Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise (Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part 3) by Harry L. Van Trees (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1992
  • Number of pages: 626 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 18.33 MB
  • Authors: Harry L. Van Trees


This text should appeal to graduate students, researchers in this field and practicing engineers. It is a thorough study of how one applies statistical theory to an important problem area. In many places, specific research problems are suggested that are suitable for thesis or industrial research. The material is in a form that is suitable for presentation in a short course or industrial course for practicing engineers.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐I highly recommend this book to the researchers in the area. It coveres a wide range of scenarios and lays out the fundamentals in depth.

⭐When the reader masters the material in this book, one will have laid a thorough foundation for further work in radar & sonar problems. A prerequisite for Volume III of Van Trees is Volume I, which (also thoroughly) covers the fundamentals of Detection & Estimation Theory. A necessary prerequisite for Volume I in turn is a graduate course in Probability and Stochastic Processes. Van Trees’ books are far superior to the more recent texts by Dr. Steven Kay on Detection and Estimation.The first part of Volume III covers Detection & Estimation of Gaussian Signals in Noise. Chapters 9-13 cover the Radar-Sonar problem. The topics covered include Detection and Estimation of slowly fluctuating point targets, and then Doppler-Spread, Range-Spread, and Doubly-Spread Targets and Channels. Each chapter is mathematically rigorous, thorough and complete.If one masters Volume III, one will then understand the theoretical foundations of radar detection. A more specific follow-on, which does not require the theoretical background of Van Trees’ work, but attacks the issue from a more practical level is “Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing” by Mark Richards of Georgia Tech. If one wants to learn more about actual radars, whether at a more introductory level, or in greater practical (as opposed to theoretical) detail, one cannot beat the books by Merrill Skolnik.


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Radar-Sonar Signal Processing and Gaussian Signals in Noise (Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory, Part 3) 1992 PDF Free Download
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