Introduction to Nuclear Engineering by John R. Lamarsh | (PDF) Free Download



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2001
  • Number of pages: 783 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 8.87 MB
  • Authors: John R. Lamarsh


Offering the most current and complete introduction to nuclear engineering available, this book contains new information on French, Russian, and Japanese nuclear reactors. All units have been revised to reflect current standards. Includes discussions of new reactor types including the AP600, ABWR, and SBWR as well as an extensive section on non-US design reactors; the nuclear Navy and its impact on the development of nuclear energy; binding energy and such topics as the semi-empirical mass formula and elementary quantum mechanics; and solutions to the diffusion equation and a more general derivation of the point kinetics equation. Topics in reactor safety include a complete discussion of the Chernobyl accident and an updated section on TMI and the use of computer codes in safety analysis. For nuclear engineers.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: From the Back Cover The third edition of this popular book is updated to include a completely revised discussion of reactor technology, an improved discussion of the reactor physics, and a more detailed discussion of basic nuclear physics and models. Introduces the basics of the shell model of the nucleus and a beginning discussion of quantum mechanics.Discusses both U.S. and non-U.S. reactor designs, as well as advanced reactors.Provides for a more detailed understanding of both reactor statics and kinetics.Includes updated information on reactor acidents and safety. About the Author Anthony Baratta is currently a Professor of Nuclear Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University and Director of the Nuclear Safety Center. He received the B.A/B.S. degrees in physics/applied physics from Columbia University in 1968 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Brown University in 1970 and 1978, respectively. His research interests and contributions include reactor safety, reactor kinetics and physics, and the effects of radiation on materials. He has authored many scientific publications and made numerous presentations. He is an active member of the American Nuclear Society and has appeared on many network television and radio broadcasts as an authority on reactor accidents, including the accident at Three Mile Island. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Preface to Third Edition This revision is derived from personal experiences in teaching introductory and advanced level nuclear engineering courses at the undergraduate level. In keeping with the original intent of John Lamarsh, every attempt is made to retain his style and approach to nuclear engineering education. Since the last edition, however, considerable changes have occurred in the industry. The changes include the development of advanced plant designs, the significant scale-back in plant construction, the extensive use of high speed computers, and the opening of the former Eastern Block countries and of the Soviet Union. From a pedagogical view, the World Wide Web allows access to many resources formerly only available in libraries. Attempts are made to include some of these resources in this edition. In an attempt to update the text to include these technologies and to make the text useful for the study of non-western design reactors, extensive changes are made to Chapter 4, Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power. The chapter is revised to include a discussion of Soviet-design reactors and technology. The use, projection, and cost of nuclear power worldwide is updated to the latest available information. In Chapter 11, Reactor Licensing and Safety, the Chernobyl accident is discussed along with the latest reactor safety study, NURG 1150. A section is also included that describes non-power nuclear accidents such, as Tokai-Mura. The basic material in Chapters 2-7 is updated to include newer references and to reflect the author’s experience in teaching nuclear engineering. Throughout the text, the references are updated were possible to include more recent publications. In many topic areas, references to books that are dated and often out of print had to be retained, since there are no newer ones available. Since these books are usually available in college libraries, they should be available to most readers. Chapter 9 is retained in much its same form but is updated to include a more complete discussion of the SI system of units and of changes in philosophy that have occurred in radiation protection. Since many of these changes have yet to reach general usage, however, the older discussions are still included. As in the second edition, several errors were corrected and undoubtedly new ones introduced. Gremlins never sleep! Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Preface to Third Edition This revision is derived from personal experiences in teaching introductory and advanced level nuclear engineering courses at the undergraduate level. In keeping with the original intent of John Lamarsh, every attempt is made to retain his style and approach to nuclear engineering education. Since the last edition, however, considerable changes have occurred in the industry. The changes include the development of advanced plant designs, the significant scale-back in plant construction, the extensive use of high speed computers, and the opening of the former Eastern Block countries and of the Soviet Union. From a pedagogical view, the World Wide Web allows access to many resources formerly only available in libraries. Attempts are made to include some of these resources in this edition. In an attempt to update the text to include these technologies and to make the text useful for the study of non-western design reactors, extensive changes are made to Chapter 4, Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Power. The chapter is revised to include a discussion of Soviet-design reactors and technology. The use, projection, and cost of nuclear power worldwide is updated to the latest available information. In Chapter 11, Reactor Licensing and Safety, the Chernobyl accident is discussed along with the latest reactor safety study, NURG 1150. A section is also included that describes non-power nuclear accidents such, as Tokai-Mura. The basic material in Chapters 2-7 is updated to include newer references and to reflect the author’s experience in teaching nuclear engineering. Throughout the text, the references are updated were possible to include more recent publications. In many topic areas, references to books that are dated and often out of print had to be retained, since there are no newer ones available. Since these books are usually available in college libraries, they should be available to most readers. Chapter 9 is retained in much its same form but is updated to include a more complete discussion of the SI system of units and of changes in philosophy that have occurred in radiation protection. Since many of these changes have yet to reach general usage, however, the older discussions are still included. As in the second edition, several errors were corrected and undoubtedly new ones introduced. Gremlins never sleep! Read more

