Ebook Info
- Published: 2014
- Number of pages: 1200 pages
- Format: PDF
- File Size: 7.85 MB
- Authors: Daniel Zwillinger
The eighth edition of the classic Gradshteyn and Ryzhik is an updated completely revised edition of what is acknowledged universally by mathematical and applied science users as the key reference work concerning the integrals and special functions. The book is valued by users of previous editions of the work both for its comprehensive coverage of integrals and special functions, and also for its accuracy and valuable updates. Since the first edition, published in 1965, the mathematical content of this book has significantly increased due to the addition of new material, though the size of the book has remained almost unchanged. The new 8th edition contains entirely new results and amendments to the auxiliary conditions that accompany integrals and wherever possible most entries contain valuable references to their source.Over 10, 000 mathematical entriesMost up to date listing of integrals, series and products (special functions)Provides accuracy and efficiency in industry work25% of new material not including changes to the restrictions on results that revise the range of validity of results, which lend to approximately 35% of new updates
User’s Reviews
Editorial Reviews: Review “…if you use this book frequently it’s definitely worth getting the new edition…” –MAA.org, November 2014″The integrals are very useful, but this book includes many other features that will be helpful to the reader, especially graduate students. The sections on Hermite and Legendre polynomials are especially helpful for students of Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics, and Mathematical physics (they won’t have to hunt in several books to find what they need).” –Barry Simon, California Institute of Technology”This book is to the CRC Mathematical Tables as the unabridged Oxford English Dictionary is to Webster’s Collegiate. Besides being big, it’s easy to find things in, because of the way the integrals are organized into classes…It really helped me through grad school.” –Phil Hobbs, Amazon Review Review A trusted tool since 1965, The Table of Integrals, Series, and Products is the definitive reference for integrals for scientists, engineers, physicists, and mathematicians who rely on it when identifying and subsequently solving extremely complex problems. From the Back Cover Table of Integrals, Series, and ProductsEdited by Daniel Zwillinger, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mathematical SciencesA trusted tool since 1965, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products is the definitive reference for evaluating integrals for scientists, engineers, physicists, and mathematicians.This eighth edition of the classic Gradshteyn and Ryzhik Table of Integrals, Series, and Products is a completely revised edition of what is universally acknowledged by mathematical and applied science users as the key reference work concerning integrals and special functions. This new edition contains many new results and corrections to the existing integrals.Key FeaturesOver 10,000 mathematical entriesMost up-to-date listing of integrals, series, and products, including necessary information about special functionProvides accuracy and efficiency in industry work About the Author Dr. Daniel Zwillinger is a Senior Principal Systems Engineer for the Raytheon Company. He was a systems requirements “book boss for the Cobra Judy Replacement (CJR) ship and was a requirements and test lead for tracking on the Ungraded Early Warning Radars (UEWR). He has improved the Zumwalt destroyer’s software accreditation process and he was test lead on an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar. Dan is a subject matter expert (SME) in Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) and is a DFSS SME in Test Optimization, Critical Chain Program Management, and Voice of the Customer. He is currently leading a project creating Trust in Autonomous Systems. At Raytheon, he twice won the President’s award for best Six Sigma project of the year: on converting planning packages to work packages for the Patriot missile, and for revising Raytheon’s timecard system. He has managed the Six Sigma white belt training program. Prior to Raytheon, Dan worked at Sandia Labs, JPL, Exxon, MITRE, IDA, BBN, and The Mathworks (where he developed an early version of their Statistics Toolbox).For ten years, Zwillinger was owner and president of Aztec Corporation. As a small business, Aztec won several Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts. The company also created several software packages for publishing companies. Prior to Aztec, Zwillinger was a college professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the department of mathematics.Dan has written several books on mathematics on the topics of differential equations, integration, statistics, and general mathematics. He is editor-in-chief of the Chemical Rubber Company’s (CRC’s) “Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, and is on the editorial board for CRC’s “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Zwillinger holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He earned his doctorate in applied mathematics from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Zwillinger is a certified Raytheon Six Sigma Expert and an ASQ certified Six Sigma Black Belt. He also holds a pilot’s license. Read more
