Ebook Info
- Published: 1980
- Number of pages:
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 7.06 MB
- Authors: H. Seifert
Text: English, German (translation)
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐The fundamental of modern 3 manifold topology are covered in this German classic text.We have the Seifert surface , the Seifert matrix and the Seifert -Weber dodecahedral space/ 3 manifoldwhich is actually introduced an example in this text. Seifert is the German Thurston, the German Poincare,the German Alexander…I was going to pan this for not having an analytic element that is necessary to using 3-manifolds in string and m-theory physics, but the only critical foot hold is the lack of use of space groups, point groups and Schlegeldiagrams for polyhedral toplogical decompositions.The text has simplical analysis, Lens spaces, Heegaard diagrams, Betti groups and n-dimensional manifolds, so it is hard to say that the discussion is limited, but in modern terms it really is, even in very old terms Sommerville’s text is entirely ignored? The whole American school of point topology is ignored.The attitude that only Polish, Russian and German topology has something to say about lowdimensional topology in practice locks the German student out of the modern world of topology.So what that comes down to is something the English, French, Russians have made a tradition:Parochialism ( Not invented here) social philosophy that probably robbed Seifert of the widerworld he so deserved? For one thing some of the definitions and arguments in this textshould be standards in modern topology books of his time and the present,but just aren’t.
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Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook of Topology PDF Free Download
Download Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook of Topology 1980 PDF Free
Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook of Topology 1980 PDF Free Download
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Free Download Ebook Seifert and Threlfall: A Textbook of Topology