Slow Learner by Thomas Pynchon (EPUB)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2012
  • Number of pages: 210 pages
  • Format: EPUB
  • File Size: 0.28 MB
  • Authors: Thomas Pynchon


Compiling five short stories originally written between 1959 and 1964, Slow Learner showcases Thomas Pynchon’s writing before the publication of his first novel V. The stories compiled here are “The Small Rain,” “Low-lands,” “Entropy,” “Under the Rose,” and “The Secret Integration,” along with an introduction by Pynchon himself.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐The first paragraph of the introduction is almost worth the price of the collection. For the person who has not read Thomas Pynchon, it is a first class review of what his work is like. The humor and seriousness are there, tempered with a bit of Sci-Fi whimsy. But the way that he takes the stories apart and shows what is missing, is a lesson for any budding writer. This book should be taught in many writing classes. I particularily love when he disses himself for creating a rule of writing and makes himself follow it. (The list of writers who do this very thing, is a long, long list!) I also love his comment that he was showing off his “Ear” (For dialogue) before he had actually attained one.It is nice that he left these stories in the condition that he found them, but I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if he had revised or revisited them now as a master of his craft. (And then printed both versions.)Thomas Pynchon (and others) have downed these stories. But, what is poor, beginning writing for someone like Pynchon, is a level that many aspiring writers NEVER achieve. The story Entropy has been reprinted several times, so even though Pynchon finds it weak, it has great value. (At least to some editors.) The first time that I read it, I was not aware that this story was repudiated by its own author.While Pynchon really requires several hundred pages to reach the stride of his genius, I would certainaly state that these stories and introduction are an excellent place to start to read Thomas Pynchon. While he is often thought of as a writer who mines the pathway, and puts up boundries for his readers, this is far from true. Granted he is a difficult writer, and you need to know a LOT of stuff to completely “Get” what his is up to, he can be read for sheer pleasure. Get what you can and try to get more on each re-reading.

⭐Home reading and library

⭐I find myself enjoying Pynchon’s stories more than Tom himself does. But I digress. If you want to see a talent arise, read this. Pynchon’s critical, self-deprecating and humorous intro might be the highlight of this collection, but his stories, while flawed and reeking of “young amateur writer” are enjoyable as well and show just how precocious a writer the man is. If you’re an experienced fan, get this one.

⭐This is an interesting collection of early stories, but my bet is that those who will enjoy the book most are those people who have already bought into the Pynchon mystique. I’m one of them, to be sure, so I must confess I have enjoyed it. Some of Pynchon’s talents are already here on display, but what I miss the most is the irrepressible excess and the dizzying rhythm that characterizes his later prose. Some of the stories seem to flitter and fade, caught up in curiosities that are soon cast away. The settings in which Pynchon displays his talent varies: nineteenth-century espionage, a hurricane that ravages a town in Louisiana, a dysfunctional marriage. Pynchon fans will like some of those odd situations and odd characters, such as the ending of the story “Low-lands,” and the psychologist “Geronimo Diaz,” from the same story. Of great interest to Pynchon readers will be the opening essay, a blunt and detailed appraisal of the stories: a rare gesture in Pynchon. (I recommend reading it last, by the way, even though it prefaces the collection.) I titled this review “a second-best starting point,” and it is because people who read Pynchon for the first time will probably do best to choose “The Crying of Lot 49,” in which Pynchon’s greatness is already well-formed, but it is encapsulated in a manageable 150 pages (as opposed to the bulkier later work).

⭐This book looks almost new and it is played well. I am so satisfied and happy to buy this quality of book for cheaper price!

⭐I only needed to read one story from this text and I purchased solely because it’s easier for me to read printed material than electronic.

⭐Love this book, that’s why I ordered a copy.

⭐good stuff

⭐Why no contents page? How weird in a book of short stories not to have one. So it’s guess the names, how long the stories are, and where they are in the book. Time well spent.

⭐Pynchon creates tableaux so vivid and compelling that the reader senses an instant empathy with his characters.The rich vocabulary is often at odds with the rough ambiance but, in some strange way, they complete each other.Interesting to read how Pynchon feels about his early work. A great read!

⭐All good. Nice edition and interesting to see Pynchon’s evolution as a writer.


⭐タイトルの「slow learner」は自分を指して言ってると思われる。「学習の遅いワシは駆け出しの頃こんな欠点だらけの小説を書いていたのだよウホホ」みたいな。それでも圧倒的な筆力を披露してんで嫌味なんだけど、ご本人がそう思っておられるならアテクシ如き意見する気はない。まず「イントロ」だけでも作家志望の皆さんにはお読みになる価値があるかも。ピンチョン先生が自分の初期作品を叩き台にして真摯に小説作法を語っておられます。で、中身ですが、アテクシは全作品楽しみました。いやー、ピンチョンは何処に話を飛ばすのか全然見えません。一寸先は闇。それでとんでもない方向に必ず飛んで行きなさる。しかし、なんでだ、何故か全て納得してしまう。ピンチョン公理系の中で全て無矛盾や感じてしまう…というか、ピンチョンの飛躍方向を見て公理系の輪郭が見える。しかしある公理系の無矛盾性はその公理系自身では証明できないんで、ピンチョンは言語表現は基本全て幻惑的な与太だと思っている。神の視点に晒されれば。だからわざとシュールな与太を並べていく。そいで、読んでるこっちは、ああ、そうなのか、となる。そうか、そういうことですか、ピンチョン先生、と。まず一作目、『The Small Rain』…アメリカ南部の駐屯地でグダグダしてる軍人キャラたちが自然災害レスキュー要員として駆り出される。気象庁の予報ミスが原因で集落一つがハリケーンによって全滅したという。こっから展開するのは…なんか分からんけどウィトゲンシュタインの『倫理学講義』を思い出す「科学的命題記述問題」みたいな。ピンチョン先生、アレをお読みになりました?「科学的命題の世界においては、どのような人類の嘆きも石の落下と同じ程度の記述価値しか持たない」というウィトゲンシュタインの冷徹なる言葉をそのまま小説にしたみたいな世界。見事なもんです。二作目、『Low-lands』…子供のままの男たちの世界が夢想的に展開する。ラストは仰け反りました。なんだこりゃ!?としか言えない終盤の展開。男は成長しない、とピンチョンは思ってるのか知らんけど、最後はなんかあぶねーざます。三作目、『Entropy』…これは意味不明。ちょい嫌味な感じがした。作者が博識を披露し過ぎてるというのか、ピンチョン先生がインテリなのは分かるけど、アイデア先行型の一本。とは言っても「イントロ」でそのものズバリの批判をされてる一本なんですけど。せっかく設定は面白そうなのに。ワシントンDCに集うコスモポリタン世界って面白そうじゃないですか。しかし言うまでもなく、文章は素晴らしい。四作目、『Under the Rose』 …これは気に入りました。アテクシ好み。アレキサンドリアから始まってカイロで大捕物に発展する戦間期スパイ合戦。しかし誰が誰の味方で誰が誰に指示されているのか不明。そもそもそのような人間の思惑さえ存在するのか。歴史とはそのようなナマの意志でもって動いているのか。主人公はピラミッドで正規分布曲線を幻視する(あ、ネタバレ?)。世界は決定論で動くのか、確率論で動くのか。五作目、『The Secret Integration』…これは傑作。皆さん、読みましょう。近所の悪ガキたちが集まって治安紊乱計画を立てている。スパルタカス作戦と言うそう。そこから話がどう流れていくか。子供の世界がそのまま社会の構造にシームレスに繋がっていく。ピンチョン、天才。


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