Ebook Info
- Published: 2015
- Number of pages: 340 pages
- Format: Epub
- File Size: 0.48 MB
- Authors: John Grisham
On the right side of the law—sort of—Sebastian Rudd is not your typical street lawyer. His office is a customized bulletproof van, complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, and fine leather chairs. He has no firm, no partners, and only one employee: his heavily armed driver, who also so happens to be his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, and golf caddie. Sebastian drinks small-batch bourbon and carries a gun. He defends people other lawyers won’t go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult; a vicious crime lord on death row; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team that mistakenly invaded his house. Why these clients? Because Sebastian believes everyone is entitled to a fair trial—even if he has to bend the law to secure one.
User’s Reviews
Review “Terrific Grisham, can still devise distinctivecharacters, tricky legal predicaments and rogueishly cheating ways to worm out of them.”–Maureen Corrigan, “The Washington Post” “Sebastian Rudd is a kind of social justice warrior and Grisham uses him to take jabs at the legal system all with a blunt, rude, gravelly poetic wise guy voice that makes Rudd come across as a kind of 21st-century Philip Marlowe.”–Benjamin Percy, “The New York Times Book Review””Terrific . . . inventive . . . John Grisham still makes it look easy. Maureen Corrigan, “The Washington Post” “” Sebastian Rudd is . . . a kind of twenty-first-century Philip Marlowe . . . with a blunt, rude, gravelly poetic wiseguy voice. Benjamin Percy, “The New York Times Book Review” “” Deeply engaging and entertaining . . . [Grisham finds] intense drama in the little skirmishes that play out across our legal system every day. Charles Finch, “USA Today” “” Grisham has taken a step in an intriguing new direction. Janet Maslin, “The New York Times”” –This text refers to the paperback edition.
Reviews from Amazon users, collected at the time the book is getting published on UniedVRG. It can be related to shiping or paper quality instead of the book content:
⭐ My first thought when considering this book was that it was going to unabashedly and shamelessly mirror Michael Connelly’s “Lincoln Lawyer” novels. You know, the badass, independent lawyer who operates out of his own private vehicle instead of a traditional office and who, somehow, always seems destined to take on the dregs of society, while at the same time (and seemingly miraculously) finding some way of getting them off. Yeah, the book might contain a few unique Grisham features but, really, how much different from the Connelly concept could it be?Well, folks, let me tell ya’, “Rogue Lawyer” is NOTHING like Connelly…it is amazingly independent while being uniquely singular, displaying Grisham at his very best. Again, I was just surprisingly redeemed by this character structure and decidedly encouraged that it invoked a completely different dynamic than the Connelly model.Sebastian Rudd, our protagonist, is a divorced criminal defendant operating out of a Ford cargo van, loaded down with all the necessities required for his practice. He and his ex-wife Judith, herself a lawyer, she of the woman’s rights, bee-atch, hard lesbian lifestyle variety, have a son whom Judith is working exceedingly hard at diminishing his visitation rights to. Sebatian’s driver, confidant and only friend is Partner, a large black man who lives with his elderly mother and is a man who’d earlier been acquitted of violent crimes by Rudd and who now serves as his researcher/paralegal.The storyline entails Rudd’s involvement in a number of, seemingly, “un-winnable” cases and the actions he then takes to better his client’s chances…all of the storylines are loosely and inextricably linked and tie together with Rudd’s personal life. The overwhelming selling point with this work is Grisham’s ability to put the reader inside Rudd’s mind as he differentiates and rationalizes all of his moves…when analyzed from few steps back, this is really an amazingly intrusive and objective look at a subject of the court who’s rejected virtually all ceremony and gotten down to the bone of the reality of trying cases, a remarkably refreshing perspective and one that I believe Grisham was seeking when he set out on this work.So if you’re passionate about non-conforming legal representation and/or the types of lawyers who represent the “dregs” of society, outside of the legally appointed, and enjoy great legal/intrigue writing, “Rogue Lawyer” is definitely for you. Sebastian Rudd is a supremely cool character and I, for one, hope that John Grisham brings him back in a subsequent work.