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐First, the caveat to my review: I am probably unique among the reviewers of this book in that I am not a nuclear engineer. I have a strong educational and professional background in chemistry, physics, and math, and have been working on projects involving engineered safety systems and risk management in other technologically advanced industries. I have recently become involved in talks with representatives from the nuclear industry. For my own preparation I undertook the long hard slog through the Lamarsh-Baratta book, “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering” (Third Edition) to help me grasp background information and concepts in this field. Although I was sometimes initially unclear about the use of units (barns, dollars, etc.) and nomenclature (meat, safe shutdown earthquake, etc.) I generally found the text to eventually explain them adequately. One critique is that at some points in the text the authors use terminology freely without first defining it, only to define it much later. I found this and the relatively large number of typographical errors to be distracting.This is clearly a very complex subject, and would no doubt be helped by good classroom instruction. Nonetheless, I still found considerable value in the book. I liked chapter seven, “The Time-Dependent Reactor” particularly well, and especially found sections 7.3 and 7.5 “Control Rods and Chemical Shim” and “Fission Product Poisoning” to be enlightening. I found the commentary on reactor stability and the explanation of post-shutdown Xenon-135 buildup and reactor deadtime extremely helpful. I also found section 7.6 on incore fuel management useful.From my experience in aviation (where it is a common parameter), I enjoyed the discussion of the utility of the Reynolds number in section 8.4, and found the ensuing discussions of turbulent flow, liquid metals, and boiling heat transfer to be fascinating. My safety systems background is primarily in aviation, where it is stressed that every design is a compromise: I was pleased to see the same acknowledged on p. 455 by Bill Minkler (who now writes the “Backscatter” commentary for “Nuclear News”) with his quote that reactor design is “the art of compromise.”I was pleased with chapters nine (“Radiation Protection”) and eleven (“Reactor Licensing, Safety, and the Environment”), which are the most directly applicable to me. The concept of “Relative Biological Effectiveness” is well covered beginning on p. 472, and the discussions of radiation protection are helpful. I found the section dealing with deterministic versus stochastic effects of radiation on pp. 479-480 to be helpful, and thought the glossary of radiation protection on pp. 539-542 to be a valuable reference. I wanted to better understand the principles of Monte Carlo analysis, which is covered in chapter ten, and while much of the discussion was helpful, it was a bit more general than I had expected.The overview of reactor licensing in chapter eleven is quite helpful, although becoming a bit dated. The discussion of multiple barriers to prevent to escape of radiation begins on p. 623 and provides an excellent general overview to the safety systems involved at a reactor site. Section 11.4 (“Dispersion of Effluents”) was excellent overall, with plume formation and diffusion of effluents well covered for all Pasquill conditions (except G). This was an area new to me, as I have minimal meteorological knowledge, and I found the qualitative explanations and illustrations to be excellent, although the mathematical reasoning was at some points a bit hard to follow.The discussion of Design Basis Accidents (and particularly LOCA scenarios) beginning on p. 681 is excellent, as is the recap of the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents which follow. I was pleased to see the introduction to risk management beginning on p. 711, which discusses 10CFR50.34a requiring operators to keep radioactive materials in effluents “as low as reasonably achievable.” Oddly, the book the fails to name the acronym that logically follows from this (ALARA, of course) or discuss its use in the contemporary nuclear community to any significant degree.There is a lot of great content here, and while I am sure that I missed some of the more intricate mathematical nuances of the book, I think it was helpful to me overall. The book is sometimes a bit unclear, and some of the mathematical reasoning seems a bit fuzzy. A bigger complaint is that each chapter has numerous problems at the end, yet there is no answer key to determine if you did the problem correctly.I don’t claim to have as much experience in the field as the vast majority of people who will read and review this book, but I do believe that overall the book, while not perfect, gives a good introduction to the subject, and will serve as a valuable reference in the future.

