Professional Idiot: A Memoir by Stephen Steve-O Glover (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 336 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 13.91 MB
  • Authors: Stephen Steve-O Glover


From his early days videotaping crazy skateboard stunts to starring in the Jackass movies, there was little that Stephen “Steve-O” Glover wouldn’t do.Whether it was stapling his nutsack to his leg or diving into a pool full of elephant crap, almost nothing was out of bounds. As the stunts got crazier, his life kept pace. He developed a crippling addiction to drugs and alcohol, and an obsession with his own celebrity that proved nearly as dangerous. Only an intervention and a visit to a psychiatric ward saved his life. Today he has been clean and sober for more than three years.Professional Idiot recounts the lunacy, the debauchery, the stunts, the drug addiction, and the path to recovery with bravado, humor, and heart.”It’s mind-blowing to me how utterly far gone Steve-O was, and how he looks back on it in this book with such intelligence, humor, and searing honesty. What a truly unbelievable life.”– Johnny Knoxville”A great book to read before you get on the roller coaster to hell, if you plan on surviving to tell about it like Steve-O did.”–Nikki Sixx, author of The Heroin Diaries”This is the perfect book for people who hate reading.”–Tommy Lee, author of TommylandThe feedback I’ve gotten on Facebook and Twitter from those of you who’ve read this book has been fascinating, heartwarming, and hilarious. I’m happy to keep answering your questions on there, and I encourage more of you to join in the discussion. Hope to hear from you soon, and thank you all so much.Love,Steve-O

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review “It’s mind-blowing to me how utterly far gone Steve-O was, and how he looks back on it in this book with such intelligence, humor, and searing honesty. What a truly unbelievable life.”―Johnny Knoxville”A great book to read before you get on the roller coaster to hell, if you plan on surviving to tell about it like Steve-O did.”―Nikki Sixx, author of The Heroin Diaries”This is the perfect book for people who hate reading.”―Tommy Lee, author of Tommyland About the Author Stephen “Steve-O” Glover has made a career of doing crazy, dangerous, unhealthy, ill-advised stunts for the amusement, delight and occasional disgust of audiences around the world. Besides being one of the breakout stars of Jackass’s three-season run on MTV, Steve-O starred alongside fellow Jackass alum Chris Pontius in the extreme travel show, Wildboyz, which ran on MTV for four seasons and his own Dr. Steve-O series on the USA Network. In 2009, the newly sober Steve-O lasted six weeks on the ABC reality series, Dancing with the Stars, despite the fact that he couldn’t dance to save his life. He figured prominently in the first two Jackass feature films, both of which debuted at #1 at the box office, and will be a main player again in the third installment, Jackass 3D, which hits theatres in October 2010. He’s also been a frequent guest on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, the Howard Stern Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and Loveline. Professional Idiot is his first book.

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐Everything you ever wanted to know about a book

⭐To review this book honestly and provide the broadest prism for potential readers to decide if they want to buy this book, I must give some background. After I ordered this book a couple of weeks ago, I kept saying to myself why did I order this book? For one thing I had run out of books to read… but since I had only heard of the author Steve Glover once from the original Jackass Movie… the fact that I couldn’t stand that movie and turned it off halfway through… again made me question myself as to why did I order this book? My memories were of disgusting, putrid, demented stunts and skits. I remembered vomit and either that movie or elsewhere a giant fish hook stuck through a human’s mouth and through his cheek. I’m not a prude by any means, but it just wasn’t for me. Then I remembered why I ordered this book. It was because I had read that Glover had not only hit rock bottom… but he plummeted to eight basements below bottom… and he is in the process of recovering into a “clean and sober” life. That is why I bought this book.To be able to understand an individual’s defining moment… when they decide to look in their own private mirror and fight back to become something *THEY THEMSELVES* can be proud of… is always of great interest to me. The author leads us from his childhood of what can only be called a privileged youth. His Father was a very high ranking executive in an international company and among other lofty titles he held was president of the international division of Nabisco Brands. His Mother was an alcoholic, and there were many other alcoholics on her side of the family. If there was one character trait before even alcohol abuse that doomed Steve, it was always having to be the center of attention, no matter where he was, who he was with, or what bodily harm his actions put him in direct conflict with. From skateboarding… to jumping off buildings… to lighting himself on fire… you name it. Then along with alcoholism… addiction to every drug known to mankind… short of heroine.Then the physical stunts started getting so nauseating and debauchery based that I got queasy reading the book… but it was a little easier turning the pages after taking a deep breath than it was attempting to watch it on the screen. I mean… human excrement… ELEPHANT EXCREMENT… urine… well, I think you get the idea… along with jumping off bridges and buildings… and having things pierced… and doing things to men and women. It is an absolute miracle Glover is alive… having been miraculously spared from the “stunts” and the amount of drugs that HAVE KILLED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!To the author’s credit, he doesn’t pull any punches in describing what a despicable, drug abusing, (And I mean amounts of drugs that are almost too much to believe) alcoholic, what an awful person he was to be around… and people… including his “friends” are quoted within these pages to testify to that and more. Ony after Steve is committed to a hospital/clinic by his friends on a 5150 (Danger to self and others) does he get a chance to battle back against the voices in his head and more. He is now fighting his addictions and illness day to day… but some of his stunts and performances still include some hideous things passing or resting on his lips. I wish him all the best in recovery and the hope that he makes himself prouder of himself… which is a rightfully stated goal. This is a very tough book to read at times.