⭐ Sebastian Rudd is a lawyer who defends scumbags. He is unafraid of the inherent dangers that accompany many of these defenses, and he is a fearless negotiator who tries all angles available to him to ensure that justice is done even to the most unsavory characters. The public thinks he is a scumbag himself for defending such vermin, and many of the vermin that he defends don’t deserve a lawyer of his caliber, and they don’t appreciate his talent or his ability to play with his gloves off. He is tough and always seems to operate best when he is right along the borderline of ethical behavior. He is divorced, his ex-wife is an industrial grade bitch, and he loves cage fighting in his off time. He shoots pool at weird hours, and his office is in a van, driven by his bouncer, Partner. The book weaves its’ way in and out of a number of seedy people with nasty legal problems, and he is in constant danger from many different places. He deals with criminal behavior from the police in one instance, and he tries to defend a fighter who killed a referee in another case. An assortment of people who are mostly on the fringe make this a very interesting read, with no real lasting value other than entertainment. This book has a scattered plot; it seems to jump from one story to another without too much tie. Grisham attempts to make connections by concocting some wild events that give the story a contrived feel. The end is very unsatisfying. It leaves too many loose ends dangling, and it feels like the author just got tired of writing, so he quit. All in all, a satisfactory book to entertain. It is high on entertainment, low on value.
⭐ By now all John Grisham has to do is show up with another great story. Rogue Lawyer is a whole new direction for Grisham. And I like it….a lot! This isn’t a collection of short stories, as I first thought, and really don’t care for. No, Rogue Lawyer is a day, week and month in the life of street lawyer, Sebastian Rudd. Little vignettes but it doesn’t feel like it….the reader just follows this defense attorney around in a customized bulletproof van (that is his office), complete with Wi-Fi, a bar, a small fridge, and fine leather chairs. He has no firm, no partners, and only one employee: his heavily armed driver, who also so happens to be his bodyguard, law clerk, confidant, and golf caddie.He defends people other lawyers won’t go near: a drug-addled, tattooed kid rumored to be in a satanic cult; a vicious crime lord on death row; a homeowner arrested for shooting at a SWAT team. Why these clients? Because Sebastian believes everyone is entitled to a fair trial—even if he has to bend the law to secure one.I hope very much that Sebastian Rudd drives back into town (one day soon) and continues his dangerous but valiant work defending the indefensible!
⭐ Rogue Lawyer is the newest John Grisham legal thriller about defense attorney Sebastian Rudd.This book is about Sebastian Rudd, a defense attorney who represents unpopular clients and has no issues pushing the bounds of ethics to defend his clients. The book is written in the first person as Sebastian Rudd narrates to us his thought process on his varies clients he represents and his dealings with prosecutors and law enforcement. This gives us a better understanding on why he does things and how he justifies them, as he goes all out for each of his various clients. We also get a good look at his personal life and the issues he has going on. I really enjoyed this book. Book moves at a quick pace right from the beginning. I especially liked the first person point of view. Which I think gives us a better understanding of the character Sebastian Rudd. I’m hoping Sebastian Rudd becomes a series, as I would like to see more of this character. I found him to be a fascinating character.I definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy mystery/thriller books. John Grisham fans will not be disappointed.
⭐ A preview of a character and a series of plots that the industry that is John Grisham hopes will keep the writers’ room busy between his novels and employed for many volumes falters on the first one. Plot elements strain credulity, the writing style almost a parady of hard-boiled detective series, think Raymond Chandler particularly in his description of female characters, and the characters seem to have emerged off the pages of graphic novels. The rogue lawyer–is he really meant to be as unappealing as he seems–lacks nuance and depth, his sidekick, Partner provides muscle, and the lesbian ex-wife and perfect kid are straight off-the shelf of left-over characters. There are some Grisham moments–the criminal escaping his execution–but why is he so desperate for money that he sends his muscle to intimidate our hero–the effecting commentary on young black men in prison and the compulsive liar with the info on the missing girl who finally gets tedious with his knowledge of our hero’s movements. Well, Stephen King is doing it, JK Rawlings is doing it, Nelson DeMille has done it, so why not John Grisham and his writers’ room?
⭐ I liked the Sebastian Rudd character– a street lawyer who works with those people deemed by most to be on the lowest social rung, who lives life on the fringes and is not afraid to bend some rules to favor his clients. I was reminded of Michael Connelly’s The Lincoln Lawyer– both lawyers target clients that other lawyers would likely snub, and they primarily operate from an office on wheels rather than a desk in some stuffy office. Grisham intertwined a few storylines that explored Rudd’s personal and professional lives– e.g., love life, child, cage fighting enthusiast, legal wranglings with cops and prosecutors. All in all, I found this book to be “good,” but as I read, I found myself thinking this book fell somewhat flat in comparison to earlier novels. Where was the amazement, the mind-blowing and delicious twists and turns, and the feeling that I was experiencing the adventures along with the characters, which are typical with a Grisham novel? Again, the book is good, but I have come to expect and experience a much bigger fireworks show from Grisham, so it is somewhat disappointing if a book does not put on such a show for me. Despite this, I remain a Grisham fan and look forward to the next novel.
