Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding 1st Edition by Lara Alcock (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2017
  • Number of pages: 252 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 11.57 MB
  • Authors: Lara Alcock


Would you like to understand more mathematics? Many people would. Perhaps at school you liked mathematics for a while but were then put off because you missed a key idea and kept getting stuck. Perhaps you always liked mathematics but gave it up because your main interest was music or languages or science or philosophy. Or perhaps you studied mathematics to advanced levels, but have now forgotten most of what you once knew. Whichever is the case, this book isfor you. It aims to build on what you know, revisiting basic ideas with a focus on meaning. Each chapter starts with an idea from school mathematics – often primary school mathematics – and gradually builds up a network of links to more advanced material. It explores fundamental ideas in depth,using insights from research in mathematics education and psychology to explain why people often get confused, and how to overcome that confusion. For nervous readers, it will build confidence by clarifying basic ideas. For more experienced readers, it will highlight new connections to more advanced material. Throughout, the book explains how mathematicians think, and how ordinary people can understand and enjoy mathematical ideas and arguments. If you would like to be better informed aboutthe intrinsic elegance of mathematics, this engaging guide is the place to start.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I had downloaded this onto my tablet. Occasionally the example and the explanation were on 2 different pages. That does not do it for me. So I bought the actual book. I am math challenged. I like this book it is a whole new way of looking at math. I have not finished yet but I definitely will. Math is on my bucket list.

⭐I’ve been trying to revisit math and I wanted something less technical and more strategic plus motivating. Also I wanted something that could help me avoid costly mistakes. This is a great book, yet not so technical as to become inaccessible outside of an academic audience.I do have a problem with the typesetting as I’ve experienced it on a Note 9. I can’t use this book as full resolution because the math examples are tiny compared to the surrounding text. The only solutions I’ve found are a magnifying glass accessibility tool or changing the screen resolution to the least detailed option. I’ve seen other typesetting approaches to this problem that seem to work better. I hate having to change resolution of my screen, although I can now that I know this workaround is functional…

⭐explains maths using clear intuitive reasoning useful for parents and teachers who want to engage children in a way that leads to real understanding

⭐A fantastic, thoughtful, back-to-basics journey through the essentials of mathematics. The authors passion and delivery of the intuition and insight behind the concepts covered are invaluable to any interested in math, but even more so to those who want ammunition in teaching style and content.

⭐Very insightful.

⭐This is an interesting book covering some concepts in mathematics. This book is for several sets of people according to the author: liked math up to a point, but then lost track; didn’t like it and didn’t pursue it beyond what was compulsory; liked it but have since been out of touch and want a refresher; are a young person seeking to pursue math. Each chapter starts with the more basic concepts and then continues to build on that throughout each chapter.The book delves into several areas of math. We begin with a discussion of multiplication, squares, triangles, and Pythagorean’s theorem. Next, we discuss tessellations and symmetry moving into fractions and the concept of the series – adding up lots of numbers. By chapter four, we deal with optimization problems and plotting areas and perimeters, circles, and polar coordinates. In the final chapter, we discuss dividing, decimals, rational numbers and irrational numbers. Now this, of course, is not an all-inclusive list, but it gives you an idea of what’s in the book.I learned a number of interesting things from this book. It sometimes pays to go back over the fundamental meaning of the basic concepts in math. You never know what you might learn.

⭐clear and lucid style with an understanding of where some people’s thought processes differ to the point where they feel they simply are not mathematical. This book will show we all are capable with the right exposition. It explains a lot of what used to be bread-and-butter GCE maths from yester-year including geometric-series, harmonic-series, conic-sections, cartesian and polar coordinate systems, and proof-by-induction building up from a low baseline with an encouraging manner. Visual explanations are aplenty with a nice visual for the similar-triangles pythagoras-theorem proof. One point though : on page 116 that showed the summation of 1/(k*(k+1)) proof-by-induction for the assumed solution — it would be nice to show the simple solution derivation prior to the proof-by-induction by showing the grouping and cancelling of terms of an equivalent re-expressed summation to [1/k -1/(k+1)]. I still remember this from an otherwise boring hot sweltering school class-room day in uniform, blazer and tie which shows it is interesting even when you couldn’t wait to escape what must have been double-maths ! (so glad those are bygone days) and I think it is something that would lend itself well to the illustrative style of this very good teacher. An excellent gateway-book to more intermediate math texts. Highly recommended.

⭐I picked this book up at the recommendation of a friend, and I’m very pleased. Superb from start to end, easy reading and without clutter.. Get right into what needs to be discussed.

⭐Great book. I’d recommend this.

⭐This book explains things very clearly and makes maths straightforward and exciting.

⭐Book begins interestingly with a quick take off, introducing mathematical though with concrete examples, but then doesn’t climb higher than 100 feet and draw some circles around the airport… having expected to have a nice trip (the book was advertised as “a good way back to maths for late learners”)… but at the end, we land at the same place again. I still give the author a second chance and read her book “How to Study for a Mathematics Degree”


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Download Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding 1st Edition 2017 PDF Free
Mathematics Rebooted: A Fresh Approach to Understanding 1st Edition 2017 PDF Free Download
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