Ebook Info
- Published: 2012
- Number of pages: 1780 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 3.89 MB
- Authors: Roger A. Horn
Linear algebra and matrix theory are fundamental tools in mathematical and physical science, as well as fertile fields for research. This second edition of this acclaimed text presents results of both classic and recent matrix analysis using canonical forms as a unifying theme and demonstrates their importance in a variety of applications. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition is a text for a second course on linear algebra and has more than 1,100 problems and exercises, new sections on the singular value and CS decompositions and the Weyr canonical form, expanded treatments of inverse problems and of block matrices, and much more.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐I purchased this book for a graduate linear algebra course I am taking. This book explains key ideas extremely well with great examples, theorems, and proofs. The questions/problems in the book are often challenging and really make sure you understand the contents. I am studying theoretical mathematics and I think this book is fantastic. I’m not sure how folk applied maths and other math inclined disciplines will appreciate this book, but if you like linear algebra at all I highly suggest picking this one up.
⭐This textbook is extremely effective if you already have a decent foundation in linear algebra. The theorems, lemmas, corollaries, and approach taken are fairly rigorous, and are right in line with what one would expect from a Matrix Analysis course textbook. While it is a rather difficult read as the subject material doesn’t come naturally to people like me, the proofs are largely well lain out and presented as intuitively as really can be expected, and the book is largely self-contained. None of the BS “This result is obvious/too trivial”, etc (which is all too familiar once you get past introductory mathematics material, so this was a welcome surprise). Furthermore, the book proves most of the major results, and does not reference you to unproven claims or assertions frequently (I can remember maybe a dozen at most proofs out of a few hundred total that referenced exercises that were not explicitly proven in the book). While the book is self-contained, much of the introductory material is presented extremely abruptly and tersely just to serve as a reference, so this book is not for someone who hasn’t touched Linear Algebra since Lin Alg 101. I would recommend brushing up on introductory material before jumping in; particularly, on all of the material in Section 0 (which you can find in the preview of the book here on Amazon). If you have a firm grasp of Section 0 going in, the book will be very helpful for you. As the book contains most major theorems related to matrices in some form, it also makes a great reference text once you’ve finished.
⭐Wouldn’t recommend for engineers afraid to get in to the maths.
⭐I think that while this book has great concepts and exercises in it, the format that these are presented is a bit bulksome and very difficult to read. His method of numbering is horrible. He has exercises (unnumbered), problems (numbered), theorems (numbered) and statements (numbered in a different format than the theorems). Finding anything in the book is a nightmare. Referring to a concept in the book usually requires something like “Go to the 45th page and then find the 3rd exercise from the bottom (exercises have no number remember). There is a line above that with the statement that you need.” The whole book could use a major format overhaul. Then it would be a 5 star book.
⭐I am using this book for a course right now and I love it. I have taken 2 other linear algebra courses and the chapter 0 (review of linear algebra) of this book is so so much better than any of the other books I used. I have nothing to compare the other chapters to but I really like it so far. I haven’t gone through the entire book yet but for any professors out there wondering, your students should like this book.
⭐This book explained a lot of myth intrinsically using linear algebra really clearly, but sound really complicated when reading literature in the applied fields.But, I don’t know whether it is the nature of the subjects or a lack of organization, you need to go back and forth through all the book several times to the really understand the subject and what the excises are looking for.
⭐I’d give this 5 stars if all the printing mistakes were eliminated (things like missing square root signs). I guess they’re still trying to get the kinks out of the kindle electronic format. I assume these problems are not there in the regular printed edition, but I don’t know.The material itself is great… very thorough. Perfect for some who has taken an introductory linear algebra course already. Plenty of exercises.
⭐a bible for matrix analysis
⭐Must say this is one of the best books that I have come across in Matrix analysis which comes with theorem and proofs with a very nice clear print that makes it absolutely a must have book for any undergraduate, postgraduate and beyond used in almost in any scientific and engineering dicipline. Thank you, you saved me a lot of time searching the net and book stores.
⭐Excellent book on matrix theory. Author assumes the basic knowledge of linear algebra like vector spaces, linear transformations and other elementary concepts. The book is very well written. It is for pure mathematics student. It might be of help to physicists or engineers but it’s applicability if limited for they don’t have to know every result or theorems concerning the matrices as provided in the book. For a mathematics students or researchers this book is really good almost all the theory (definitions, theorems etc) has been explained clearly. At the end of every section there’s problem set which ranges from very easy which are immediate consequence of results given in the section to tough which requires your considerable amount of time and mind. Many problems are based on physics, statistics or other disciplines which, I think, can be left if not interested. Sections on positive definite matrices and positive matrices are what I found most well written.
⭐Es un buen y riguroso texto sobre el asunto. Completo, sin duda. Pero adolece de algunos defectos: su presentación no es muy cómoda de leer (al menos en la versión electrónica); y el más importante DEBERÍA DESARROLLAR MÁS EJEMPLOS DE CADA TEOREMA, LEMA O DEMOSTRACIÓN. Una lástima
⭐OK if one is a pure mathematician, but far too detailed for an engineer or physicist. Layout forbidding and sleep inducing. I would not not have purchased this had a few pages been available for viewing.
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