⭐ This is not one of Grisham’s better efforts. It is cynical and it lacks the credibility of his other books. If you are in law enforcement, you will not like the way the main character, Sebastian Rudd, characterizes the police. There is not the human element one finds in “Gray Mountain”. Characters have bizarre names, like his bodyguard, named “Partner”, or his own son, named “Starcher.” There is a strong element of a lack of credibility in many scenes. Among the incredible scenes are when a gangster and former Rudd client, Link Scanlon, breaks out of prison, by being airlifted by a black helicopter through a hole in the roof created by blasts during a prison riot- a scene even more unbelievable than the scene in “Atlas Shrugged” when John Galt gets rescued. Then there’s the scene where a swat team storms the house of Doug Renfro, without warning, kills his wife and pets. Who thinks of this stuff? Incredible! Perhaps the best scenes are Rudd’s encounter with Arch Swanger, the drifter who wants to hire Rudd, gives him a check that bounces, but has valuable information regarding a kidnap victim. Swanger comes and goes like a mystery man, some sort of Houdini figure who is tough to trace once he leaves Rudd. Then there’s the kidnapping of Starcher, staged by none other than the assistant police chief Kemp, in a desperate attempt to get information on his missing daughter. Sure there are twists and plots. But many of these come at the expense of credibility. Stereotypes are developed, like Latino MMA cage fighters. I can’t be making this crap up. Fans of Grisham may enjoy this book, but I didn’t really appreciate its cynicism or lack of credibility. Grisham has done better.
⭐ This book is John Grisham’s political manifesto.In it he expresses his utter most distaste for political and judicial corruption and for the over-zealous, over-militarized, over-armed, over-weight, over-paid, over-spent and over-abusive police and law enforcement agencies. He tends to exaggerate the issues somewhat and repeatedly describes the almost absolute power those agencies have and the protection from prosecution they enjoy.This book comes into light and coincides with events of police abuse cases lately and the attempts to prosecute some of them. Grisham, in this fictional novel, claims that law enforcement agencies are immune from prosecution even if they are proven to be wrong, negligent, abusive and irresponsible in their actions and even if innocent lives were lost. As we witness the prosecution of some highly publicized police abuse of power actions today, this is not completely true and they are not immune from justice.If you are fed up with the character the various police and law enforcement agencies assumed recently and what they turned up to be in recent years, especially post 9/11, you will like the book.As I mentioned earlier, this novel intends to highlite some frustration at real life mishandling and behavior of government agencies. Therefore it should be classified in some different category than the other great novels of John Grisham.
⭐ Sebastian Rudd, the rogue lawyer is “a well-known street lawyer” with a gun permit, office in a van, a clientele generally consisting of folks who are thoroughly unsympathetic and likely guilty of whatever crime they are accused of. The first case involves a retarded “baby killer” to be defended in the small town in which the crime took place. Soon we learn that not only is there a dubious boyfriend, an electioneering DA, a power hungry police department and lots of open ended leads. Sebastian handles it all plus a death penalty appeal, a lesbian ex-wife with primary custody of his young son, a new love interest, abductions and home invasions. The whole lot is thoroughly despicable – the cage fighter with the anger problem, the mobster, the traffickers of sex slaves. Even the police come in for their share of questionable actions. Was there any character development? No. Although the final action of Sebastian does not fit at all with his professed love for his son. This is not Grisham’s finest.
⭐ The irony is that I finished the book in which Grisham lambastes police for use of high powered weapons and armored vehicles the day before police in San Bernardino used these weapons and vehicles in response to the massacre of 14 people and the resulting shootout with suspects. Grisham ridicules these officers as “Warrior Police” and characterizes the majority of police and prosecutors as corrupt and/or incompetent. In this book Grisham continued to push his anti police, anti prosecutor, anti government, anti business agenda as he has done in other novels the last few years. He is obviously anti death penalty and believes that certain people are over represented in prison populations not due to their actions, but as a result of prejudice rampant throughout the judicial system. Grisham is still an excellent story teller and I will miss reading him. But I am done with him. I’m sure that he will survive very well if he never sells another book, but I feel like my few dollars go directly to a liberal super pac.
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