Ebook Info
- Published: 2009
- Number of pages: 544 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.57 MB
- Authors: James Rollins
Carved into a moving island of ice twice the size of the United States, Ice Station Grendel has been abandoned for more than seventy years. The twisted brainchild of the finest minds of the former Soviet Union, it was designed to be inaccessible and virtually invisible. But an American undersea research vessel has inadvertently pulled too close–and something has been sighted moving inside the allegedly deserted facility, something whose survival defies every natural law. And now, as scientists, soldiers, intelligence operatives, and unsuspecting civilians are drawn into Grendel’s lethal vortex, the most extreme measures possible will be undertaken to protect its dark mysteries–because the terrible truths locked behind submerged walls of ice and steel could end human life on Earth.
User’s Reviews
Review “Ice Hunt will make your toes curl and your free hand clutch the armchair as you speed through the pages.” — Tampa Tribune”A first class roller-coaster… maximum mayhem. While Clive Cussler maintains the gold standard in action…Rollins has a firm grasp on the silver.” – Publishers Weekly”New readers will be delighted and established fans will find exactly what they have come to expect: a fun and fast-paced story that is full of suspense.” — Booklist”A gripping deep Earth adventure.” — New York Times bestselling author Charles Pellegrino From the Author About James RollinsJAMES ROLLINS is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of international thrillers that have been translated into more than forty languages. Known for unveiling unseen worlds, scientific breakthroughs, and historical secrets, Rollins’ knack for breakneck pacing and stunning originality has been hailed by critics and embraced by scores of millions of readers around the world.The Critics RaveThe New York Times says that his “roguish charm comes from his efforts to persuade readers the story is credible [through] real-life sources for his novel’s science, history and geography.” Rollins’ rare blend of action, suspense, and knowledge was also mentioned by the Huffington Post, which stated that “After Crichton passed away in 2008 he clearly passed the baton to James Rollins, who like Crichton, is a renaissance man.”NPR calls his work “adventurous and enormously engrossing…” and the New York Journal of Books had this to say: “If you’re a fan of smart, entertaining adventure fiction, this is your summer beach read writ large….All the science, all the history, and all the locations are masterfully intertwined. The characters are multi-dimensional. And the story is, well, a corker.”The Story Teller’s StoryAs a boy immersed in the scientific adventures of Doc Savage, the wonders of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, and pulps such as The Shadow, The Spider, and The Avenger, James Rollins decided he wanted to be a writer. He honed his storytelling skills early, spinning elaborate tales that were often at the heart of pranks played on his brothers and sisters.Before he would set heroes and villains on harrowing adventures, Rollins embarked on a career in veterinary medicine, graduating from the University of Missouri and establishing a successful veterinary practice. This hands-on knowledge of medicine and science helps shape the research and scientific speculation that set James Rollins books apart.Explosive Page-Turning AdventuresThe exotic locales of James Rollins novels have emerged as a hybrid between imagination, research, and his extensive travels throughout the United States and Europe, as well as New Zealand, the South Pacific, China, Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America. Recent jaunts include book tours and stops across the country and several European nations to give talks, seminars, and media interviews.In recent years, much of James’ travel has involved meeting readers in small and large groups, at writing and fan conferences, and even aboard seagoing “seminars.” James’ mentoring and coaching skills have made him a sought after writing instructor and guest speaker for workshops, symposia, conventions, and other forums throughout the country.James Rollins is