote — “probably, but not certainly, apocryphal” — that when HCM went to Moscow to meet with Stalin in 1952, the latter pointed to two chairs in the meeting room and said, “Comrade Ho Chi Minh, there are two chairs here, one for nationalists and one for internationalists. On which do you wish to sit?”, and HCM replied, “Comrade Stalin, I would like to sit on both chairs”.That points to what probably was HCM’s principal trait as a man of politics: he was a pragmatist. The book contains many tales exemplifying that “Ho Chi Minh was a believer in the art of the possible, of adjusting his ideals to the conditions of the moment.”One point (of many) that was forcefully brought home to me concerns the almost one-hundred-year-long French rule of Vietnam. My high-school world history course emphasized the French “mission to civilize”, and since then I have encountered numerous instances in which Frenchmen subscribed to that rationale for the French colonial empire. This book contains much that exposes that grandiose illusion. For example, by the early twentieth century the French had established monopolies on the sale of salt, opium, and alcohol in Vietnam. The salt sold to the peasants brought a 1,000 per cent profit. Around 1915, the Governor-General of Indochina, Albert Sarraut (who later became Prime Minister of France) complained that some Vietnamese villages were free of spirits and opium, and urged French provincial residents to arrange for the construction of alcohol and opium houses throughout Vietnam, so “that we shall obtain the best results, in the best interests of the Treasury”.As for a different sort of perfidy, there is the tale of what the Vietnamese did concerning HCM’s wish to be cremated, as expressed in his last testament. Instead, Party leaders embalmed him and then built an elaborate mausoleum (reminiscent of the Lenin mausoleum in Red Square), and when they published HCM’s last testament, they deleted those sections that dealt with the disposal of his body.In a sense William J. Duiker spent nearly his entire career on this book. As he relates in the Preface, he first became fascinated with HCM in the mid-60s while serving as a young foreign service officer at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. He ended up pursuing an academic career, over the course of which he wrote around a dozen books on Vietnam and China. He finally was persuaded that enough information concerning HCM had been released to make a biography possible, and he spent the 1990s researching and writing this book. There are ninety pages of detailed and extensive endnotes, as well as what seems to be a very good index. There also are two sections of photographs. Duiker’s HO CHI MINH is reputed to be the best biography of its subject, and after reading it I have no reason to doubt that. Still, the book reflects that it is the work of an historian venturing into the realm of biography.By the way, I had bought a paperback edition of the book shortly after it was published. When I recently unshelved it to read, it quickly fell apart. I then ordered a new copy of the book in hardcover, but after three hours or so the cover of it detached from the rest of the binding. Thankfully, the 700-plus pages stayed together in one piece. Still, at a price north of $40.00, one should get a sturdier product.

⭐After a 35 year journey of discovery I am thrilled to have the opportunity to read and study several works of William J Duiker, including this excellent compilation and exhaustive study of Ho Chi Minh, perhaps one of the stellar figures of the 20th Century. Ho Chi Minh was a Political Warrior and a master clandestine agent among many things however perhaps his most characteristic role was that of teacher. Duiker takes the detailed path in understanding the man and the history that many Americans, due to our typical xenophobic outlook on the world, often disregard. When Stalin responded to Sun Yatsen’s request for help in casting off Colonialism in China, he sent two teachers, Mikhail Borodin and his Deputy, Ho Chi Minh. Druiker weaves the web of the fabric of the 20th Century in the world as he follows the footsteps left by this enigmatic figure. Born in Central Vietnam, Annam to a minor level Confucian. Ho was educated and literate with the fire of youth in a time when colonialism was ravaging Indochina. In response he chose a path of learning and teaching to build and develop political warfare into the most devastating form of political action the world has yet seen or will likely ever see. To accomplish this in a single lifetime Ho’s exploits stand alone as an exceptional man contributing significantly to the causes, he most pursued. However, it is not nearly as simple as declaring Ho a superman. Druiker digs through the incredibly dense propaganda, cover stories, conflicting accounts of events, and the context of Ho’s actions to reveal the intellectual depth that far exceeded those of his contemporaries and rivals alike. Consider that for well over 30 years Ho, as Nguyen Ai Quoc, eluded capture and almost certain execution by not just the French, but quite literally every secret police force in the entire world. He travelled the world meeting with the most significant leaders of the 20th century developing and perfecting his approach to bring about results from a situation considered hopeless. His presence in these key world forums did much to alter the course of history though in small steps. the Successful conclusion was built over a lifetime ending in a result he was not present to witness but which his devoted followers and students carried through to the final victory. Often overlooked was Ho’s participation in the early Soviet Revolution’s system of education wrought by Lenin to solidify and unite the Revolutionary factions that had come together to create the Soviet Union. Ho took the lessons from that intellectual pursuit to China where he helped lay the seeds of the success of the Kuomintang, the Communist Chinese Party, the Korean Communist Party, and a number of other growing revolutionary organizations in the factionalized colonial empires. Frequently, researchers disregard Ho’s ability to move within the top levels of the circles of the Comintern. Such conclusions do not bear out when a study of Druiker’s work is taken into the context. Druiker’s work is a must for any serious scholar’s bookshelf and as a source of reference for any serious discussion on the times and events of the 20th Century in Asia.

⭐This book provides a detailed look at one of the most interesting leaders of the modern era. Before picking it up I had no idea just how significant Vietnam has been in modern history and the huge part Ho Chi Minh had to play in it. Compared with other leaders of the same period, Ho Chi Minh is not what you expect him to be. His insight and understanding of human politics and ability to forsee events as they would eventually unfold is remarkable. The warmth and respect of those who met him was also a great surprise and his personal charisma is a re-occurring theme throughout. As far as wise men are concerned, this biography left the same impression on me as Nelson Mandela’s ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ and has many interesting parallels. Under different circumstances Ho Chi Minh may have become a more widely celebrated figure in World History.

⭐This book it’s a masterpiece. The history of Ho Chi Minh is just so well documented and written in this book which I find so beautiful. The way Duiker writes is just the way I like it. Straight to the point and really easy to read, not fuss around. Furthermore whenever some of the facts are unclear, these are specified in the notes and he doesn’t try to give any point of view or personal opinion. Absolutely love this book

⭐The size of this book may appear daunting at first, but the easy style of writing and the exacting detail of the research made it one of the best books I have had occasion to read. Mr. Duiker provides us with meticulous detail on the life of this enigimatic figure, I am amazed that so much information on a life can be gleaned at such a distance in time and from so many countries. Never did I feel lost or ever loose track of the salient character in the twists and turns of the history of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh’s persistence in his ulimate goal, the independence of Vietnam always at the forefront of his actions, his dealings with the major players on the international scene, his unique travels, so well documented, and the authors interpretations of Ho Chi Minh’s actions kept to a minimum, because of the detail in which his work was described. One very small critisim I would have liked a few more dates especially the years of events in the last part of the book when events moved very quickly. I came away from Ho Chi Minh with great admiration of his patience, tolerance and vigilance, qualities of which I suspect his biographer also pocesses.

⭐I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to get beneath the surface of the figure of Ho Chi Minh and discover the character beneath.Read the book, if you can having left your ideology and attitude at the door.

⭐I read this book before. It was for me a real eye opener of this amazing beautiful country.


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