Ebook Info
- Published: 2014
- Number of pages: 224 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 10.75 MB
- Authors: Max Born
In 1925-26, the future Nobel prize-winner Max Born presented two series of lectures at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: one on the structure of the atom, the other on the lattice theory of rigid bodies. This volume contains the text of every lecture from both series, offering a remarkable look at the transition from the quantum theory of Bohr to a new direction in atomic dynamics.”At the time I began this course of lectures,” Born writes, “Heisenberg’s first paper on the new quantum theory had just appeared. Here his masterly treatment gave the quantum theory an entirely new turn. The paper of Jordan and myself, in which we recognized the matrix calculus as the proper formulation of Heisenberg’s ideas, was in press, and the manuscript of a third paper by the three of us was almost completed.” In the course of the lecture series, Born introduced new developments as they occurred: Pauli’s fourth quantum number, Dirac’s formalism, and elements of his own work on a general operational calculus.Appropriate for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, Problems of Atomic Dynamics represents the foundations of quantum theory and offers a vivid look at science in the making, presenting clear-cut results that have withstood decades of experimentation.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐A very enjoyable read, providing a unique perspective on the early days of QT.
⭐There are two series of lectures in this book: one on crystal lattices and one on quantum mechanics. The crystal-lattice work is of no great interest these days, but the lectures on QM were written just after Born worked with Heisenberg et al. to develop the operator formalism, and shows a unique angle on it. For example, he motivates the need for matrix multiplication by discussing the representation of physical variables in terms of Fourier transform, but where the frequencies are not harmonics of a fundamental frequency, but are instead the differences between energy levels. It’s a very different angle from the way it is introduced in text books, and quite fascinating if you’re interested in the conceptual development of QM.
⭐Max Bornは、言わずと知れた量子力学形成期の大物理学者。この本は、彼が1925-26年にアメリカのMITで行った量子力学と、その応用に関する講義である。内容はBohr-Sommerfeldの理論から始まって、HeisenbergのMatrix力学が紹介され、いくつかの応用が話される。Schroedinger方程式もなければ、Diracのbra・ketもない。しかしこれらは最近の量子力学の教科書ではまずお目にかかれない貴重な内容です。ある意味で、直接的な量子力学形成史になっています。物理学の初心者には少し難しい、ベテランには使えない過去の話。しかし、物理学がどのように自然の理解を進めていくのかを少しでも気にする人は、ぜひ読んでほしいと思います。
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Problems of Atomic Dynamics (Dover Books on Physics) 2014 PDF Free Download
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