the author of nine thrillers in the bestselling Sigma Force series (Sandstorm, Map of Bones, Black Order, The Judas Strain, The Last Oracle, The Doomsday Key, The Devil Colony, Bloodline, and The Eye of God); six individual adventure thrillers; and the Jake Ransom middle grade series (Jake Ransom and the Skull King’s Shadow, Jake Ransom and the Howling Sphinx.) From the Inside Flap Suspense lives at the top of the world, in the lastest breathtaking thriller from James Rollins, the bestselling master of gripping adventure who has kept readers spellbound with Subterranean, Excavation, Deep Fathom, and AmazoniaICE HUNTBuried deep in the earth’s polar ice cap — carved into a moving island of ice twice the size of the United States — is a secret place, the site of a remarkable abandoned experiment that could have frightening ramifications for the planet. The brain trust of the former Soviet Union who created the seventy-year-old Ice Station Grendel would like it simply to melt from human memory. But that becomes impossible when an American undersea research vessel, the Polar Sentinel, inadvertently pulls too close to the hollowed-out iceberg … and one of the crew sees something alive inside. Something that never should have survived.It is a discovery that sends shock waves through the intelligence communities of two powerful nations, as American and Russian scientists, soldiers, and unsuspecting civilians are pulled into Grendel’s lethal vortex of secrets, violence, and betrayal. To preserve the silence — to prevent others from uncovering the terrible mysteries locked behind submerged walls of ice and steel — no measures will be too extreme. For within the station, experiments have blurred the line between life and death. It was a place never meant to be found.One man already knows too much: Matthew Pike, a former American Special Forces operative, living in seclusion in Alaska on the edge of the Arctic Circle. On the run after rescuing the survivor of a plane crash no one was meant to observe, Pike is relentlessly drawn into the eye of the gathering storm — even as a Russian nuclear attack submarine draws silently nearer to the men and women on the Polar Sentinel. The covert battle over Grendel is spinning out of control, and the future of all human life on Earth will be altered — or destroyed — once its nightmarish truths are revealed.A masterful blending of science and adventure, suspense and explosive page-turning excitement, James Rollins’s Ice Hunt is a novel that will chill readers to the bone, holding them in its icy grip from the first sentence to its final startling twist.
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ Overall another good story from Rollins. The only problems I ever have with his stuff is the lack of knowledge with respect to the military side of things. I think and hope this is mostly due to trying to get things to fit his storyline because it is too easy for an author of his stature to contact an SF unit and get access to someone in order to get it right. I’m talking basic things like the use of an M-16. The US military has gone away from the M-16 for a while now and the standard rifle is the M-4. Same cartridges in both weapons but the M-4 is smaller and better suited to close quarter combat, which this book has in abundance. There are other things too. But to fit the storyline I can give him a pass there but it happens a lot in his books.The overall story is great and the twists keep on coming. I had a feeling all along about one of the main characters as being not exactly who they claimed to be and it came true. The emergence of the frozen creatures was outstanding and the premise of the book, as it unravels, seems pretty plausible given where science and existing animals are today. The science is definitely not my forte but love the action sequences.
⭐ The story was intriguing. But the info about various experiments on humans, especially people of color once again speaks volumes of racism in America. It is no wonder that Blacks and Latinos do not trust the medical community. I’m reading this story now during a pandemic, where a lot of people have lost their lives. Many of those were POC. Some don’t go to the doctor because they may not have insurance, but many don’t trust them.