⭐this book is amazing and im barely half-way through it. i love steve-o so much, and this is exactly what i needed in life.

⭐I’m a huge fan of Jack (Donkey) (Don’t know if I could use curse words in review) but anyways, I’m a huge fan of the show and all of the actors so I was really excited to finally be able to read Steve-Os memoir. Well, it’s an addicting read! And I can surely relate to certain aspects of his life but I love his strong drive to push towards his goals despite everything else he’s been through. Steve-O is such an amazing person and I’m more than glad to have known of him and the the impact that Steve and the rest of the Jack (Donkey) crew has had on my life.

⭐At first I was very skeptical about reading this book, but when it’s all said and done Im so glad that I did. It shows the sad life of a very talented young man but also shows that you can overcome anything that life throws your way. Nothing comes easy and can also come with a cost, but it takes a very strong person to realize and openly admit their faults. I applaud and thank Stephen Glover for this.

⭐This is by far the craziest memoir I’ve ever read. I honestly have no idea how Steve-O managed to survive all of the insanity that was his life.Steve-O is very candid in the book about his ups and downs (and there were plenty of downs), and it makes for a very interesting and entertaining read. I knew virtually nothing about his life outside of the Jackass films, so most of what he reveals was new to me. Highly recommend.

⭐First off I have to tell my story. I was listening to a podcast on a Monday that Steve-o was on. He mentioned his book and I knew I was going to be airports for the majority of the day that Wednesday so I thought that would be a good way to pass the time. I made it through almost 250 pages and while in the American lounge in Charlotte the bartender said Steve-o was in the lounge. As I was reading the book!I quietly went over and asked if he would mind signing my copy. He was so pumped to see that I had his book. I felt bad blowing up his spot there while he was relaxing but he was so excited, that guilt went away quickly. Such a crazy cool experience. What was most remarkable was how humble and nice of a person he was during our interaction. He could have easily been annoyed with me or quietly signed my book and sent me on my way, but he insisted that we take a few pictures. Will not forget it!So for the book – I read almost the entire thing in one day. It’s funny, sad, and ultimately a wonderful story of the crazy person we know from Jackass getting his life back from addiction. I would highly recommend to anyone. Well maybe anyone over 18 and not my grandma!

⭐this guy has lived a crazy life. amazing he got sober and turned his life around.

⭐This book is great. If your a steve o fan you will 100% like this book, and if you never really read, it is easy to pick up and keep going. After reading it and become obsessed all things steve o i found out that you could get a signed copy from and its not that much more expenseive, so for true fans go there. Steve O is totally rad.

⭐Brilliant! A brutally honest funny and sad biography which makes for good read.Full of funny and shocking stories over the years. The book does seem to pick up pace after 2009. I was surprised to not hear a mention about the death of Ryan Dunn. However in sure there has to be another book Post 2010. I bought this book to read on holiday and I could not put it down. Only took me a few days. I’m now re watching all the Steve o dvds and jackass movies. I really hope he does another book.

⭐Makes for depressing reading most of the time imo. Enjoyed the first half the most which is about his childhood up until his TV breakthrough with jackass as its filled with more interesting stories & much less s about him being constantly strung out on drugs & booze which landed him in a lot of messed up situations where you feel both embarrassed & sorry for to some degree. Its great that he’s turned his life around now.

⭐I really enjoyed this memoir. Steve-O offers a ‘no holds barred’ account of his life and career, that goes beyond his TV persona as ‘that crazy guy from ‘Jackass’.’It’s obvious from reading this memoir, that Steve-O is an intelligent, deep-thinking and sensitive individual. His account of his wild days and addiction, and how he overcame it is inspiring.I highly recommend this book to fans of ‘Jackass’, and with ‘Jackass Forever’ releasing next year (at time of writing), now is an ideal time to experience the story of one of it’s greatest stars.

⭐Perfect book for a casual reader. I havnt read a book since i was 13 and harry potter was cool but after watching a few vids on stevos yt i thought the book sounded interesting. So far i feel its definatly a one time read but its interesting and easy to read. Was expecting a lot less and would definatly consider reading more bioraphys of the jackass crew now


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Download Professional Idiot: A Memoir 2012 PDF Free
Professional Idiot: A Memoir 2012 PDF Free Download
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