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
⭐The 3 stars reflect a split rating between what’s there (great!) — and what used to be there (“room for improvement”).This book is indispensible for any self-respecting Theorist or Mathematician: it’s well-organised, time-proven, and has grown from just an integral table into an indispensible resource of a wealth of information. If the integral or special function property is not in here, you probably messed up the calculation. Plenty of useful information was added (about 20 pages): more parameter ranges, more integrals, plus corrections of typos. So I give a 5-star rating for the content that is in the book and for its sturdy binding which allows it to withstand attacks of frustrations and grow in years of service.But 1 star rating for the new, 8th edition relative to the older ones. That’s pretty harsh, so: Why? First, the editors chose to delete chapters 11 (Algebraic Inequalities), 13-16 (Matrices and Related Results, Determinants, Norms, Ordinary Differential Equations) and 18 (Z-Transform) — altogether removing some 70 pages of information which has been there (and has been expanded upon) since at least the 5th edition (1996; I did not check for earlier ones). Some remaining Chapters are renumbered: old 12 to 11, old 17 to 12. That mans the reference numbers of some entries have changed, for the first time since at least the 5th edition. Granted, the book is called “Table of Integrals, Series, Products”, so chapters on Matrices may not appear a natural content. That is the argument the editors give in the Preface, in one sentence, and without specifying what was removed. But that viewpoint is somewhat narrow: The book contains definitions and relations of Special Functions — which are neither integrals, nor series, nor products. Indeed, that confinement of the title had already been broken in the very first, Russian edition. This is no more a compendium of All Things Mathematics: You need another book (most people will choose the NIST Handbook).Second, the new version comes without the CD whih accompanied the hardcopy of the 7th edition. So if you do not want to carry around a heavy book all the time, you need to cough up another 60$ for the Kindle version, on top of what you just bought. Yes, I am that old-fashioned guy who usually find information more quickly in the hardcopy, but wants an electronic version handy for travel.So, this is still an excellent book, but would the editors please return to the more encompassing ideas of the 7th edition — and add at least a free .pdf to the hardcopy? NIST can do that; why not Gradshteyn/Ryzhik?
⭐It is very hard to say a whole a lot about a reference book like this. This is not something you open up and read from the first page to the end. You refer to it when you need to for your computations. I must have referred to it by about two dozen times in the past months, especially for ‘definite integrals’. Often I found what I needed. On a couple of occasions, I could not. Overall, I am reasonably happy with it. It should be in the library of every scientist and engineer.
⭐Greatest for College & Science/Engineering. I still have an older volume that helped me in college 60 years ago. It came in handy. However, the latest edition is greatly enhanced. I may supply one of these to my grandchildren if they go into something technical. Again, I say that this latest edition is an order of magnitude superior!!
⭐I bought an electronic Kindle version which is not well suited for scientific handbooks: there is only upper level of chapters in the contents list and it is difficult to find the subsection you need – you have to scroll over the whole chapter. pdf would be a much better choice than kindle. Formulas look untidy and have a lot of typos. To add insult to injury I was overcharged by $20+ making $78.49 total for a few fiction novels I did not want and do not have time to read.
⭐Very Good!!!
⭐This is a must book to have for physicists, engineers,etc. I used to have an old version. I highly recommended it.
⭐If you call yourself a mathematician this is a must have in your library
⭐Very good book
⭐heißt es in hier in einer englischen Rezension, dem stimme ich zu. Ich hatte das Buch in der Ausgabe von 1957 im Studium wo es mir bei Übungaufgaben gute Dienste leistete und ich gehe davon aus,das tut es heute noch immer.Leider findet sich in Deutschland keiner mehr,der dieses Buch weiter führt- Zum Glück gibt es die amerikanische Ausgabe,Ich konnte die aktuelle Neuausgabe preiswerter bekommen.Ob der Preis von sonst ca.75€ angesichts der doch qualitativ sehr schlechten Bindung gerechtfertigt ist, sei dahin gestellt.Wer intensiver damit arbeitet wird schnell eine Sammlung loser Blätter in Händen haben.Trotz dieses Mankos gibt es 5 Sterne, es ist eben auf neudeutsch “allternativlos”.Book in great condition !
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Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 8th Edition 2014 PDF Free Download
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