⭐This book is well written, and covers a lot of important material reasonably well. You will learn a lot by reading it.It does however have one huge defect for anyone who because of poor quality teaching, or because they are just really interested in the field, has decided to use the book to teach themselves Nuclear Engineering. There are no solutions to any problems in the book. Most textbooks, at least introductory text books, give numerical answers to selected problems. This makes it possible for a student to do a problem, and ensure that he did it correct. Without it working problems is an exercise in futility as you will never know if you did them correctly. Since working out problems is the single best way to learn a technical subject you are probably best looking elsewhere for a book to learn from.

⭐I read the book cover-to-cover. For a third edition, it has an astounding number of typos and errors – dozens per chapter – many math blunders – a few conceptual mistakes. It’s fairly distracting from the material. The reader is constantly second-guessing the text – looking for the next mistake which is never far away. There’s something dysfunctional about this publishing team to continue ignoring the huge number of errors now into this third edition. (The ‘errata’ list at Prentice-Hall website is obsolete. Those have already been corrected in our copy, printed 2005. Their list says nothing about the many errors we observed.)

⭐This book was better than the previous version. But as a used book it is quiet expensive for 76$. Books also reach my address in about 1-1.5 months. It gives insight about various nuclear reactors and the relating physics. Better if it included more on reactor materials and reactors used in ships, submarines and maybe space applications.

⭐The best part about the book is its thorough content. Even though it has a very large scope, it’s easy to read if you’re just entering nuclear engineering.I didn’t give it five stars as there is still room for improvement, like having better diagrams and better formatting. Despite this, I definitely recommend it.

⭐I have studied the most important chapters of the book “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering”. It is more than an introduction. I found the book to be a very good one for someone with some fundamental knowledge of nuclear technology. When I started the reading of the book, I had some knowledge already. The book helped me to go deeper into the nuclear subject. I found the example problems to be very good. I really recommend this book. I did not find that many typos as other reviewers claim.

⭐Liked the price. The book cover was badly worn but the interior was OK.

⭐For a book that is supposed to be an intro to nuclear engineering, it is very vague.The questions in the homework are difficult to answer if the book is the only source we are using as a reference.There are several typos through out the book.Amazon was super fast delivering the book though…great service.

⭐Yes, it has got its problems, yes it may not be as well presented as others, but as a reference if you are not a hardcore nuclear physicist creating new gen IV reactor models on a daily basis then this will help you refresh your memory. However for this usage it is an expensive book

⭐Great overall experience

⭐Purchased this book as per recommendation from a colleague who consistently uses it as a reference within industry use. This book is incredibly hard to find elsewhere so was ecstatic when I could get it at a little less than its normal price. My concerns associated with the purchase are only quality concerns – the glue along the spine between the cover and the book pages seems to have lost its functionality and almost feels like it could rip out if I accidentally mishandle the book not to mention the fact it produces that awful sticking and unsticking sound whenever it is handled. Also, it seems to have the beginning stages of the mildew spots on the hard cover – the white splotchy marks that develop over time.That being said, considering the original publication date and the general availability of this book I am satisfied with the purchase

⭐O livro apresenta o conteúdo de forma rápida e objetiva. Os exercícios são bem trabalhados ao longo do texto.Os tópicos finais são bem escritos e com diversos esquemas gráficos.This book + a good professor will make you successful in the nuclear engineering field. It is not just an introduction, it provides the fundamental information about the business.


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