The Eye That Sees Itself by Shimon Malin (PDF)



Ebook Info

  • Published: 2004
  • Number of pages: 151 pages
  • Format: PDF
  • File Size: 0.00 MB
  • Authors: Shimon Malin


The Eye That Sees Itself is a collection of small, gem-like essays, exploring the vast domains that open up when one transcends the subject/object mode of perception. They were written by renowned physicist Shimon Malin over a period of twenty years. Combining simple metaphors with a profound perspective based on his own experiences, he leads the reader to new thresholds of awareness.

User’s Reviews

Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:

⭐THE EYE THAT SEES ITSELF is about as good a book on this subject (non-duality) as I’ve ever read. Shimon Malin, being a physicist, caught my attention, in addition to the intriguing title. Basically Malin’s journal entries, there are wonderfully practical nuggets throughout, and many fascinating observations by this scientist / mystic. He definitely sees and experiences some events which are quite helpful / hopeful. Highly recommended for anyone interested in this stuff… P.S.- As of this writing (8-1-18), the book is long out of print, and the publisher gone as well. Alas, this leaves it to the scalpers, charging -at last glance- thousands of dollars for a copy! I will not feed such an enterprise, so I get mine through the library loan program. This book is rare, but certainly NOT impossible to track down…

⭐The self-referential title of this little tome succinctly encapsulates the paradoxical nature of both the subject matter and the writing of the book. Constructed as a collection of short journal like essays about the practice of meditation, it is a personal diary of reflections on what is ultimately an impersonal process. As such, the style here can seem a bit awkward; at times hyper self-conscious and at others detached and abstract. Yet the author has steadfastly pursued his inquiry for quite some time (the book was written over a period of about twenty years) and this has yielded a profound depth and range of insight. However difficult this insight might be to express, I think he succeeds here admirably. I cannot recommend this book too highly, especially for anyone who has taken up and maintained a contemplative practice while still remaining, “in the world.” Here is a taste: “In a moment of real seeing something is happening that is beyond the subject/object mode, though connected to it. One feels, and is, rooted in a background of sparkling subtlety, and out of this background the objects of perception emerge. In a sense such moments are enough. Wanting more is greed. In another sense such moments beckon one to something other than themselves, What is that?”

⭐I’ve been meditating on and off, but mostly on, for 35 years; very on for the last 10, and I’ve personally found the experience of existence to be extremely hard to discuss or to put into words on a page. And so it is with great admiration that I read this book by Shimon Malin who, apart from being an apparently feet-on-the-ground Professor of Physics at Colgate University, is a mystic with a great faculty for putting the ineffable into words.


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