Partners: A Rogue Lawyer Short Story (Kindle Single) by John Grisham (Epub)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2016
  • Number of pages: 120 pages
  • Format: Epub
  • File Size: 0.59 MB
  • Authors: John Grisham


In this standalone prequel to his #1 bestseller ROGUE LAWYER, John Grisham tells the story of how Sebastian Rudd finally found someone he could trust to be his driver, bodyguard, law clerk, and partner.

Sebastian Rudd, rogue lawyer, defends people other lawyers won’t go near. It’s controversial and dangerous work, which is why Sebastian needs his bodyguard/assistant/sidekick: Partner. So if Sebastian is just about the most unpopular lawyer in town, why is Partner so loyal to him? How did they meet? And what’s the real story of this man of few words who’s as good with a gun as he is with the law? The surprising answers are all in PARTNERS, John Grisham’s first exclusively digital short story.

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⭐ I just spent 27 hours in a car driving to visit My Grand Daughters and then to visit a client making a quick stop by one of my favorite museums in the middle of nowhere and coming back home. That gave me lots of time for several audiobooks. One of which was quite short and at the same time thoroughly entertaining. “Partners: A Rogue Lawyer Short Story” by John Grisham. It is basically a story of a man wrongly accused of murder and the lawyer who works to get him. off. Despite being short, less than 2 hours, it is still a compelling story. I very much enjoyed it.

⭐ “Partners”, best-selling author John Grisham’s first E-Short, is fast-paced, entertaining and intelligent throughout. Grisham’s writing is, as always, absorbing and makes for a delightfully effortless read. The 60 page tale, which concerns the rugged hero from Grisham’s exceptional prior novel, “Rogue Lawyer”, Sebastian Rudd, and a trial involving a deceased police officer, is consistently intriguing.It is also built up in the classic Grisham tradition. This is with much of the drama, action and suspense wrung from the courtroom as well as the inner-workings of the law. It is also filled with Grisham’s unique cast of credibly etched characterizations and equally authentic dialogue.Similarly, the piece reads like a condensed version of one of his lengthier works. The general chain of events in the narrative hits all the expected Grisham beats. Still, it always feels fresh and exciting. Though the finale is no real surprise, this remains verified proof of why Grisham remains one of the modern literary masters.

⭐ I have recently returned to my favorites as I have found more time for my passion…getting lost in a good book. The short and usually free stories are fine for looking for new talent but there are times you just need to call on an old friend. I found myself in the hospital with plenty of free time but feeling somewhat out of sync. I found this on my new Kindle Fire and totally enjoyed the light read but also the awareness of what I have been missing.

⭐ A short story chronicling the defense of a young black man who was accused of killing a police officer. He did, in fact, kill the police officer, but the question that Sebastian Rudd had to figure out and convince the jury of, was that the shooting was done in self defense, only after the black man had been fired upon 4 times by the police officer. It is amazing how the street world of violence, crime, deceit, and drugs make such interesting reads. Most of these guys, including in this case, the police, are a bunch of scumbags that don’t bring health and vitality to any community, yet their stories are compelling reads. Why is that, I am not sure of, but I do know that Grisham has an excellent command of street tactics and what it takes to find justice in an unjust environment. It is a scary scene that Grisham paints in this book, but it is so close to current events involving police and criminals in our country, that it is a timely read.

⭐ Okay, I’m calling “Partners” a novella because it is a perfect ‘little novel’. It has 26 chapters which pull you into the story with each new scene and which compel you to read the next chapter. It also tells a complete story just as a novel does. As a bonus, it also fills in the backstory for the author’s best selling “Rouge Lawyer”. But you don’t have to read “Rouge Lawyer” to enjoy this novella. It is truly a ‘stand alone’ work that I highly enjoyed reading.As a novella “Partners” is clearly one of the best I’ve ever read. Surely 5 stars is an easy call. However, if you compare it to a novel, it is less than 5 stars. A novella needs to deal with a limited cast of characters and a limited theme. This one does that with its one theme: the ins and out of defending a murderer. I found it so interesting that I could not wait to turn each page. For many fans this inside look at the law is what makes the author so enjoyable to read.Again: as a ‘murder trial procedural’ this is a 5-Star success.

⭐ This one comes out shooting,with not a dull moment to spare. Nonetheless, amidst all the action Grisham manages to work in some fascinating glimpses at how criminal law actually works, as well as social commentary. He never hits you over the head with it; it is inherent in the story. It involves a black father in crime ridden “little Angola” who is unemployed and struggling to maintain a safe environment for his son. As the story opens, they have been reduced to living in a tent with winter coming on. In desperation, he turns temporarily to drug running for some quick cash and runs afoul of a trigger happy member of the city’s finest on his first day on the job. And you thought your temp job was tough…

⭐ There was a lot of hype leading up to the release of this Rogue prequel but it was well deserved. It was a quick read with just enough detail to leave you wanting more!Grisham books, for me, tend to start out slow but not this one. It jumped right in and got to the point. I’m not a huge Grisham fan but this one definitely peaked my interest enough that I was in search of Rogue to continue the journey and see where it leads. If you have already read Rogue, be prepared to reread it!I don’t think it matters which order you read them in, for me I get the lead in but if you have already read Rogue then you HAVE to get Partners to see where it all starts.It’s a short, easy read. It flows well and can be read in a couple hours or less.Even though its only available in Ebook form you can get the ap for your computer or phone (which means you can read it on your lunch break or while your stuck in traffic… if your not driving)

⭐ I hate to start reading a Grisham Novel for they are so hard to put down. Partners is no exception- The story moves at a rapid pace from begining to end. Its not like he needs to write a tedious novel,. Grisham says what he had to and closed. Some authors feel they hqave to keep filling out the story (perhaps to make a fulol novel.–not Grisham. Only complaint i might add are that the price of books keeps going up!

⭐ What a piece of garbage that portrays all of our men in blue as white men who do nothing but screw underage hookers and kill black men for the fun of it. He also refers to all correction officers as nothing more than minimum wage flunkies. What an insult to all who protect and serve. (Yes, there are bad cops, but this book takes it to the extreme, making all law enforcement the enemy of the people.) Of course, the drug dealers are mostly fine upstanding citizens who just have no other options than to supply white men with drugs in order to provide for their children. No mention at all about the damage done by crack and meth. This book made me sick!

⭐ This was a quick read, and a decent story. It had enough grittiness to it to make it seem real enough. But the defendant won too easily. It could have used a bit more to the story to expand it a bit more with more info about the defendant and what he went through getting to the trial. All in sll, a pretty good read.


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Download Partners: A Rogue Lawyer Short Story (Kindle Single) 2016 Epub Free
Partners: A Rogue Lawyer Short Story (Kindle Single) 2016 Epub Free Download
Download Partners: A Rogue Lawyer Short Story (Kindle Single) Epub
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