Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) by Claude Itzykson (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 1991
  • Number of pages: 432 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 12.55 MB
  • Authors: Claude Itzykson


The second volume covers diverse topics, including strong coupling expansions and their analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, two-dimensional conformal field theory, and simple disordered systems. The book concludes with a chapter on random geometry and the Polyakov model of random surfaces, which illustrates the relations between string theory and statistical physics.

User’s Reviews

Editorial Reviews: Review “Considérant la qualité du matériel et de la présentation, je trouve le prix excellent et je ne peux que recommander l’achat de ces deux bouquins.” Physics in Canada”I strongly recommend these two volumes to anyone from intermediate graduate students to active experienced researchers to aging veterans who need to be reminded of or learn for the first time the broad conceptual framework underlying the many current applications of field theoretic methods.” Paul Ginsparg, Foundations of Physics”…a useful addition to a personal or an institutional library at a modest cost.” C. A. Hurst, Mathematical Reviews Book Description This two-volume work provides a comprehensive and timely survey of the application of the methods of quantum field theory to statistical physics, a very active and fruitful area of modern research.

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐This book (volumes 1 and 2) was released during the time that 2-dimensional research in mathematical physics was at its peak. At that time, there were important new results on conformal field theory, quantum integrable models, 2-dimensional quantum gravity, lattice models, quantum groups as symmetries and, of course, application of all of them to statistical physics and condensed matter physics every day (or so I believe now). As such, it was a book highly in need: A book that would take the majority of the results and present them to the interested reader in a concise, organized and useful way. Unfortunately, the book fulfilled the expectation of including the majority of the topics and the advancements which happened, but failed badly in being organized and really useful.Of course the authors had to take some decisions what to include and what to exclude. Several important topics are missing (such as quantum group symmetries, integrable perturbations of conformal field theory, etc.) but this is not really a problem. Every author has to make some hard choices. The problem is that, for the topics included, the authors have failed to present them in an organized and useful way. What is presented is almost identical material that can be found in the research papers, without additional calculations and details. The authors act mainly as newscasters reading results from papers placed in front of them. As such, the only benefit of the book is that it collects many interesting topics together (thus, a list for the reader) and provides at the end of each chapter a thorough bibliography. For those readers who are not aware of the originals papers, this bibliography will be invaluable.Unfortunately, the authors missed a great opportunity to provide a highly useful book. You may still want to have it if you need a book to give you some directions in the vast bibliography of applications of mathematical physics in statistical field theory. But do not expect to fall in love with this book.

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Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) PDF Free Download
Download Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) 1991 PDF Free
Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) 1991 PDF Free Download
Download Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) PDF
Free Download Ebook Statistical Field Theory: Volume 2, Strong Coupling, Monte Carlo Methods, Conformal Field Theory and Random Systems (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)

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