⭐ Simply one of the best books in this gendre I’ve read in a long time. It’s filled with enough twists to keep you guessing and the plot, though you know it’s not based on reality, will keep you wondering. Great characters that will have you you rooting for from their first introduction, and bad guys? Well, will keep you guessing. And, of course, there’s an awesome dog! If you enjoy action, great fast paced plots, and wonderful characters, pick up this book – I guarantee you won’t regret it.,
⭐ This book has sat inconspicuously next to my computer desk on it’s shelf for two years and I don’t know what exactly propelled me to pick it up but I’m glad I finally did! I tend to collect adventure stories that reach all corners of the Earth, even go between the layers and I especially love all the ice stories such as this one. The good news is that this book is fantastic, it reads like a movie and sometimes goes in opposite direction of reality and belief but it makes for a heck of a read. The bad news, it’s long, well only 505 pages but Rollins could use a good editor and chop off about a hundred because he loves to write about ever single step everyone takes, especially when it comes to fighting and explaining how to maneuver submarines, helicopters and all sorts of vehicles. Maybe it’s a dude thing, maybe if I was a guy I’d love it little more, not sure, but I am patient and still enjoyed the book because the main idea was excellent.Most of the story revolves around an ice island that has frozen over and over in the Earth’s polar ice cap, sharing waters with Alaska, Russia, Finland, Canada and Greenland. Scientists and naval powers haven’t seen it in decades but life is being brought back to the island, all because a shape that has moved and caught on the submarine’s sonar, all within the abandoned ice station inside, named Ice Station Grendel. Those who read enough and watch fantasy movies will be familiar with the name, but the author has planned more than a cool name for a station, it’s not as much of a moniker as a foreshadowing what caused its demise and what will bring terror back into the icy waters. The station looks like an upside down cone, spiraling levels with labs, a cave and even a submarine gate, all encased in clear blue ice, with people running though it once again. I loved reading how the tunnels in an ice island felt like, the eerie cold and quiet one felt when alone, probably the loneliest place to be, deep under water, but not really alone, there’s something else down there…There are good guys, bad guys, and those who simply cannot make their minds up as the reader is catapulted into a journey of fighting governments, secret project cover ups and tons of action. My head was spinning from the armaments and mental battles going on and I felt like I was reading a movie, it was an amazing experience, but like I said little lengthy. After reading Ice Hunt I’m ready to tackle more of Rollins, but after my toes unfreeze, I feel as if I have been dipping them in ice water the whole time, because that’s all there is.Great ending, lots of twists and turns and some nasty surprises crawling throng those quiet tunnels. Those who love action, science and adventure with a little mystery threw in will enjoy this tremendously. What starts of as a scientific mission turns into a tale that takes a bite out of the reader, a rather good bite too, so enjoy and watch that water…it only appears safe.- Kasia S.
⭐ Having read a few of James Rollins’ books [Map of Bones, Amazonia, Deep Fathom, Excavation], I ordered three [Sandstorm, Ice Hunt, Subterranean] from Amazon to read on a short trip to the beach. I polished off Sandstorm in less than two days, enjoying it immensely… and then I picked up Ice Hunt. Let’s just say I wasn’t as interested. The exotic settings of Amazonia, Excavation, and Sandstorm had really peaked my interest, and the icy cold Arctic didn’t do much for me… at first. After setting up the plot and creating some of the most lovable (and despisable!) and well-developed characters of all his novels, the pace quickens and soon becomes an all-out race to an explosive and amazing ending. Plot-twist after plot twist shake up the tale, making sure you’re always on your toes. Political intrigue, scientific discovery, bloodcurdling enemies, a touch of romance and non-stop action drive this novel to the top of my favorites list. If you like James Rollins, or thrillers in general, do yourself a favor and pick up this book!James Rollins never ceases to amaze me with detailed plots, well-planned twists and turns, and deep characters, but this one takes first place in all of those arenas.Before my books had come in, I had picked up a used copy of Michael Crichton’s Sphere, having enjoyed the movie. Similar in nature (a bunch of people trapped under the sea, fighting known and unknown enemies), I think that Rollins’ Ice Hunt definitely topped Crichton’s novel. You can actually BOND with the characters in Ice Hunt, understand how they’re thinking, how they feel.Anyways, this is my first review of a novel on Amazon. I’ve written reviews and have been too lazy to post them anywhere, but this novel blew me away and I had to encourage every fan of thrillers to pick this one up. Grab a mug of hot chocolate and a warm blanket, because you’re about to enter a world of cold weather and even colder predators… you’ll want to keep warm on this thrill ride through the Arctic!
