Ebook Info
- Published: 1998
- Number of pages: 234 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 4.13 MB
- Authors: Peter Rubie
Examines every facet of storytelling, from narrative hooks to climaxes, to create gripping narratives with strong characters for fiction, nonfiction, and screenplays
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: Review “Rarely does awriting guide arrive with the authority of HOW TO TELL ASTORY.”–Publishers Weekly.”HOW TO TELL A STORY is a must for anybody who writes nonfiction orfiction–televisionand screenwriters included.”–Hugh Wilson, creator of *WKRP in Cincinnati*,director of *The First Wive’s Club*.”A most useful book that will aid anyone trying to become a writer offiction. I recommend it highly.”–Roderick Thorp, bestselling author of*River*, *Die Hard*, and *Detective*.”Gary Provost was one of the best friends a writer ever had. He knew thatall writers face a hard challenge: to take their ideas, aspirations, andvapors of creativity, and make them concrete for the reader. How to do it?Treat writing as a craft, with techniques that can be learned, with tricksthat can be taught. In this book, Peter Rubie shows Gary Provost at hisbest.”–William Martin, author of *Cape Cod* and *Annapolis*.”HOW TO TELL A STORY offers a harvest of time-tested problem-solvingtechniques that will enrich every writer’s art and craft. It’s a feast ofinnovative, clearly stated advice that will nourish a writer’s confidenceand career. Read it and you will reap its many rewards.”–Gerald Gross,author of *Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know About What EditorsDo*.”Peter Rubie and Gary Provost have got it right. HOW TO TELL A STORYcoverseverything a novice writer needs to learn and a professional writer needsto remember. It’s earned a permanent place on my desk.”–Barbara Shapiro,author of *Blind Spot* and *See No Evil*.”In this unique book, the time honored ability of storytelling has beendissected, examined carefully and defined in detail for the writer. With afresh new look at what makes a story exciting and compelling, HOW TO TELL ASTORY outlines for the writer all the secrets of dramatic storytelling.Every writer should read this book before writing anotherparagraph.”–KeithWilson, M.D., novelist, and author of *Cause of Death: A Writer’s Guide toDeath, Murder, & Forensic Medicine*.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐Highly recommended.
⭐VERY helpful book! After reading this book and taking notes, I wrote and self-published two books! Writing has always came naturally to me, but there are tricks-of-the-trade which never occurred to me until I studied How To Tell a Story… I have recommended it to ppl at my book readings who wanted to know how to go about writing a book, and purchased copies for closer friends to study in their writing endeavors. I loved how quickly and concisly the authors touched on the bullet points of story telling, such as “Hooks”, “Plotting”, “Pace” and even to reward my readers with a happy ending. Thank you Mr. Rubie and Mr. Provost for a no-frills and informative book on storytelling. I was surprised how much I didn’t consider and glad that I read this book bf I began writing my own. 🙂
⭐The Kindle version has serious formatting problems. It looks like they hired someone from Fiverr who doesn’t know a thing about Kindle formatting. It’s hard to believe this escaped the attention of the publisher. Some pages look like normal plain text as you would expect in a Kindle book, then suddenly you are looking at a page simply photocopied from the original book. It is very jarring and detracts from the reading experience. Sometimes I will see a page duplicated too, the old style page followed by exactly the same lines in the plain text style. It is very disappointing to see it like this. My advice is to buy the paper version and avoid the headache of trying to read it in the Kindle version.
⭐I wish I ‘d read this book before I attempted to rework a mystery novel I pulled off a dusty shelf. It offers concise, incredibly useful guidance on how to structure a story to make it pleasing and compelling to readers. Key takeaway: Writing well will get you nowhere unless your story is structured and told well. The book explains classic dramatic structure, first defined by Aristotle, and provides lots of useful examples — Rocky, The Witness, Citizen Kane and other masterfully told tales that captivate — to help writers adopt the classic techniques that will transform their stories into “can’t-put-down” page turners.
⭐While I haven’t picked up this book for quite a while, when I first read it I made lots of notes and pounded them into my brain. This is a practical work for practical fiction writers. I especially love the Gary Provost Paragraph on page 61 – the plot for 90% of the stories you’ve ever read.
⭐This is the best writing ‘checklist’ I’ve read. A perfect guide to begin a novel. Specific and actionable guidelines, easy to follow.
⭐Good read. It provides storytelling structure in an organized and entertaining way.
⭐Great overview of the writing process, especially for fiction writers. Has many tips and ideas I haven’t seen anywhere else.
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How to Tell a Story: The Secrets of Writing Captivating Tales 1998 PDF Free Download
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