Proof and Knowledge in Mathematics 1st Edition by Michael Detlefsen (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2005
  • Number of pages: 171 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 1.29 MB
  • Authors: Michael Detlefsen


These questions arise from any attempt to discover an epistemology for mathematics. This collection of essays considers various questions concerning the nature of justification in mathematics and possible sources of that justification. Among these are the question of whether mathematical justification is a priori or a posteriori in character, whether logical and mathematical differ, and if formalization plays a significant role in mathematical justification,

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This work is a compilation of articles in the philosophy of mathematics geared towards professional philosophers. I will not review the content but will instead assume that you are a philosopher who needs this book for scholarly reasons. The only real question I will address is whether to buy the print version of the book or the Kindle version.The beauty of the Kindle edition is that it is readily available — if you choose to buy it, it will appear on your Kindle within a minute, and you’ll quickly be reading the articles. The purchase also won’t take up any more space on your bookshelf, which is a plus if your bookshelves are full. Also, wherever you take your Kindle, your copy of _Proof and Knowledge in Mathematics_ will be with you.Almost everything else about buying the Kindle edition is a drag. It seems obvious that no one has bothered to do some simple spell checking of the work. Hilbert’s name is spelled “Hubert” in places; expect lots of misspellings (even of the authors’ names!), especially when it comes to proper names. I should track down a hardcopy of the book to see if there are any diagrams; the Kindle is not always great at preserving diagrams. For as much money as the publisher is charging for the Kindle edition of the book, you would expect that more effort would have gone into ensuring the accuracy of the translation from hardcover to Kindle. If someone actually does bother to correct the errors in translation, I hope my copy will eventually get an update (AHEM!).If you’re a scholar, you’ll need to be able to cite the page numbers whenever you need to quote an author. That’s not possible with the Kindle as yet; it won’t provide you with any information about page numbers. It also isn’t as easy as it should be to go back and forth between footnotes and main text.In short, if you need this book for scholarly purposes (which you probably do if you’re reading this), you will ultimately end up having to find a hardcover copy anyhow either from the library or from another seller. You will really be paying for the ability to read the articles immediately without a trip to the library. Given the current price of the book (as of March 2009), it’s probably not worth it.


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Proof and Knowledge in Mathematics 1st Edition 2005 PDF Free Download
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