Ebook Info
- Published: 2014
- Number of pages: 215 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 2.87 MB
- Authors: Michele Friend
What is mathematics about? Does the subject-matter of mathematics exist independently of the mind or are they mental constructions? How do we know mathematics? Is mathematical knowledge logical knowledge? And how is mathematics applied to the material world? In this introduction to the philosophy of mathematics, Michele Friend examines these and other ontological and epistemological problems raised by the content and practice of mathematics. Aimed at a readership with limited proficiency in mathematics but with some experience of formal logic it seeks to strike a balance between conceptual accessibility and correct representation of the issues. Friend examines the standard theories of mathematics – Platonism, realism, logicism, formalism, constructivism and structuralism – as well as some less standard theories such as psychologism, fictionalism and Meinongian philosophy of mathematics. In each case Friend explains what characterises the position and where the divisions between them lie, including some of the arguments in favour and against each. This book also explores particular questions that occupy present-day philosophers and mathematicians such as the problem of infinity, mathematical intuition and the relationship, if any, between the philosophy of mathematics and the practice of mathematics. Taking in the canonical ideas of Aristotle, Kant, Frege and Whitehead and Russell as well as the challenging and innovative work of recent philosophers like Benacerraf, Hellman, Maddy and Shapiro, Friend provides a balanced and accessible introduction suitable for upper-level undergraduate courses and the non-specialist.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐The philosophy majors may find the level of the book elementary for their taste and sophistication. It also may be the case that this feeling is somewhat provoked further by the author’s very honest struggle to make the exposition as much clear as possible. After all the title of the book claims only to “introduce” the philosophy of mathematics and does it neatly and cleanly. It puts very judicious pro and counter argumentations for each theory of mathematics (and it covers almost all of the standard theories) which is first presented cleanly and seriously enough. In this way you can genuinely understand, for example, how and why so much fatal was Russel’s blow to Frege’s so laboriously established logical foundations. Is this that much elementary?Being understandable should be rather a merit of a book as this, and as such it deserves all commends and praising.
⭐In her Preface, the author says: “This book is intended as an upper-level undergraduate text or a lower-level graduate text for students of the philosophy of mathematics.” (ix) She says in her Guide to Further Reading that books to “consult” as a next step after reading hers are Stephen Körner’s 1962 The Philosophy of Mathematics, Stewart Shapiro’s 2000 Thinking About Mathematics, and James Brown’s 1999 Philosophy of Mathematics. (191)The author is a clear and careful writer, but the elementary level of exposition limits the satisfaction of reading. It is a common failing. As Saunders Mac Lane wrote in his 1986 Mathematics: Form and Function: “The various schools on the foundations [of mathematics] have correspondingly various attempts to answer these questions, none of them generally convincing . Often – especially in the work of philosophers – they are anchored almost exclusively in the most elementary parts of Mathematics – numbers and continuity. Much more substantive material is at hand.” (4) Speaking of Mac Lane, there is no discussion of Category Theory in Introducing Philosophy of Mathematics. The book is, however, a clear introduction to its subject, albeit elementary. Readers with little mathematical sophistication may feel they’re involved in some significant way with mathematics itself. It is a peril in philosophy, that students may presume to be equipped preternaturally to render analysis and clarification upon subjects they know little about. Grade school arithmetic and acquaintance with Zeno’s paradoxes along with having overheard that non-euclidean geometry is useful in physics is not preparation enough to form a philosophy of mathematics. It is more than enough, however, to read this book.Brief Contents:AcknowledgementsPreface1. Infinity2. Mathematical Platonism and realism3. Logicism4. Structuralism5. Constructivism6. A pot-pourri of philosophies of mathematicsAppendix: Proof ex falso quod libetGlossaryNotesGuide to further readingBibliographyIndex
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