Ebook Info
- Published: 2005
- Number of pages: 480 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 21.38 MB
- Authors: Petre Stoica
For introductory courses on Spectral Analysis at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. An accessible text for students, researchers, and practitioners in the general area of Signal Processing, is an expanded edition of the text “Introduction to Spectral Analysis” by the same authors (Prentice-Hall, 1997). A host of new complements and exercises along with an appendix on model order selection have been included in the book to make it a more up-to-date and useful text as well as a more self-contained learning tool for a diversity of students and researchers. The text presents an introduction to spectral analysis that is designed for either course use or self-study. Clear and concise in approach, it covers both classical and modern approaches of spectral analysis. Topics covered include nonparametric spectrum analysis (both periodogram-based approaches and filter-bank approaches), parametric spectral analysis using rational spectral models (AR, MA, and ARMA models), parametric methods for line spectra, and spatial (array) signal processing. Analytical and MATLAB-based computer exercises are included to develop both analytical skills and hands-on experience.
User’s Reviews
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐This is probably the best book on the spectral analysis of signals: clear, concise, rigorous, precise and to the point. The text does not include many numerical examples, but the analytical problems and especially the computer exercises contain numerous numerical examples that can be run employing the provided Matlab functions and routines. The book includes manyfundamental signal processing techniques that are directly relevant to applications for example in wireless communications, sensor arrays, biomedical signal analysis, seismology, geology, and radar system engineering.
⭐This is an excellent book; probably the best reference on spectral analysis available. It is written in a clear and pedagogical manner and it contains a host of methods, both “classical” and modern. It is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students alike; particularly the latter can have great use of the many complements that explain the theory in more depth, and the supplemental information given in the appendices. Also note that extra material, such as Matlab implementations of all discussed methods, is available via the homepage of the book. Playing with this code provides a great help for the understanding of the discussed methods and theory; probably more so than what would be gained from numerical examples, the lack of which some reviewers criticize the book for.Note that this is an extended version of the book “Introduction to Spectral Analysis” by the same authors.
⭐This book was my first (formal) exposure to spectral estimation. It was the text used during a grad course, AND in summary it is …Quite simply the best engineering text book I have ever read. Concise, Simple, Clear, Complete, AND In-depth.The lack of simulations (as one reviewer pointed out) in the text is a moot point, to me, since the quality of the text is so high and the writing is so clear. The authors truly have a gift for conveying mathematical truths in their writing. And that’s coming from someone new to the subject!Also, I will reiterate what the reviewer Erik has said, almost my words exactly. Especially his point about playing with the Matlab code provided at the author’s website. This code combined with the computer problems at the end of each chapter, literally make the methods in the text come to life.
⭐The mathematical core of the book is impressively well-established, though hard to be fully understood. One who wants to get a good mathematical basis on the subject of spectral estimation should have this book. The main disadvantage is the lack of simulation results comparing methods or showing their pros/cons.
⭐I have for several years been teaching a course based on this book, as well as regularly consulting it in my own research. In my opinion, it is the best available textbook on this topic. It is clear, concise and up-to-date, offering a well-written and pedagogical summary of the current state of the art in spectral and array signal processing. The book is appropriate for senior undergraduate or graduate students, as well as researchers and practitioners active in the field. I warmly recommend it.
⭐This was purchased on behalf of my company but when it arrived it was a “soft” copy and not a “hard” copy as advertised so I was asked to return it to the seller which I did (with no problems whatsoever)and got a full refund.
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