⭐ I love fiction, and love to immerse myself in the plot; as a result, I find it easy to suspend disbelief and enjoy the story — I am not one to notice minor plot holes. Ice Hunt reads quickly enough to allow readers like me to lose themselves in the plot. Although there are several arcs to the main story, they fit well and are easy enough to keep together without becoming confused.My main complaints:1) Details that don’t NEED to be fictionalized are missed. For example, a Navy captain’s rank insignia is referred to as “captain’s bars.” That is a huge mistake that could be spotted by anyone who knows anything about the Navy or the military in general (even people who have only watched JAG or Top Gun). In this example and others, blatantly missed facts make it harder to suspend the disbelief that is so important to enjoying the story being told. How can you believe the author’s description of a submarine, for example, if he just said that it is being skippered by a captain who wears lieutenant’s bars. I am not usually a nit-picker, but mistakes this blatant in non-fictional details hurt the credibility (or believability) of the fiction.2) There are a bit too many “near escapes” from dire circumstances; not to give anything away as bad things do happen, but one or two “dead” people miraculously returning from the brink of certain death is about the limit. When it happens over and over again, even an immersive reader like me is thrown out of the plot.Luckily, the story was good enough and fast-paced enough that each time I was snapped back to reality by one of the aforementioned problems, I was able to lose myself in the plot again in a relatively short timespan. For that reason, I am giving the overall experience three stars.I would NOT recommend this book for those who have trouble suspending disbelief – particularly in the face of numerous factual errors; if more than a few “eye-rolling” experiences will turn you off of a story, you may want to move on. I would, though, recommend this book for those looking to lose themselves in a fast-paced story bordering on science fiction, and for those readily able to suspend disbelief and forgive the majority of factual errors and plot contrivances employed. You never quite know if the story is predictable or not, and the lines between “good guy” and “bad guy” are interestingly blurred.One last thing: if you know absolutely nothing about the military in general and special forces in particular, then the read will likely be a lot easier.
⭐ There’s a lot going on Ice Hunt, and things get off to the kind of start we expect out of genre thrillers — dozens of plot threads, abounding mysteries, new characters to meet every few pages. The problem is that, about halfway through, you start to wonder whether Rollins hasn’t painted himself into a corner and, in the last 50 pages or so, it’s simply a delirium. He can’t possibly tie up all the loose ends and he starts writing frantic, page-long scene shifts that eventually give you whiplash.There are so many characters (a pointlessly large number in fact) that he actually gives you a libretto at the beginning of the book. He probably meant it as helpful, but it should really serve as a warning. [**SPOILERS ALERT**]Plus there’s an awful lot of what seems to me like a very cheap trick from someone who’s supposed to be a seasoned writer of thrillers: “Ah, you thought that guy was dead? Nope, he isn’t!” “Ah, you believed me when I said the bomb couldn’t be disarmed? Naw, really, it wasn’t true.” “Oh, all those monsters? Well, um, they just sort of … disappear.”It’s incredibly irritating and incredibly amateurish. I suspect this’ll be my last Rollins novel.
⭐ There aren’t many books I read multiple times but, I’ve read this one three times. Each time I’ve started it, I couldn’t put it down. Rollins has a way of reeling me in to a point where I’m invested in the characters. He makes the impossible plausible and I just love it.
⭐ Actual rating 3.5 stars. Great action. Similar to Ice Station by Matthew Reilly, but not as good. Generally, I liked it. But, just too much stuff going on. 20 pounds of rocks in a 10 pound bag. Intense fast-paced action, with lots of military operations, history, science, intrigue, conspiracy, romance and monsters included. Lots of good stuff. But hard for me to suspend disbelief here. Just way too many unrealistic things to accept without eye rolling. I would have enjoyed it more if it were much simpler, with fewer WTH moments.
⭐ First, let me get this out of the way. I don’t read James Rollins books for technical accuracy, the same way I don’t watch comic book based movies for scientific facts. I read Rollins because I love the ride! Are they classic reading? Nope, but that doesn’t mean they are not fun.Ice Hunt is fun! The fast paced action is great. Great character development draws you in and makes you want a happy ending. My only criticism is that I would have liked to have had the same depth of development for the bad guys as well as the good guys. I will not spoil your read, but if you like stories with monsters, good guys, bad guys and a dog, you will enjoy this book.
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